Art Investment

Today Sotheby's auction opens in London

Directories of auctions 2 and 3 June — paintings by Soviet artists from the collection of the International Confederation of unions of Artists as well as masterpieces from the largest private collection of Russian avant-garde, including the work of Malevich

Today and tomorrow, 2 and 3 June, auction house Sotheby's holds in London Russian auctions. In the catalogs of the four auctions includes works from two renowned collections — meeting of the International Confederation of unions of Artists and the largest German private collection of Russian avant-garde. From the first meeting put up for auction of 22 paintings by Soviet artists — this is the first such representative collection of Soviet art in the history of Sotheby's auction. And from a German private collection will be offered 11 paintings of the early twentieth century, most of them never before exhibited at the auction. Top-лотом this collection will be the work of Kasimir Malevich "a peasant's Head" — for the first time a work by Malevich appear at auction since the sale of "Suprematist composition" for $ 60 million at Sotheby's in 2008. "Head of a peasant" is among the last significant works by the artist remaining in private collections.

Russian art Auction, which will be held in London on 3 June, represents more than 200 products Russian porcelain, reflecting the development of Russian culture, history and industry over the last two centuries.

the Schedule of Russian auction Sotheby's:

June 2: Evening auction of Russian art

June 3: Daily auctions of Russian art

June 3: Russian and Soviet Porcelain 1825-1985 years from a private collection

June 3: Russian art, fabergé and Icons

Twenty-two works from the collection of the International Confederation of Union of Artists

In the evening and day auctions at Sotheby's on 2 and 3 June will feature 22 paintings and graphic works from the famous collection of the International Confederation of unions of artists, the successor of the Union of Artists — one of the few organizations with the right to purchase works from artists during the Soviet era. Over the decades of its existence, the Union of Artists collected almost 50 thousand works. Today it funds comparable to the collections of major Russian museums on the range and diversity of products.

At the evening auction on June 2 will showcase the work of Museum-quality brushes Alexander Deineka, George of Nyssa and Pimenova. Each of them was at one time purchased directly from the author and was first put up for sale.

This famous work of Deineka created in the years when the artist has already received recognition. It is often called the "last great achievement", a kind of "Swan song", as a creative path. In the picture the influence of constructivism. Characteristic Deineka picture muscular, strong, sometimes deliberately rough figures, gives way to the image of femme fatale — feminine, but at the same time confident and strong. The picture has participated in numerous exhibitions and can be called the most important work of Deineka, ever put up for auction.

In the film "Memories of a military ration bread" Yury Pimenov contrasts the difficult war times, the optimism is this: the exhausted people in the picture are located in the light-floodedthe room where there is food and wine.

One of the iconic images of the postwar era and the first major work of the artist at a public auction. The painting was done during the rapid development of the aviation industry. The Central place on the canvas is the plane that symbolizes the latest achievements of technology, and the remnants of the past: an old cart, a lone figure, and a Church spire visible in the far horizon. A slightly older version of the leaf is in the collection of the State Russian Museum.

the Collection of Russian avant-garde

From a German private collection for an evening auction will be exhibited 11 paintings of the early twentieth century, most of them never went to public auction. The collection includes one of the most important works. Mikhail Larionov when-либо put up for auction, as well as early paintings Aristarchus Lentulov, Kirill Zdanevich, Varvara Stepanova and a graphical sketch of Kazimir Malevich. Such a significant collection of Russian avant-garde put up for public auction for the first time.

on Canvas "Children with parasols" by Aristarkh Lentulov refers to the period of existence of the artistic group "Jack of diamonds", very popular among collectors in the last decade. The canvas has participated in major exhibitions. The last time it was put up for an auction 40 years ago.

"Memiliki test" — is one of the most significant paintings by Mikhail Larionov from remaining in private hands. Her flat shapes, bold outlines and simple composition demonstrating all the characteristics of Larionov's best works of this period. The last time the canvas was exhibited in the UK in 1961. This event is noted in the famous list of the works of Larionov and Natalia Goncharova, published Eli Eganbyuri in 1913. In addition, when-то this work was in the famous collection of Eugene Robin, who owned and Larionov's early masterpiece "the Blue pig", now in the collections of the centre Pompidou.

Fascinating provenance and well-documented history of participation in exhibitions gives the study of Malevich's "head of a peasant" special value. The sketch to a monumental lost canvas "Peasantthe funeral" was one of the 70 works exhibited by the artist in Berlin in 1927, they were left by the artist in Germany. Works by Malevich of the market, perhaps once a decade.

Such a big beautiful work of Kirill Zdanevich for the first time put up for auction. Once the painting "Cafe "Etual"" belonged to Mikhail Larionov. The picture shows the fascination of artists of the first wave of the Russian avant-garde folk and primitive art. Zdanevich portrayed the owner of the tavern during a trip to Georgia with his brother, the work refers to the patterns Pirosmani.

