Art Investment

The art of economy class. The situation on the market

37 % of the works purchased in the Russian auctions over the past year, cost less than the iPhone 6

Myth fabulously expensive art easily takes hold of the mass consciousness. No wonder: we tell captivating stories about the Kabakov six million dollars, something about bacon over one hundred and forty-two, something about Cyprus Degas six million. And over time, suddenly it turns out that many middle class people do not think about how to buy — no matter what purpose. We can understand them. People interested in culture, avoid auctions and galleries for the same reason that and salons luxury cars: why go, if everything is clear. Meanwhile, to judge prices on art records Sotheby's — it's like to judge the Moscow real estate market on the complexities of the estate will Smith.

I will not Argue: painting masterpieces by artists of the first row is really only available to the rich. But on our art market has its own budget segment. And he was quite impressive. Many do not even know that 37 % of lots sold in the past year@67@ on the Russian auctions, cost less $ 1,000. Almost every owner of iPhone 6 could afford the schedule of the famous sixties Sveshnikov, Chubarov, Sobolev-Нолева, a small painting Katya Medvedeva, works by famous contemporary artists, Yes a lot of things. Would desire... And why not — that is another conversation. Abroad, incidentally, is also very similar situation. There 51 % of works sold in 2013 at auctions, cost less $ 1,000@67@. However, a thousand dollars — this is probably supereconomy". Often in foreign report uses a different gradation @contribute up to $ 5,000. Its probably there, and consider the boundary mass demand. Indeed, in the West, 80 % of works sold at auction, included in this group. And we in Russia almost as much — 72,5 % on works sold at prices up to $ 5,000 vluchteling.

for the sake of Fairness I must say that $ 5,000 — that is under 200 000 rubles — it for our latitudes is already too much. In the experience of our own auction ARTinvestment.RU I would have lowered the bar of mass demand at least twice — to 100 000 rubles. 35 % sold in us for the year of the lots belonged to this category. And even here, of course, you need to realize that people who buy art for 100, 000 rubles as a rule, have a monthly income of about 300 000-500 000 rubles (this is information from private conversations with our pokupatelem).

On what can count the buyer with a budget of up to 100,000 rubles? In the experience of our own auction for the money you are already picky to choose painting Anatoly slepysheva, buy good Anatoly Zverev, individual work Alexander Labasa, art Ilya Tabenkinbest work Igor Voroshilovgraphics Tatiana Mavrina, watercolor Maximilian Voloshin, original graphics Oscar Rabin, complex compositions Andrey Grositskygraphics Ernst Neizvestny Vladimir Nemukhin. In General-то, with that kind of money fantasy collector opens wide Proctor.

If we talk about "super-эконом-класс" @contribute up to $ 40,000, this area of good ideas on the chart, although sometimes there are also options for painting. With that budget you can buy pictures Boris Sveshnikov, Eugene Chubarova, Victor Kazarin, Vladimir Yakovlev, Vladimir Pyatnitsky, Yuri Sobolev-Нолеваand the lottery drawing the first names of the artists unofficial art (Ilya Kabakov, Vladimir Nemukhin, Oscar Rabin, Mikhail Shemyakin, Viktor Pivovarov) and porcelain of the sixties (Vladimir Yankylevsky, Vladimir Nemukhin, Oleg Tselkov), painting Katya Medvedeva and Vladimir Maslov, and if lucky, and compact works of famous modern hudozhnikov.

In General, anyway, and rather narrow circle of those who bought or is thinking about how to buy works of art for themselves, precisely I cannot explain alone the cost of living. And similarly no illusions that people are able to safely spend 40 000-100 000 rubles, mass rush to buy art, if they shall know that it is quite expensive. Will not rush. As not rushed, for example, many of my friends. Don't feel potrebnosti.

it turns out that We generally tend to greatly exaggerate the need for cultural people to see at home or in the office paintings, prints, etc. Even those who sincerely loves art and enjoys going to the exhibition. Third world statistics confirms this. Recently, colleagues from Skate's has published a report Skate's Art Fairs Report, from which it follows that in the world of those who visit the exhibition, only 1.6 % go to art fairs@6

7@. And it is only those theoretical considering buying art. But the real buyers even less. With multimillionaires, by the way, about the same story. Estimated 2013 World Wealth Report, on average, millionaires invest in art, only 1,67 % of his fortune. Collectors of art objects among rich people, surprisingly, not so mnogo.

it Turns out that knowledge about prices — is important, but only a small part of a complex and long-term educational process. Formation process of intellectual inquiry and fashion on art. But money is not the main constraint: every twentieth auction item ARTinvestment.RU cost less 15 000 rubley.

1 the Calculation was carried out for the period from October 2013 to October 2014. Source: own data ARTinvestment.RU.

2 According to Source:

3 According to the report, annual attendance of 80's largest art-ярмарок is about 1.2 million people, while annual audience of the 10 largest museums — 72 million people. Source:

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