Art Investment

“Russian Week” Sotheby's and Christie's. Forecast trades

Among the top lots in London auction - works by Mikhail Nesterov, Boris Kustodiev, Basil Shuhaeva and first names of Russian Art

At the beginning of June in London will host the next «Russian Week». ARTinvestment.RU tells about the most interesting lots, which will present the major auction houses - Sotheby's and Christie's.

Sotheby's June 8

Mikhail Nesterov. The holy warriors Peresvet and Oslyabya. The beginning of the 1920's

Constantine Kryzhitsky. Landscape. 1908

Nicholas Roerich. Treasure. 1919

Christie's June 9

Oleg Vasiliev. Birch grove on the outskirts of Moscow. 1993

Oscar Rabin. Violin in the cemetery. 1970

Alexander Kosolapov. Woman to ikre. 2000

Ernst Neizvestny. Mask. 1985

Oleg Dou. Neck. From the series Naked Faces. 2006

Sotheby's June 9

Alexander Kosolapov. Lenin Coca-Cola. 1980

Alexei Kostroma. Blue butterfly with black spots. 2008

Dmitry Krasnopevtsev. The composition with the tree. 1967

Anatoly Osmolovsky. No name. From the series «Bread». 2007

Sotheby's on 10 June

Yuri Annenkov. Was uncovered

Igor Grabar. Winter landscape

Mikhail Larionov. Sketch of a costume for the production of «Natural History»

Paul Mack. Russian Beauty. 1945

Pavel Mansurov. Composition. 1970

Sotheby's June 8

June 8, at New Bond Street will be held the evening auction of Russian art, organized by auction house Sotheby's. Customers will be offered 28 lots.

The highest estimeyt received a picture of Boris Boris Kustodiev «Country Fair» (1920). Small blithesome canvas (57,5 x 57,5), Sotheby's experts evaluated in 1-1,5 million pounds sterling. Interestingly, the previous auction results of this work was much more modest - 49.2 thousand pounds on «Russian bid» Sotheby's 14 December 1995. According to AI, the previous owner's investments will pay off in more than 20 times, and the price of care may amount to 1 million pounds. The second estimeytu, following the «village fair», to the early work Michael Mikhail Larionov . Unusual heavily on amateur canvas «Flowers on the Veranda», written in 1902, has received an assessment specialist auction in the 700-900 thousand pounds. According to AI, the canvas is likely to remain not sold. However, despite the highest estimeyty, in general, not these works attracted the attention of ARTinvestment.RU.

Mikhail Nesterov. The holy warriors Peresvet and Oslyabya. The beginning of the 1920's

Artworks Mikhail Mikhail Nesterov of this class appear to bid quite rare. Record for the Russian symbolist is sum of 4.3 million dollars, which in 2007 brought the picture th 1922 year «Vision St. Sergius» - a repetition of the famous author of the «Vision lad Bartolemeos». Cloth «holy warriors Peresvet and Oslyabya», part of the same chronicle a series of Sergius of Radonezh received at Sotheby's estimeyt 400-600 thousand pounds. The painting depicts the legendary monk Alexander Peresvet and Andrew (Rodion) Oslyabya participating in Kulikovo battle. Both the hero attributed the Russian Orthodox Church canonized. In April «Peresvet and Oslyabyu» can be seen in the pre Exhibition Sotheby's in the confectionery factory «Red October» . According to AI, the price of work may exceed the upper estimeyt and closer to 750 thousand pounds.

Constantine Kryzhitsky. Landscape. 1908

The majestic landscape, written by a Russian academician, a disciple of Mikhail Klodt Constantine Kryzhitskim , was estimated 60-80 thousand pounds. To emphasize the grandeur of appearance, the artist put it tiny figurines of women and children, compared with trees in the foreground appear to be gigantic, and the forest below - boundless. Many picture Kryzhitskogo certainly recall the breathtaking imagery of mountains, take pictures of National Geographic. This work is perhaps the best Kryzhitskogo works that were exhibited at auction in recent years. Forecast AI - 70 thousand pounds. If our assumptions are realized, the stunning scenery will set a price record for the artist.

