Art Investment

Auctions of art


Painting, drawing, arts and crafts and used books at the Auction house № 1

At the auction on 24 June 2020 will feature about 600 lots of Russian, Soviet and Western European art


Auction of Russian decorative-прикладного art Sotheby's Russian Works of Art brought in £2,37 million

The auction catalog, which represents the second part of "Russian week" Sotheby's in London, sold by 66.5 %


Auction philocarty, graphics and antique paper house "KABINET" June 18,

Bidding the auctioneer will conduct the online. Start bidding at 14:00. In the directory — 301 lot


Open 334-е the Auction and XX curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: seventeen paintings, five of the original sheets and one — printed graphics, four works in mixed media, one sculpture, one porcelain dish and a job executed by the digital printing


The results of the Auction № 333

Lots sold amounting to more than 3.3 million buyers — Magadan, Lipetsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk


Sotheby's has lost a court to the Ministry of culture of Greece for the sale of sculptures of the VIII century BC.

This decision can affect the entire market of antiquities


Considered to be lost the work of Konstantin Somov "Old ballet" was sold at the auction house Millea Bros. for $425 thousand.

This result — the best auction in the history of the artist over the past five years


Cancelled-за pandemic La Biennale Paris 2020 will be held in the form online-аукциона

The auction, organized in partnership with the auction house Christie's, will be held from 10 to 21 September 2020


Open 333-и the Auction and XIX curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: nineteen paintings, five original leaves and one — printed graphics, two works in mixed media, two sculptures, and the work done by digital printing


Auction REFRESH:RELOAD has become the most successful online-аукционом in the history of the house Phillips

The auction catalog was sold to 90 %, more than half of buyers — new customers Phillips


After the first quarantine Christie's auction in Paris brought more than €15 million

Top-лотом was the work of Belgian artist Theo van Rysselberghe, sold for more than €5 million


The results of the Auction No. 332

Sold 12 lots for the sum more than 3 million rubles


"Russian week" in London: the unexpected results of Sotheby's Russian Pictures

Sold more than 70 % of the lots for a total of £5.6 million ($6.9 million)


Invaluable has published a report on the auction market in the face of a pandemic

According to published reports, already by the middle of April 2020-го in the world conducted on 607% more online-аукционов than in all of 2019


Open 332-е the Auction and XVIII curator's auction "twenty-first century. Contemporary Russian art"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: sixteen paintings, eight original leaves and two — printed graphics, one work in mixed media, lot of two porcelain and one paper, made digital printing


Sotheby's has announced the auction of a high level in the new format

The auction catalog, scheduled July 28 in the format of the Evening auction, will combine the masterpieces of old masters, impressionism, modernism and contemporary art


The results of the Auction No. 331

Sold 14 lots for the sum about 3 million roubles


Paddle8 is selling off its intellectual property, including client list

This step — part of bankruptcy proceedings, which now runs the auction house


Sotheby's announced the auction, which will be presented the whole palette of Picasso

In the auction catalog The World of Picasso will include ceramics, photography, painting etc. works, part of which comes from the collection of the artist's granddaughter Marina Picasso


Russian and Western European art in the house "Russian enamel"

In the auction catalogue — 531 lot: icons and Church utensils, silver, enamel, jewelry, glass, porcelain, bronze, etc.


Painting, drawing, arts and crafts and used books at the Auction house № 1

At the auction will feature approximately 500 lots of Russian, Soviet and Western European art


Opened 331-е the Auction and 17-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: eighteen paintings, five original leaves and one — printed graphics, three works in mixed media, one sculpture and two works made in digital printing


Dorotheum will hold a Week of classical art, which will feature Russian artists

Among the top-лотов — of the work of Jose Ribera, Pieter Brueghel, Egon Schiele and Tamara de Lempicka


The results of the Auction № 330

Sold 60 % of the lots for the sum more than 3 million rubles


Russian and Western European paintings and graphics in the house "Russian enamel"

Special auction online with the participation of the auctioneer. Participation in the hall lifted. Available all methods of remote participation: absentee bids, phone bidding, online, synchronous with the audience


Online-аукцион contemporary art at Sotheby's earned a record $13.7 million

The result is Contemporary Art Day auction: An Online Auction, held from 4 to may 14, 2020, exceeded the previous record two times


Opened 330-е the Auction and 16-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: fifteen paintings, original six sheets and three — printed graphics, three works in mixed media and one sculpture


The results of the Auction № 329

New left hand 10 lots totaling about 5 million rubles


Open 329-е the Auction and 15-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — 30 lots: fifteen paintings, five original leaves and one — printed graphics, five works in mixed media, two sculptures, one porcelain composition and one work, executed in the technique of giclee — digital printing


The results of the Auction № 328

Note: AI appeal to customers, subscribers and friends of the site


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