Art Investment

Blitz-interview participants XXVIII Rossiyskogo Antique Salon

The questions correspond to known gallerists AI

An hour before the official opening of the XXVIII Antique Salon we Constantine Babulinym, AI, went around the stands with three "quick question»:

1. With the launch of the year? Feels a positive trend in the antique business?

2. What are the two major works can be noted in the exposure of your picture at this salon?

3. What now there are new trends in the behavior of buyers and where are shifting their tastes?

other issues the participants decided not to torture, not up to them now. But up to the Salon to talk it would be useful, so that meet once more before closing. And yet - opinions.

Anatoly Borovkov. Gallery Russian Avant-Garde 1910-30 gg. »

1. For my portrait subjects (antique books, books Russian avant-garde. - AI .) Situation was so. A year ago I had a buyer who purchased a book Russian avant-garde. Then, in response to the crisis, he disappeared. And now again appeared and began to buy.

2. Of course, this Venetsianov - High-level museum. And - a great job, he was a "blue rose", was the favorite artist of Vrubel . It is known that Vrubel admired his work. And Samokhvalov . Our exposition, as you see, is devoted to women in art - images of women and the work of women artists.

Valery Aksenov. Gallery of the Great Style

1. Has the business activity? Perhaps the changes since the beginning of the year no: no failures, no gifts.

2. Two major works - Adams and Brueghel. Six and seven-digit numbers.

3. Appeared galaxy of new buyers, which focuses on the purchase of interior painting. These are the new owners of money, which appeared after the crisis. Acquire not for investment purposes, and for the registration of premises.

Ildar Galeev. Galeev Gallery

2. First shown in public, this collection of works Ermolayeva . She was kept for 25 years in a foreign private collections and two months ago, was bought by us and brought. From Vera Ermolayeva left crumbs. When arrested, all her works were confiscated and destroyed. Some remained with the students, in particular from Maria Kazan. Heirs of Kazan, risking their lives, saved the shot of the repressed artist.

Many works were sold during 1970-80-ies abroad. There is one major American private collection, which includes masterpieces Ermolayeva. Including suprematistskie things from Vitebsk, from UNOVIS. It is known as a leader UNOVIS. In the American collection are many specimens of book design and illustrations.

And the value of this collection is that it is mounted work. We have only one canvas. But the rest of gouache on paper suggest that these canvases were many. She developed a new plastic principles. Here gouache with a vase - sketch for this work is in the Russian Museum. The collection is sold at random - from 40-60 thousand dollars for gouaches to 150 thousand dollars for a painting. The collection was brought from Europe. In principle, this is a sensation - the appearance of works Ermolayeva on the market in such quantities. She's not at auctions, it is not in "artpraysah", so it is difficult to set prices. If it were the work Sterligova , Christmas, Leporskii , it would cost them much higher. This is despite the fact that Ermolaeva was the leader of the picturesque plastic realism. In this group of students it was number one. But this really her fate.

3. People have become legible. And two, three, or five years ago, I predicted that we were waiting for a renaissance in respect of the 1930's, will be reviewed all price options. Because if we take the German art 1920-30-ies, it is no match does not go with the 1910-mi years.

We have just been a different story. With steep collectors chasing the Knave of Diamonds ", and the entire suite is also chasing the Knave of Diamonds". There is another trend. I know that the first collectors of the country already focused on 1930. Therefore, all now lomanutsya. People need a feeling of novelty, I want to build collections of other principles. Here look at these landscapes Ermolayeva: see that things are a passionate person. And in art is always expensive prized passion. Not calm, not measured, not satisfied, but something with a rod.

Elena Gribonosova-Grebneva. Gallery G.O.S.T. »

1. Beginning this year, better than the beginning of last year.

2. Accent stand gallery "G.O.S.T." at this time - painting and graphics Lev Bruni 1920. Paintings worth 130 thousand, and graphics - 17 thousand dollars.

The second focus - of Pavel Yakovlevich Saltzman . He was a pupil Filonova . Salzman lived a long life. Since the 1940's he lived and worked in Tashkent. In the late 1920's - early 1930's he lived in Leningrad, where he met with Filonov. We have presented several drawings of the 1930's and postwar works. Prices - from 5 thousand dollars to 10 thousand dollars. Here is the sign pattern, similar to the plot of things Filonov worth 7 thousand dollars.

3. We have a feeling that most collectors have switched, returned to the undisputed classic, first name - , Repin , Serov , . The things these authors do not lie around longer than two or three days.

Marina Molchanov. Gallery Elysium »

2. Among the most striking blocks of our exposition - Theaters : «A dancer with a tambourine," "Spanish Flu" (1915 year), made for Tairovskoe theater. "Spanish costume" Goncharova - this thing was made in 1919 specifically for the Paris Gallery Serpentine. were there her best things they did for Diaghilev. For the opening of the exhibition were made albums. Very limited edition, but how exactly - It is not known. It was not a directory. Because in those days, catalogs were thin and usually just listing the titles of works. This was the album - the folder with the attached sheets. And there, as he wrote himself Larionov, were embedded original schedule - work on yellow paper. These albums were given only the most important guests.

Mirjana Marichevich. Gallery Maricevic Fine Art

1. I am a very long time was not in Moscow. On the market, I have read more than felt. But sales this year already, sales are good. Advertise your site is working, it was more useful meetings.

2. Among the major works on our stand - Feshin for 250 thousand dollars and Shumanovich.

3. Are there any new preference among collectors? People always want quality. And now they want the quality at discount prices. Unfortunately, not all the work that we wanted to show time to come. But, hopefully, come next week, and we will update our stand.

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