Nicholas Roerich. Treasure. 1919

June Sotheby's is not so rich in works of Nicholas Roerich , as May . There is only one picture of a great Russian artist and philosopher - Karelian landscape «Treasure». Estimeyt of the paintings, written two years after the Roerich went from Russia to Finland, at 300-500 thousand pounds. Roerich inspired ancient legends about a stranger, left behind a treasure - not physical, but cultural and spiritual. Large oil on canvas, 1919 has every chance to go closer to the upper estimeytu to 500 thousand pounds, even though the accumulated fatigue from the buyers of works of Russian symbolist.

Christie's June 9

The next day after Sotheby's on King Street will be bidding Christie's. They can be bought not only the work of Russian artists, but also works of decorative art. All auction lots on display 198.

most appreciated - 300-500 thousand pounds - a picture of Shuhaeva « Finnish village. Roofs »(ca. 1920). Shuhaev, along with Alexander Yakovlev , is one of the greatest masters of Russian Neoclassicism. Together with the Yakovlev they founded creative association «The department of St. Luke», the main purpose of which was to revive the tradition of paintings by old masters. Forecast AI to work with the cover - 350 thousand pounds. By the way, the history of its appearance in the catalog, as well as other interesting points in the preparation of tenders can be found at interview with director of Christie's department of Russian Alexei Tizengauzena site ARTinvestment.RU .

What have lots «Russian» Christie's worth paying attention to?

Oleg Vasiliev. Birch grove on the outskirts of Moscow. 1993

Oleg Oleg Vasiliev - one of the key artists of the post-war unofficial art. His outstanding work «birch grove on the outskirts of Moscow» estimated at 60-90 thousand pounds. This almost photorealistic Russian landscape like to call «metaphysical» - in the center of the composition is a bright white light, through which dirty forest trail seems expensive for the unknown. Forecast AI - 60 thousand pounds.

Oscar Rabin. Violin in the cemetery. 1970

original still lifes and landscapes, created in the 1960's and 1970's years, enjoyed high-profile attention of collectors and investors. And the plot of the paintings - the most valuable. Thus, very similar «Violin at the cemetery», created in 1969-m, is among the most expensive of the artist. In November 2006, it brought at auction Macdougall's 168,5 thousand pounds. However, to say that the case has started a new trend, it is not. Not «Violin», which will be exhibited at Christie's, has received only modest estimeyt - 20-30 thousand. Record it, of course, do not install, but at 45 thousand pounds a seller might expect.

Alexander Kosolapov. Woman to ikre. 2000

At Christie's also a well-known critical work of leading social art Alexander Kosolapov . The painting, estimated at 15-20 thousand pounds, depicts the characters of Russian «export goods» (as they seemed at the time) - the cover of the banks of black caviar and uninhibited woman. Many have compared kosolapovskie delicacies, which first appeared in his works in 1985, with banks, soup uorholovskimi Campbell - both as an eloquent speaker of the characters. But the soup Campbell - is something ordinary and everyday, and black caviar - the object of worship, ostentatious consumption and debauchery. While Warhol puts ordinary object on a pedestal, just send Kosolapov batten on the object that there has long been. The forecast for the AI calves Kosolapov - 18 thousand pounds. This is probably ten times less than the price the banks of black caviar, which came to cover this size.

Ernst Neizvestny. Mask. 1985

At the auction on June 9 exhibited interesting work Unknown - picture «Mask» 1985 year. The mask is one of the main images in the iconography of the Unknown (remember at least «mask of sorrow», a monument to victims of Gulag in Magadan). Almost a meter-long canvas was very friendly estimeyt - 8-12 thousand pounds. The quality of the work allows to predict withdrawal from the excess, about 16 thousand pounds.

Oleg Dou. Neck. From the series Naked Faces. 2006

Employment of young (b. 1983) Moscow artist Oleg Dou (Duryagina) measured in 2-3 thousand pounds sterling. Dow has gained popularity thanks to very decorative pictures, which depict the mysterious substance - not the android, not the porcelain dolls. In 2007 and 2008 the artist became one of the Kandinsky Prize nominees. Last November, exactly the same «Neck» (work run) somehow miraculously was sold at Christie's for 6 thousand pounds. At this time, the organizers, you can see, we decided not to tempt fate. Forecast AI - 4 thousand pounds.

