Art Investment

Internet auction No. 32 ARTinvestment.RU

Opened 32nd trading electronic trading platform "AI Auction"

Opened 32-е trading electronic trading platform "AI Auction". Attention! Auction will be held in the usual format, without regard to the elongated wyhodnye@ Friday, June 13, Konstantin Babulin will be in the office and, as usual, to guide the process. The only difference is that get won lots will be starting from Monday, 16 yuna@

now invite you to pay attention to the auction catalog, it is traditionally composed of 20 lots — paintings, original and draw graphics, one work in a mixed technique@

Section painting amounted to 5 lots, including three scenes — "Autumn landscape. Boat on the pond" Georgy Lapshin, "Landscape. Trees. Nikolina Gora" (1968) Anatoly Zverev and "Landscape" (1980-е) Vladislav Ratner. In the Nude work performed Igor Voroshilov "Every land is not like any sky" (1974) and "Nude on a horse" (1989) Anatoly slepysheva. Genre restraint section of painting enables you to focus on the merits of the works themselves, certainly deserving vnimanie@

Original graphics presents 13 works on paper. Peculiar was this time a string of theatrical graphics: 4 figures — are sketches of makeup, costume, sets, and even a theater stage. "A sketch of the grim Hanson Belong..." (1937) performed Nikolay Akimov — legend of the Leningrad theater scene. "A Spanish woman in blue" (1940) Natalia Goncharova — costume design for the ballet "Goyesca". "Tverskoy Boulevard..." (1938) Aristarchus Lentulov — not performed on the stage set design for the play by L. Andreev "Days of our lives". Completes the theatrical section "Scene with figures" Alexander Benua@

Lovers of graphic scenery is the next small string, which contains a small graceful watercolour "Village on the shore" (1930) Dmitry Mitrokhin city watercolor skyline "Leningrad in the summer. Nevsky prospect" (1963) Alexander Labasa and two sided gouache (1930-е) Meer Akselrod@

Real decoration of our catalog — two still lifes in the graphic section. "The vessel and the starfish" Dmitry Krasnopevtseva dates from the late 1950-х — the early 1960-х. Mesmerizing grace "still life. Roses on a red background" (1986) Aron Buch in pastel and, like last time, introduces us to its author, known primarily bright, creamy oils, a riot of colors, with quite unexpected storony@

Separately, regardless of classification, we note the classical figure of "Head" (1946) David Burliuk based on the "Holy family" Michelangelo@

Finish the section of original graphics three the work of the sixties: "Two at the temple" (1966) Alexei Khvostenko dedicatory inscription Rimma Sapgir-Заневской, "a Young man in profile" (1970) Igor Shelkovsky and "Winter stream" Boris Sveshnikov@

mass schedule is "Composition" Lev Kropivnitsky — etching 1974 goda@

section mixed technique — "Composition" Boris gutovskogo, recent, 2014 job provided by our auction hudojnikom@

As usual, to see all the work we can, Gorokhovsky pereulok, 7, only you must call and arrange Vstrecha@

Never tire of reminding: 12:00 PM Friday — this time the formal auction end and not the start of trading, as erroneously believed by some of our participants. How many times have we heard complaints on the subject of "digress... to delegate to the assistant to monitor the auction... was sitting at the negotiations... etc, etc"! As a result, one @lot mdash intercepted. In General, we haven't figured out how to install comfortable for all mode. But while we're working on it, "ambush regiment" experienced participants does not sleep and keeps us and the other participants in suspense until the very last minute of the auction. Good shopping!

Fair market price level on the works of the authors represented in the catalog of this auction, you can determine from the information database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU.

the auction AI continues to operate a virtual party "Reserve price is not reached". He appears in the final minutes of trading, buyers had the opportunity to kill the reserve price (for those items where it is). In other words, if you see members of the "Reserve price is not reached," that is a reason to keep fighting — possibly win bliska@

If last bid appears accompanied by notes "Before the reserve was 1 step", this means that by making the next bet, you win the lot —; unless, of course, who-нибудь, inspired close luck, it won't kill your last words. And always annoyed when participants traded a few days, and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step from victory. If you feel that thing — yours, so do this step!

lots Selected thirty-second of an auction ARTinvestment.RU

We continue to make paintings and drawings (original and draw) on our regular weekly auctions. About his desire to put the thing in the auction AI or call: 7 (495) 632-16-81. admission to the auction AI can be viewed sdes@


Regular auction of art and collectibles are conducted using an automated auction system, available at

In the normal mode, each online-аукцион lasts for four days. But if the rate on a-либо lot done in less than 30 minutes before closing Internet-аукциона, the bidding for this lot will automatically be extended for another 30 minutes. After these 30 minutes, if not received the new rate, Internet-аукцион will be closed; otherwise it will be extended for an additional 30 minutes. This mode of trading, as shown by the first auction, makes futile efforts to delay bets until the last seconds before the auction closes and stimulates participants to bid in comfort mode during all days auction@

According to auction Rules, to participate in the auction, i.e., to bid on the proposed sale of the lots, only persons who have registered at the website of the Auction (the Auction reserves the right to test applicants and to refuse registration without giving reasons). Continue to save money and time participants, the electronic system on behalf of each of them is trading with other participants, making the lowest possible rates to a specified amount of a participant. The minimum rates indicated in the description of each lot. If the maximum prices for the same item listed in two or more rates match, the winner is the bidder whose bid has been made ranise@

fee from the buyer of the Auction AI is set at 10% of the final price of the lot. Payment is made in rubles in cash in the office of the Auction or by wire transfer to the account of the Auction. The Auction gives buyers of permits for export outside the Russian Federation of goods purchased at auction, and does not guarantee the possibility of obtaining such permits. Sending lots outside the Russian Federation by Auction proizvodite@


ARTinvestment.RU — information-аналитический resource on the art market, the developer of a family of art indexes-рынка ARTIMX and compiler of the world's largest database of auction results for artists within the orbit of Russian art. In its analytical work ARTinvestment.RU relies more than 160 thousand auction sales results for 9.8 thousands of Russian artists in the segments of painting, graphics, sculpture. Unique indicators of investment risk, experts assigned ARTinvestment.RU help exclude from estimated mass of many dubious rezultati@

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