Art Investment

Online-аукцион contemporary art at Sotheby's earned a record $13.7 million

The result is Contemporary Art Day auction: An Online Auction, held from 4 to may 14, 2020, exceeded the previous record two times

With hammer away 96% of the 117 lots directory, a — higher than the estimate. Among the top-лотов was decorative composition enamel on aluminum Christopher wool "untitled", sold for the lower estimate for $1.2 million, the work of Brice Marden with "cover art" auction catalog "Window number 4" sold for $1.1 million, and the work of esitomo Bench "Witchcraft (Witching)" 1999-го year, spent over $740 thousand with start at $600 thousand.

the Work of the authors of the orbit of Russian art at these auctions was represented by the works of Jules Olitski and Sleigh Kantarovski, sold for $47.5 and $52,5 thousand, respectively.

Nicole Schloss, co-head of Sotheby's Day Auctions of Contemporary Art in new-Йорке, noted that "the sale of the two works above $ 1 million — indicator of the health of the market... and a sign that sales in the upper market segment will continue to grow in the future, larger and more ambitious online-торгах". In the same vein, expressed and Max Moore, the second co-head of Sotheby's Day Auctions New York Auctions in new-Йорке: "the Results of the auction, which ended Thursday, are a measure of the strength of the market at the moment, as well as the growing opportunities online-продаж. We witnessed active bidding not only on the upper segment of the market, but also works of young, promising artists."

this year, online-продажи works of art at Sotheby's have exceeded the amount of $100 million, however, the past auction Contemporary Art Day: An Online Auction — best example of the growth segment online-продаж. Thus, at the moment, the growth of online-продаж auction house was 370 % compared to 2019.


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