Sotheby's June 9

the morning of June 9 will be auction Sotheby's, which will be presented works by contemporary Russian and Ukrainian artists. At the auction will be 109 lots. The highest estimeyt received a picture of Oleg Vasiliev «Olga and Natasha» (1979). It is estimated at 180-220 thousand pounds. According to AI, estimeyt product is overvalued, which makes it difficult for the commercial prospects of this interesting work. Women are portrayed in the painting - the woman Bulatova Natasha's mother and her first husband, writer Michael Sokovnina.

Alexander Kosolapov. Lenin Coca-Cola. 1980

picture Kosolapov, stated in the catalog Sotheby's, is one of the key works of social art. According to his artist, the company Coca-Cola, even going to submit to him in court, because the work was created at the height of the Cold War, and saw it, people might think that the manufacturer of the famous American gazirovki supports communism. Fortunately, the artist's lawyer was able to prove that Kosolapov has the same right to represent my company logo, as well as other artists who made use of «Cola», - Jasper Johns (Jasper Johns) and Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol). By the end, the Soviet kontseptualista was not to discredit Coca-Cola, but to show that Lenin - is the same brand for the USSR, as the famous gazirovka - to the States. Estimeyt pictures - 25-35 thousand pounds. The future buyer will have to bear in mind two things: first, it will not be the only one who has a job, and secondly, it will dispose of the author's repetition is very important and famous paintings, reproductions of which included all the books on modern Russian art. And will be posted to them, and more. In this light estimeyt no longer seems too high, right? Forecast AI - 35 thousand pounds. important : While preparing an article with this lot of Kosolapov mysteriously disappeared from the electronic catalog bidding. You can see the saved PDF-version of the page in the catalog. AI will try to get the relevant comments and will follow the development of the situation.

Alexei Kostroma. Blue butterfly with black spots. 2008

Petersburg artist Alexei Kostroma is famous thanks to his provocative installations with objects covered with feathers. But written by a steel stylus «Blue butterfly with black spots» - the work of another genre, a highly decorative, that will not leave indifferent even fervent opponents of anything that relates to contemporary art. Butterfly estimated at 15-20 thousand pounds. «Sister» of the Butterflies (The same, only with red spots) in the last year was sold at Sotheby's for 18.5 thousand pounds. Since then, the price of free money noticeably improved, but still at 18 thousand pounds, you can count. In 2002, the Marble Palace of the exhibition Kostroma «Smoke Pen and Butterflies», which could see such a «digital-figurative painting» recognizes the relevance of the artist.

Dmitry Krasnopevtsev. The composition with the tree. 1967

Metaphysical Still Life pet collectors Dmitry Dmitry Krasnopevtseva received estimeyt 10-15 thousand pounds. The painting was painted in 1967 - a period which is considered among the most valuable artist. The problem of this work is that it is too small - 43 x 27 cm Yes, and a decorative side does not include her among the outstanding. So estimeyt, according to AI, is quite adequate to the material. Projection - 14 thousand pounds.

Anatoly Osmolovsky. No name. From the series «Bread». 2007

Osmolovsky - a Moscow artist kontseptualist in 1990 celebrated its radical shares (performance on the shoulder of the Mayakovsky monument, the word of three letters on Red Square, etc.). But it was a long time. Today Osmolovsky - that held the artist, winner of Kandinsky, the curator. The works, which are part of his series of «Bread», to the intent of the artist must be seen as contemporary sacred objects. These wooden sculptures at first glance resemble the usual pieces of bread (by the way, the bread served venerated by some cults), but there are also similarities with darkened by time, ancient icons, images which are already indistinguishable. Among the exhibits, which could be seen «Bread», - Kassel Documenta, «I believe!» Wineries and exhibition at the nominees Kandinsky Prize in 2007 (which became the winner of Osmolovsky). A small object, which has been submitted to Sotheby's, estimated at 10-12 thousand pounds. Forecast AI: 10 thousand pounds.

Sotheby's on 10 June

June 10, will be held daily auctions of Russian Art Sotheby's. They will be presented 157 works by Russian painters. Highly preliminary assessment - 170-240 thousand pounds - a picture of Gorbatov «Open box».

