Art Investment


LAKTIONOV Alexander Ivanovich

16 (29) may 1910 (Rostov-на-Дону) — 15 марта 1972 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor

From the family of a blacksmith. In his youth he worked as a bricklayer, a painter, a Builder, a draftsman. Initial art education has received in the Rostov art school (1926-1929) А. С. Чиненова. In the early 1930-х lived in Moscow, where he met И. Э. Грабарем, М. В. Нестеровым, С. В. Малютиным, Д. Н. Кардовским.

he Studied at the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture (1932-1938) И. И. Бродского. In 1938 the diploma work: "the Red army produced a wall newspaper (Hero of the Soviet Union Н. В. Юдин visiting scouts-танкистов)" (1938), which, despite criticism С. В. Герасимова ("all things are living apart", "painted all subjects, given the illusion of bright light"), received a rating of "excellent". She continued her education in graduate school LINGAS (1938-1944) И. Э. Грабаря.

he Lived in Leningrad (until 1942), Samarkand (1942-1943, in evacuation), Zagorsk (from spring 1943 until 1947, in evacuation), Moscow (1947), the summer months 1950-60-х conducted in the village of artists of Abramtsevo near Moscow, vacationing in Palanga (1958).

he Worked primarily as a genre painter and portraitist; painted landscapes, still lifes. Tried his hand at lithography and sculpture. Author thematic paintings: "letter from the front" (1947; Stalin prize, 1948), "defender of the Motherland" (1948), "Again I visited... (in Trigorskoye Pushkin)" (1949), "a new apartment" (1952), "embroidery", "pioneer truth" (both — 1954), "Silence" (1967) and others.

have Created an extensive portrait gallery of Soviet military and state figures, representatives of culture and science. The author of paintings and graphic portraits: scientists А. А. Богомольца, И. П. Бардина, И. В. Курчатова, Н. И. Мусхелишвили; artists И. И. Бродского, П. П. Соколова-Скаля; architect А. Н. Душкина; military Н. И. Цыбина, П. Ф. Попковича, В. И. Нифонтова; old Bolsheviks П. И. Воеводина, Ф. Н. Петрова; surgeons А. А. Вишневского, Д. А. Арапова, Б. С. Розванова, А. А. Бочарова; pilots-космонавтов Ю. А. Гагарина, В. В. Николаевой-Терешковой, П. О. Поповича, А. Г. Николаева, В. М. Комарова, П. И. Беляева; artists В. И. Качалова, Н. П. Хмелева, В. О. Топоркова, О. Л. Книппер-Чеховой, М. П. Лилиной, М. М. Тарханова, В. Ф. Шевченко, А. П. Огнивцева, И. В. Ершова, А. В. Жильцова. Created a group portrait of veterans of the scene in the house of the all-Russian theatrical society. А. А. Яблочкиной "Provided old age" (1958-1960);, a number of self-portraits.

For portraits В. М. Комарова, Ф. Н. Петрова and В. И. Воеводина (all — 1967) was awarded the State prize of the USSR them. И. Е. Репина.

From 1935 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of paintings, organized by the Leningrad regional Association of artists in Kronstadt). Exhibited: diploma works by graduates of the Russian Academy of arts (1938), the historic jubilee exhibition of the Academy of arts 1764-1939 (1939), 5-й exhibition of works by Leningrad artists (1940), "two Hundred years of the Academy of arts" (1957) in Leningrad; "XX years of the red army and the Military-морского Navy" (1938), all-Union art exhibitions (1939 — "industry of socialism", 1946, 1947, 1949, 1955), works of Leningrad artists during the great Patriotic war (1942), "30 лет of the Soviet armed forces. 1918-1948" (1948) in Moscow; jubilee Republican exhibition dedicated to the 25th-летию October (1943) in Tashkent and other. Participated in many traveling exhibitions of Soviet painting and graphics in the republics and cities of the RSFSR; exhibitions of Soviet art abroad, including — in Berlin, Dresden, Budapest (1949), Bucharest, Helsinki, Prague, Budapest (1950), Beijing, Shanghai, Canton, Hankow (1954-1956), Damascus, Beirut, Cairo (1955-1956), Sofia, Plovdiv and Bucharest (1956), Wellington and other cities in New Zealand (1957-1958), Budapest, Miskolc, Warsaw, Bucharest, Sofia (1958-1959).

he Taught at LINGAS (1936-1944), the Moscow correspondence pedagogical Institute (1967-1970); Professor (since 1968).

In 1958 удостоен the rank of full member of the USSR Academy of arts, 1969 — national artist of the USSR; awarded the order of red banner of Labor.

he was Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

a Memorial exhibition of the artist shown at the Academy of arts of the USSR in Moscow (1982).

Creativity А. И. Лактионова dedicated to work Д. М. Осипова: "Alexander Laktionov" (M., 1968), Е. В. Николаевой and И. Г. Мямлина: "Aleksandr Ivanovich Laktionov" (M., 1978).

Works are in major Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum and others.

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