"Pure composition" Alexandra Exter is a striking example of the artist's work of the mid 1920-х years old when she was influenced by Fernand léger and amédée Santana. This still life with bottles and glasses once belonged to the collection Seeds Lissima (new-Йорк).

"Figure with guitar" — first major work of Varvara Stepanova at auction recently. She is depicted in the photograph, which was filmed in leased Kandinsky in 1920, the apartment, and belongs to a series of paintings of musicians, circus performers and athletes in different poses, initiated by the artist between 1919 and 1921.

Other tops-лоты upcoming auction

Auction of works of Russian decorative-прикладного art 3 Jun

Day auction June 3, present a collection of rare items related to the history and culture of Russia. In particular, the catalog includes more than 200 statues of the largest private collection of Soviet porcelain. The expected total cost of collection will exceed 1 million pounds.

an Important place in the auction is and works of the jewelry house of Faberge. Two precious cigarette case that belonged to last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her father-in-law, Emperor Alexander III, for the first time will be offered for sale more than 100 years since their manufacture. But the most interesting item in the upcoming auction will be a magnificent silver casket Faberge inspired Russian fairy tales. Made in the form of the head of the warrior from Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the impressive thing weighing more than five kilograms sold for 350-500 thousand pounds.

the Imperial gifts

Silver cigarette case, engraved with signatures of the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her five children, was presented to Nikolay Dmitriyevich Semenov-Тянь-Шаньскому — flotsom young officer who served on the Royal yacht "polar Star" and "Standard". At the time the case was worth $ 100, which was equal to six-month earnings of unskilled labor.

Gold cigarette case inlaid with diamonds, was donated in 1890 by Alexander III inspector of the Paris police Henri-Огюсту of Lose in gratitude for saving his life: Lose prevented an attempt on the king by a group of Russian students-нигилистов. At that time the price of this cigarette case was 2 956 rubles, which was equal to the cost of a large apartment in Saint-Петербурге.

jewelry, house of Faberge

a jewelry box, decorated with the image awakened by Ruslan "Head" of Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", — is one of the few silver items from Faberge to the tune of Russian folk tales. They belong to the most "Russian" works in the history of this famous house. Jewelers Faberge is always distinguished by the generous use of precious metals in their products, but this box holds a special place. Its weight exceeds five pounds, and length is 29.5 cm other Faberge items presented in this group, also have a very solid weight.

Russian and Soviet porcelain, 1825-1985. Private collection

the core of the collection of Russian and Soviet porcelain, including more than 200 lots, about 150 expressive genre figures of the XIX–XX centuries, full of subtle humor, the characterization and genuine hilarity.

skillfully executed by the best masters of applied ceramics in Russia for over two centuries, the figures reflected the outstanding achievements of the history of Russia, such as the triumphal expedition of Papanin at the North pole in 1937 and space flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961. In this unique historical heritagealong with the heroes of the popularly beloved operas, ballets, and literary works are present and characters from every day life: the fishmonger and the sellers of firewood, children playing and even a drunkard.

the close relationship between the new ideology and Soviet porcelain factories, at the time, drew the attention of the art critic Eric Hollerbach, who wrote in 1929 that the porcelain has become a "mirror of the revolution".

the Art of porcelain sculptures of small forms holds a special place in the life and history of Russia. And this collection, like its constituent figures, gathered for many years with wit and talent, and most importantly — with meaning.

Ivan Papanin and his comrades — hydrobiologist Pyotr Shirshov, geophysicist Yevgeny Fyodorov and radioman Ernst Krenkel — arrived in Leningrad in March 1938, immediately after he received the title of hero of the Soviet Union in honor of the successful completion of the expedition on the drifting station at the North Pole. Their expedition was the epitome of enthusiasm and desire for new discoveries, so characteristic of the Soviet Union.

the work of the "Farmers, or the Voroshilov girls-стрелки" was a reflection of the campaign of military training among the civil population of the USSR. Military training, including the ability to disassemble and use a rifle, gas mask and first aid became mandatory for all workers.

In the interpretation of the image "Stove, sell things in the market" (in order to survive, not being able to get a job) is significantly dismissive attitude to the character; the woman's face is hidden behind a veil, it is like hiding in shame for his pitiful condition, her beauty in the past, as, indeed, her whole life.

the Figure of "a red Army man or Partisan on the March" was created in the memory of the events of October 1919, when in the most difficult period of the Civil war, the Bolshevik government experienced serious difficulties with the outfit recruits, most of whom had to wear their usual coats and boots. The curator of the Russian Museum and Mstislav Farmakovsky recalled in 1924 that saw thousands of young men in 1919 in Petrograd: " is hard in its dangling rags from one victory to another; it tacky, but again and again, in the battle@the semicolon are persecuting him away, but he again comes and surrounds the enemy. All of Europe is against him — and he survives in spite of everything;Он — это весь русский народ, с присущей ему неизмеримой стойкостью; в нем источник нашей силы, нашей выносливости, залог нашего существования».

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