Art Investment

In the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val opened an exhibition of works which are kept in storerooms

Exhibition of works from the funds of an opportunity to get acquainted with the works of artists, starting with the 1910-ies to date. The purpose of the exhibition - presented to supplement the permanent exhibition of works of unknown material and new nam

Each museum has its own funds - reserves. They are almost inaccessible to a broad audience and therefore are always friendly curiosity. Open storage for all comers - it is not possible, but to publish and display the works stored there - it is necessary, as this is an important part of cultural heritage.

to the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val is one of the biggest challenges - a display of complex, diverse material of Russian art of XX century. Having opened in 2006-2007 in the halls of a new version of the permanent exhibition «Art of XX century», Gallery provided an opportunity for viewers to create a personal understanding of art so controversial a century, to get acquainted with the most famous works of Russian artists.

To promote the assembly composed of the permanent exhibition «Art of XX century» regular rotation works in graphic halls are replaced by thematic impressions sculpture. The current exhibition of works from the funds to continue this work and provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the works of artists, starting with the 1910-ies to date. The purpose of the exhibition - presented to supplement the permanent exhibition of works of unknown material and new names.

Proposed exhibition includes over 100 paintings. This is familiar, but for different reasons, are rarely displayed works ( «Vuzovtsy» (1929) K. Юона , «The woman at the table ( Nana) »(1934) P. Williams ,« Lilac »(1943) P. Konchalovsky ), and paintings, many years ago пополнившие collection, but little known to the viewer (« At the tomb of Lenin »(1924) K. Petrov-Vodkin , «The festival» (1957) Efanova B. , «Last Authorities» (1957) S. Gerasimova , «After the demonstration. (They saw Stalin)» (1949) D. Mochalskogo ).

People are waiting for this opening, sometimes unexpected and amusing. So, undoubtedly, will attract the attention of beautiful triptych «Secrets abstractionism» (1958) F. Reshetnikova , author of the famous painting «Again deuce» (1952 ). Presented as a unique series of friendly caricature artists to academics, executed in bronze in 1962.

The exhibition shows some trends in the domestic arts and the artists, not included in the permanent exhibition, for example, works of the so-called «the Moscow School of Painting» 1960-1970's: M. Birshtein , E. Bragovskogo , M. Ivanova, I. Sorokina , A. Papikyan , K. Friedman .

Display of the exhibit was made possible through the efforts of Department of Scientific Restoration of Arts twentieth century. Among the paintings exhibited for the first time after the completion of the restoration, - «The man and the baboon» (1915) A. Yakovlev , «Crimean landscape» ( 1920) I. Mashkov , «Vegetables. Updated land »(1927), V. Yakovlev,« Our lane morning »(1929) A. Labasa .

Graphics, which includes about 20 works, interesting large sheets that were completed on paper, often matched to the canvas or paper (watercolor A. Gerasimova «Countryside Bath» (1940), pastel E. Katsmana «Summer» (1936) and «Hay removed» (1943), sanguine A. Deineka «behind ball» (1954), «Self-portrait with a pen» (1957) A. Laktionova ).

In the sculpture can be seen more than twenty works performed for the Soviet exhibitions. Among them - «Chaban» (1950) F. Abdurakhmanova and «Labor victory» (1950), V. Sokolov, awarded Stalin Prize.

The exhibition not only reveals a new audience for the material, but also provides insight into the nature of the formation of the collection. Collections of painting of the second half of the twentieth century have continued to grow works of masters of avant-garde direction, which Vasil'ev Yu-MON , the representative of the older generation of artists nonconformists. Since the beginning of 1990 the museum began to receive the works of the masters of modern art. Living in the United States painter L. Sokov gave the museum his sculpture «Stalin with bear foot» (1993). In 1996, the gallery has received work B. Orlov «General. Bust in the spirit of Rastrelli »(1987-1988) and« The Empress. Bust in the spirit of Rastrelli »(1989). Established in those years, the new «Pilot fund» have the work F. Infante , É Gorokhovskaya , O. V. Tobreluts , A. Salakhova and many other now well-known artists.

ends with a display of panels kollazhnye Robert Rauschenberg, a gift to them the Tretyakov Gallery in 1989 after a personal exhibition in Central House of Artists.

This exhibition - part of a long-term program to study and promote the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

The exhibition is open from 3 July to September 14, 2008

Krymsky Val, 10, Halls 60-61


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