Art Investment

As an artist to get to the auction

For the novice collector, this question logically pereformuliruem to another: "how do you know whether to buy the work of the artist, which has still not been auction sales?". Approaches to decision-making is almost the same

Yes, this is a classic vicious circle. In order to decide whether to take or not to take and if to take, at what price the work up for auction, the auction house clerk open the database and study the history of auction sales. For example, the level of work they like. But if the database is empty, then at the price it will be difficult to navigate, and generally the big question: whether to take this author at the auction? Alas, with high probability the decision would not be in favor of the artist. Up for auction did not take, because there is no auction history and auction history to appear out of nowhere, because the auctions do not take.

Well, that's it?

No, not really.

Vicious circle occasionally manage to break. If the work of artist with no auction sales what-то "hooked" responsible for the acceptance at the auction, then he gets the author's name in a search engine and check the following:

1. If you receive a lot of references to exhibitions of the artist? If the only trace of the artist online — is a link to the Facebook page, then this all will end. But if you receive several pages with exhibitions, it's a good sign.

2. What level of exhibitions of the artist? The galleries, public museums, how much personal, how many group? It is clear that if there were exhibitions in the museums of the highest rank, it's a completely different story. In the latter case the chances to get to the auction rise to 80 %.

3. Whether the artist interesting facts biography? Surprisingly, it was their why-то like to break the conversation first. "Father Nevzorov", "Solzhenitsyn of painting", "favorite Chagall", "protégé Sava yamschikova", "a former counterfeiter" — any such detail may not is important for the understanding of the artist's work, but why-то immediately deposited in the head, and ultimately helps the sale. In General, this is a plus.

4. Are there any books, directories, publications in the press, interviews? These are all important evidence of the development of the creative artist's career, confirming his popularity in professional circles. In addition, it is also a significant help for sellers when the client can show exhibition catalogues or albums. The presence of the artist's personal website — delicate moment. If it is purely informational — is not too much. But if they can buy directly and cheaper, see paragraph 5.

5. Is it difficult to buy the artist's works in galleries on his personal website, or other online-площадках? To work had the chance to be sold at auction, they must be either rare, or initially be offered at a significantly lower price. If works a lot and buy them online no problem, the auction is unlikely to take. Why would he? And as for the high gallery prices do not take even more.

At a certain skill, the information gathered on these items, allows us to understand how the artist is already known and what are the chances to interest new lot established clientele of the auction. In turn, intrigued by the emergence of a new named collectors, is likely to conduct the same study: "What is the artist? Why had not heard? How was his show? What you write about it?".

After made a decision to "take", you need to determine the price. It is unlikely that in such circumstances there is acute debate.Most likely will have to agree on the price that will offer the auction. And you need to prepare for that this price will be modest. Why? For the first time at an author's work, the auction is risking more than usual. For example, AI Auction every unsold lot worsens the overall statistics of sales by 5 %. Is bad for us. The worse the stats, the less the customers. Besides the time and effort to the preparation of each lot — that are sold, unsold — is spent equally and a lot. So it is better to spend them on what exactly is on sale. Auctions generally don't like to put lots in the "let's try". The auctions take to sell and make money. To try and fool around once.

Accordingly, the only viable option to motivate and collectors auction — to offer a very attractive reserve price. For medium-sized painting, it may be 30 000 and 20 000. Not much. But if at this stage the deliverer (for example, the artist or his representative) will start to overcharge you and to give an example separate prior successes, the auction you refuse to work. Here the situation is "neither fame nor money." Because 15 % Commission with a 30 000 — is 4 500 rubles. If the auction is very wrong in their estimates, bids suddenly showed a phenomenal interest and the reserve price was much exceeded, all will earn more and be happy. So there is nothing to fear.

Two cases from my own practice. First: we, AI Auction, turned artist, auction history, there is little (one old and not indicative episode) what to do — is unclear. And liked the picture: a bright Vladimir school. Watched the — is exhibition, even in regional museums. I leafed through the catalog. Decided to take a chance. To back prices approached constructively: for small paintings put 20 000-30 000 rubles. And so began selling. Approximately in such range. Over time, accumulated statistics of the auction. Now gradually increase the proposed size and price. Not a quick process, but the conditions for it.

the Second case: in the mail sent a photograph of the sculpture in the form of a birdhouse. The stylization of the human figure, and on her mouth — round entrance for the birds. Wonderful. What to do with this, again, unclear. Auction sales the author itself-собой no. There would be, but decided to check the Internet. Was known in her circle of artist of naive art, which, in principle, buy. Under these favorable baseline data, I will try to expose. And the chances of selling are and for product diversity is useful.

the Third case: on the acceptance of the eye stops on a good distinctive picture. Artist database auction results no. And the picture is good. Open the Internet — Oh my God the work of this artist in the Soviet Union was in every house on the album cover of Alla Pugacheva. Later, the artist moved on to religious subjects, moved out of the capital of the Uglich became a priest, took monastic vows, he was helping Alexei Balabanov to work on films including the poignant "I want". In short, has a very interesting history. Despite the lack of auction history, boldly took to auction and sold. no time.

the Above listed successful cases. They are relatively rare. But almost every day there are numerous incorrect attempts to encourage the work of artist with no auction history for auction. For example:

1. "Exhibitions as yet, but they take from the auction." Here it is necessary to explain that the auction is not engaged in the promotion of artists. He contributes to, but does not replace. To start their job have to do galleries, museums and journalists. Without this, the auction will essentially mislead their customers. So first the exhibition, then the auctions.

2. "I want to put a high reserve price to set a benchmark in auction history". Sometimes purposeful deliverer seeks even to guarantee the redemption of work with payment of a fee. It would seem that the auction is profitable. And in fact, no. Exposing work not very well known artist at fantastic prices, the auction looks like a clown. Yes, he earns what-то money on Commission, but such clumsy manipulation push serious customers: a circus they have enough in life.

so, let's summarize. If the artist no previous auction sales, it is still can take to the auction. There is a chance. You need to work like organizers plus the artist was exhibition history with publications on the Internet and in the press. And of course, that the minimum price was very attractive.

Well, in the case of failure, do not be offended and give up. For a start, the artist should do it with galleries, museums, collectors and journalists. In addition, auctions are not initially spetsializiruyutsya on the promotion of the artist and do not know how to tactfully do that. In particular, they can't afford to wait and build whose-то career, "hold" whose-то interest rates, to carry out individual educational work with collectors. The auctions do not expect mercy from nature: they act on behalf of the deliverer and the rest of the ruthlessly sell for the money who are willing to pay here and now.

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