Hits auctions ARTinvestment.RU. Anatoly Slepyshev. Demand, prices, investment
Continue the story of the artists whose works are in high demand in the auction, — on those who vote with their pocketbooks. These authors better known to experts and connoisseurs, but they have high affordability for buyers
Continue the story of the artists whose works are in high demand at auction ARTinvestment.RU, — about those who vote with their money. It is noticed that the authors of our auction hits more known to experts and connoisseurs, but not to the public. Their shows are extremely rare and usually not in large halls. But they are United by high affordability for a wide range of customers. Collectors are available in hard work in the range of up to 100 000 rubles. And this tactical undervaluation is an additional motive for investment purchases. Last time we discussed the market works Igor Voroshilov, and the theme today @work mdash Anatoly Stepanovich slepysheva (1932).
In his time a famous collector told me, that departing to Israel in 1980-е years, took out a work slepysheva as currency. As a means of savings or investment asset. Just do not remember, but the feelings, was worth his paintings then about 1 000. In those times, when salaries were 120-300 rubles, and the dollar was 8-12 rubles. That is the current money will probably get about 200 000. The practice of investment in work slepysheva was common, and that success, I'm not surprised. About works of Moscow artist many colleagues at-прежнему say breathy — heard. His paintings are peculiar and dynamics, and narrative prowess. The case when there is no need to explain anything to anyone, to decipher the formal aspect, the conceptual basis and try to persuade. Like itself. Add to this the factor affordable prices (from 95 000 rubles per canvas) — and the nature of success in the auction becomes absolutely obyasnimo@
SLEPYSHEV, Anatoly Stepanovich (1932) Horse ride. 2002
the Canvas. 60 × 80
Price: 250 000
record for the work of Anatoly slepysheva at auction ARTinvestment.RUSLEPYSHEV, Anatoly Stepanovich (1932) Winter
the Canvas. 131 × 195
02.06.2014. Christie's, London. Lot # 74
Evaluation of the auction (estimate): 8 000-12 000 lbs
Price: 16250 lbs
the Most expensive painting slepysheva sold at international auctions over the last three years
to Find in the published biographies slepysheva restlessness, tragedy and the restlessness that is inherent in many sixties, you are unlikely to succeed. Everything went relatively smoothly: studied at the Surikov in the Studio Deineka; since 1967 — in the Union of artists, initially in the monumental section, later adding graphics section of the Moscow Union. The exhibition at the Kuznetsk bridge, workshop, creative journeys. If you follow the guide "Other art", the first solo exhibition slepysheva — it's 1971, at the House of architects. At the same time — participation in projects of "unofficial" artists. High-profile exhibitions of the "other art" — "House of Culture" at ENEA (1975), permitted "Izmailovo", appartment in Nicholas Andrievich in the Studio Michael Odnoralova, etc. Exhibited with rubles a, Roginsky and others In 1980-м participated in the exhibition "19 Moscow artists" on Malaya Gruzinskaya — all first names, including Nemukhin, Yankilevsky, Krasnopevtseva, Zvereva, Kabakov etc. All in the "Other art" in the period from 1970-го 1988-й, there is mention of the 16 exhibitions in which he participated Slepyshev. A lot. Besides, this list is certainly not complete. The guide ends with the 1988 year — on a single auction at Sotheby's in the USSR, in hammerovskom centre, 2-7 July. And at these resonant auction also exhibited three works Anatoly Slepyshev@
circle all quite peaceful and relatively safely. Yes and thank God, at least someone-то all is well. 82 years, honored artist of Russia, member of the Academy of arts, laureate of the State prize (2002). On the official website slepyshev.ru — word recognition from françois Mitterrand, Catherine Deneuve, Edison Denisov, Ilya Kabakov status and other collectors. Picture — the best collections of Russian museums (Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum, the Russian Museum, etc.) and of the world. Good work in the collection of Norton Dodge, luxury items — in the Kolodzei Foundation. There is work slepysheva in the collection of Igor Markin, in the collection of Alexander Kronik and many other famous Kollektsia@
What else we know from the publications? My teacher Slepyshev thinks Arthur Fonvizin — representative of the "silent art", one of the "three f" (Falk, Tabor, Fonvizin), which were respected by many of the sixties. Quite early on he developed his own very recognizable style (slepysheva, and the truth is, no one will confuse) — sweeping stroke, generating a profile trembling. It does not tolerate hatred of themselves to the Impressionists: "don't love them. No Monet or Renoir or Cezanne... Although I understand that they — geniuses. But my painting is quite different. I have all the material should be. If it's earth, it must be heavy, weighty, tough. Don't need to pass in detail, in detail, like, say, Laktionova, and that the image itself was born out of painting, from color combinations".
all available online-базах history of observation over the last 25 years) at foreign and Russian auctions sold about 120 works slepysheva. This is a very good indicator which suggests that the artist is firmly in auction clip. Eleven of these works managed to overcome a lath in $ 10,000. The majority of records had predictable for 2007-2008, when there was a peak of interest in Russian art in General and "other art" in particular. However, absolute auction record for creativity slepysheva was set in the distant 1990-м year in new-Йорке. Almost two-metre canvas painting set of 6 pieces "Strogino" (1966) was sold then for $ 43,000, including the Commission. The record is so old that even pictures couldn't find. Nowadays (in the last three years) the most expensive painting slepysheva was "Winter", also under two meters in February 2014 at London's Christie's paid for it just over 27 thousand dollars. Generally, it's nice that most good results slepysheva were achieved at a very decent auctions — Sotheby's, Christie's, Phillips. This is a great plus@
If you come down with exorbitant record heaven to earth, and to earth Russian, there is a demand for the artist's work is met much more money available. For example, on our auctions ARTinvestment.RU most canvases slepysheva of class size of 60 × 80 or 80 × 100 sold in the range of 100 000-150 000 rubles without a fee. In recent times, the prices are increasingly seeking in a higher range, from 200 000. What's the record for our auction AI was installed in June 2014, when "Horseback riding" slepysheva in a bitter struggle was won by the buyer for $ 250 000 plus Commission. In General it is safe to say that the demand for a good, stable and the probability of sale for the week at our auction is 70-80 %. On the dynamics of our index ARTIMX, contingent 1000 dollars invested in the arts slepysheva last August, a year later became 1062 dollar. There is a sense that the growth rate of prices will increase, but what-то a dramatic leap in the coming year can be expected. That is, all the conditions were to buy intelligently, without spaski@
How to choose a job that you already know. For painting slepysheva preferred the size that will not become a burden for the owner. About one meter, a little less or a little more, — normal. Plot for investment purposes it is better to take quieter, but for yourself — that I like: landscapes, genre scenes, erotica (in Soviet times there were cases that for her paintings slepysheva even removed from exhibitions). Personally, I in his work is closer to religious subjects. But here we must remember that at the paintings with biblical themes has always been difficult to find a buyer. That is, for the investment objectives of such a plot — in the negative. Otherwise — Council ordinary: if you saw a good thing — grab, and the money then narabotaetsya@
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