  • YuRY Annenkov behind obnazhennaya

Yuri Annenkov. Was uncovered

Artworks miriskusnika Annenkova enjoyed growing demand in the auction - his name is on the second place in the list of Top 10 Russian artists of the growth. In Russia, Annenkov known primarily as an illustrator and portraitist (among his works - portraits of Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Lev Trotsky, etc.), while in the West - as the creator of the costumes and scenery for the film. In 1954, he was even nominated for the «Oscar» to work on costumes for the film «Madame de ...» Max Ofyulsa (Max Ophüls). At the upcoming Sotheby's would be romantic to buy the product «was uncovered», estimeyt which amounts to 12-18 thousand pounds. AI makes this interesting gouaches projection 18 thousand pounds - the upper estimeytu.

Igor Grabar. Winter Landscape

small (46.5 x 50 cm), but a very correct picture of the outstanding Russian painter and art critic Igor Grabar was estimated 30-50 thousand pounds. Grabar was one of the first Russian painters have adopted the principles of Impressionism. Investors should especially look to his work: 10 artists in ôop fastest growing name Grabar, took third place. Forecast for AI «Winter landscape» - 55 thousand pounds. Despite the size, this picture can be considered as the best works of Grabar of appearing at auction.

Mikhail Larionov. Sketch of a costume for the production of «Natural History»

At Sotheby's on 10 June will be an interesting sketch by Mikhail Larionov, made for the production of «Natural History» (Histoires Naturelles) to music by Maurice Ravel (Maurice Ravel). The composer wrote the romances to the text of the French writer Jules RENAR (Jules Renard). «Natural History» - a collection of short stories RENAR on animals. In one of the stories stated proudly, «as an Indian prince», Rooster (or peacock), pending their beloved. The futuristic rooster (peacock) Larionova estimated at 8-12 thousand pounds. AI forecast for a large sheet with colorful graphics - «not sold». The work was done in the painter's technique. According to the base ARTinvestment.RU the same (or same) «Peacock» sold last year at Bloomsbury with a much more modest estimeytom (2,5-3 thousand dollars) and could not find a buyer.

  • POL MAC Russian krasavitsa. 1945

Paul Mack. Russian Beauty. 1945

name and graphic artist Paul Ivanov, who wrote under the pseudonym Paul Mak , not yet very well known in Russia the general public. This artist created a magnificent song in the style of symbolism, which certainly will remind many of early works Berdsli Aubrey (Aubrey Beardsley). About the life of the Makah not much is known: he was fond of Eastern culture and has long lived in Iran, which was a court painter of Persian Shah. At the public auction is mostly graphics Maka, a picture can be seen infrequently. «Russian Beauty», an artist in 1945, stayed in the collection of the current owner does not for a long time - in December last year it was bought at auction Belgian De Vuyst. Then she brought the seller 19,2 thousand euros at estimeyte 2,5-3,5 thousand euro. Specialists Sotheby's hoped that the picture is waiting for even greater success, and estimate it has 18-25 thousand pounds. Why not for this beauty? AI predicts 21 thousand pounds.

Pavel Mansurov. Composition. 1970

In the post-years Mansurov was one of the most remarkable young avant-garde - he designed theatrical productions, participated in the creation of Ginhuka (State Institute of Artistic Culture), helped the Tatlin to design the famous «tower». The artist has always tended to strict abstraction, he sought to find a beautiful formula for «saving laws», underlying all that has been created by people and nature. Developed the idea of «organic painting». Of course, with his progressive views Mansurov could not be caught in the fire of critics formalism, and in 1928 he decided to emigrate. The artist settled in Paris, which took applied art - in particular, with the help of spouses Delone ornaments designed fabrics for the famous fashion houses. By abstract art, his favorite «picturesque formulas», Mansurov back in their old age. Non-composition of 1970 by Pavel Mansurov created at the age of 74 years, received thousands of pounds estimeyt 8-12. Forecast AI - 9 thousand pounds.

Material prepared Yulia Maksimova, AI
Forecasts - Vladimir Bogdanov, AI

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