Imperial Pushkin and relics in the "House of antique books in Nikitsky"
26 and 27 September "House of antique books in Nikitsky" will hold two unique auction: "the Art that belonged to the kings" (the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty) and "Eastern" (auction all lifetime editions of Pushkin and not only)
26 and 27 September 2013 in Moscow in the "House of antique books in Nikitsky" will host two unique auction. Presented at auctions monuments of literature and art — witnesses of the glorious days of the Golden period of Russian statehood XVII @the beginning of the XX. veka@
- " the Art, which belonged to the kings". Auction dedicated 400-летию the House of Romanov. At auction the collection of the Imperial relics, paintings, graphics, decorative works-прикладного art, autographs, documents, photographs, books — a unique ensemble of Museum znaczenia@
- "All Pushkin". a bid, which will be offered to all lifetime editions of Pushkin, edition of the poets of the Pushkin pleiad, portraits of legendary women, inspired the poet and Dr@
/ 26 September 2013 /
the Art, which belonged to the kings
Among more than 400 lots of memorabilia of representatives of the Romanov dynasty, autographs, documents, rare unpublished family photographs of Russian emperors and Grand Dukes, decorative-прикладного art, painting and graphics associated with the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich to Nicholas II.
Unique decorative object-прикладного art is silver altar cross lush decorative plaques, champlevé enamel, semi-precious stones, created by masters 1-й Moscow jewelry cooperative. The Church was built with money collected by the officers, officials and Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack army, and presented to the Imperial family in honor of 300-летия of the Romanov dynasty, making it not an ordinary gift, and a symbol of class and national varnosti@
Among the paintings draw attention portrait of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich from the collection of the descendants of the Decembrist Prince S. P. Trubetskoy and the image of the Imperial residence at Livadia work L. Lagorio from the collection of L. O. Utesov. To interesting lots are also carved miniatures on bone famous Kholmogory workshop of the late eighteenth century, portrait miniature of count G. G. Orlov and count P. V. Zavadovskogo@
Top-лотом among the photographic works is a unique album of photographs from the collection of Kira Kirillovna Romanova, youngest daughter of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, with the image of the Romanov dynasty. Collected in the album images cover the period 1860-х–1910-х godov@
Ancient art presents the works of the late seventeenth– the beginning of the eighteenth century masters of the Moscow Armory. In the collection of the auction also icons of XIX – early XX century — monuments of Russian painting, painted porcelain, silver case, enamel masterstva@
On the auction will feature an extensive collection Imperial menu, dedicated to the coronation ceremonies, anniversaries members of the Imperial family, the Imperial military and civil societies. Menu based on sketches by famous Russian artists V. Vasnetsov, , A. Vasnetsov, , A. Benoit, Boris Zworykin, S. Solomko, S. Yaguzhinsky, E. Lephart@
E catalog auction # 17 "Painting, drawing, decorative-прикладного art, autographs, photographs, documents, books — 400-летию House of Romanov" available on the website of the "House of antique books in Nikitsky." The printed version of the catalog will be ready by 12 sentyabrya@
/ 27 September 2013 /
All Pushkin
Russia's First auction, which will feature all lifetime editions of the poet: from the first publication — poem "To a friend the poet", the first book of "Ruslan and Lyudmila" novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" in all three editions, published during the poet's lifetime, to log Pushkin's Sovremennik.
According to General Director of "House of antique books in Nikitsky" Sergei Burmistrov, "this is unprecedented, as the open auctions in Russia have never before had presented such a collection in his lifetime Pushkiniana".
in Addition, the auction will be exhibited undescribed in the literature rare engravings and lithographs 1830-1840-х,, inspired by the works of Pushkin "Talisman" and "prisoner of the Caucasus"; lifetime editions of the poets Pushkin environment. One of the notebooks of rarities is the last issue of the magazine "Telescope" with "Philosophical letter" of Peter Chaadaev. From-за the publication of this letter, the magazine was banned, editor N. I. Nadezhdin exiled, Chaadaev himself declared insane, published a letter seized Tsentoroi@
To trading offered watercolor portraits and miniatures depicting the mystery of Pushkin's Muse Anna Alexeyevna Venison, which the poet dedicated many poems, Princess Zinaida Aleksandrovna Volkonskaya — famous hostess of a literary salon on Tverskaya, which Pushkin wrote "the Queen of muses and beauty, / a gentle Hand hold you / Magic scepter inspirations..." and Alexandra Osipovna Smirnova-Россет which, in the words of the classic, "Laughed feisty crowd, / Judged sensibly and bright, / And jokes anger the black / Wrote straight ahead...".
Auction will be of interest to collectors Pushkin almanacs — it will include full sets of "Contemporary" and "Polar star"; separate rooms almanacs "Northern flowers", "Nevsky almanac", "Urania" and others. Fans of illustrated books will enjoy the luxury of Pushkin books, decorated by outstanding Russian artists V. Matutinum, V. Shukhaev, V. Vasnetsov, S. Malyutin, B. Zvorykin@
Among collectibles "Pushkiniana" — sculptural works "Decembrists" and "Pushkin", performed at the State porcelain factory on models N. Danko in 1925 and 1937, as well as original graphic sketch of a costume Zarema ballet V. Asafiev "the fountain of Bakhchisarai", performed by renowned artist Valentina Khodasevich. The work comes from the collection of the famous Russian ballerina Tatiana Vecheslav@
E catalog auction # 18 "the Whole Pushkin. Rare lifetime editions of Pushkin, poets of Pushkin's circle; pieces of painting, graphics and decorative-прикладного art associated with the name of the poet" is available on the website of the "House of antique books in Nikitsky." The printed version of the catalog will be ready by 12 sentyabrya@
Auction exhibition will be held from 19 to 25 September from 10 to 20 hours (daily except Mondays) address: Moscow, Nikita lane, 4A, page 1. ("House of antique books in Nikitsky"). The auctions will take place at the same address on 26 September at 19:00, 27 September at 15:00. For all questions please contact us by phone: 8 (985) 969 7745 or 8 (495) 926 4114.
Source: press-релиз "House of antique books in Nikitsky"
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