Art Investment

The sixties Alexander Zhdanov, Alexander Kudryavtsev and albert Goguadze AI on the Market

At the auction, which will conclude on Monday 15 April at 15:00, the works are mostly familiar to our customers, authors. Many were in the category "Artist of the week", many of us wrote earlier. Except, perhaps, three

And all three of them — sixties belonging to or close to informal art. Their names were well known in the 1970-80-х years, but then was almost forgotten for various reasons. They are rarely at auctions. For collectors, the informal post-war art the appearance of these works at auction is an interesting possibility.

let's Start with Alexander Zhdanov. In the mid 1960-х it was an enfant terrible of the Rostov art College. He was expelled for "formalism" and violent temper, restored, and then again excluded. memories friends, Zhdanov professors frighten young students, and his example served as a caution: how not to do it. In his student days Zhdanov started making "trash" — easel works in mixed media with the inclusion of random materials. In the course were scraps, candy wrappers, cigarette butts, coins, and sometimes even banknotes, mixed with the plane of hardboard and covered with glue-бустилатом. Out talent. However friends-художники valued rather not cut-up techniques, and a fantastic sense of color Zhdanov. He was impressed by your ability to "revive" someone's painting a precise stroke, has helped to quickly correct the "bad" pictures to your friends-студентам.

Shortly after graduating from College, Rostov became him not in size, Zhdanov refused distribution: only wanted in Moscow. And left. Exhibited in the city Committee schedules on the little Georgia, but strongly in any group was not integrated, was more of a loner.

In 1982, the stepdaughter of Vassa Gerasimov, USSR national team in swimming, and escaped from the hotel in Spain and asked for political asylum in the U.S. Embassy. Say for Zhdanova it was a surprise. For almost five years, he and wife Galina Gerasimova tried unsuccessfully to obtain permission to travel to her daughter. Galina Gerasimov dismissed from the Institute, she went to work as a cleaner. Wrote letters, demanded — nothing helped. While they Zhdanov not chained themselves at the gates of the American Embassy in Moscow. Finally in 1987 they were allowed to leave. In America Zhdanov held several exhibitions, he was seen by collectors, bought Norton Dodge, and many others. Zhdanov died in 2006 at the hospital, in Washington.

the artist's Work rarely appears at auction. The last time the painting was sold at "Sotbis" in 2017. At the time, the picture of 1986 was sold for $3 200. We have sold graphics, 1987 — conceptual, with the author's text, is integrated into the composition.

Alexander Kudryavtsev, the pattern of which is now sold on the AI Market, graduated from the Surikov Institute, he worked as a sculptor, he studied at the courses of multipliers of Soyuzmultfilm. In 1971 in Moscow there was held his personal exhibition, which was shown not only paintings, but also sculpture, including metal plastic. An important part of the creative life Kudryavtseva became artist-декоратором at "Mosfilm", where he worked for almost 20 years. The artist took part in the over 40 films, including "Stalker", "Sannikov Land", "Slave of love". Worked in theater and on television. Continued to be engaged in easel painting and graphics. Collectors especially prized its slim, light ink drawings, graphic series on the theater and loved Venice. Among the buyers of works of Alexander Kudryavtsev was, in particular, the German collector Norbert kuchinke — same "Professor of the year" in the film "Autumn marathon".

the man with the palette on canvas of albert Goguadze without a doubt, Vladimir Nemukhin, with whom the author was well acquainted. As well as with and Zverev, Yakovlev, Rabin and other nonconformists to whom Goguadze was close. In 1950-е he studied at the Tbilisi Academy of arts Vasily Shuhaeva, and in 1963 moved to Moscow. In the capital the artist closer to the art-подпольем, participated in exhibitions of rare allowed (e.g., in the pavilion "Culture House" at ENEA in 1975), and later in the exhibitions of the Moscow Committee of graphic artists on Malaya Gruzinskaya street. Goguadze developed private style of painting "peri-пэртан" (color to color). His works are in the Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin and others.

Recall that the current exhibition Market will be closed on Monday in three hours of the day. The starting price is established in one step from backup, that is, any higher rate may become victorious.

go to auction AI Market

good Luck!

What else to read on the topic:

artist of the week. Sixties Nikolay Rotanov;
Konstantin Batynkov. Rider "merry Apocalypse";
artist of the week. Konstantin Batynkov;
the Sixties by Boris Kocheyshvili — 75;
on the Internet-аукцион No. 19 ARTinvestment.RU;
the State Literary Museum: "the Person and reflection". Boris Kocheyshvili: drawings, graphics, painting;
"Inviting space" Boris Kocheyshvili;
the seventieth birthday of Boris Kocheyshvili;
95 years of Aron Bukh celebrate a personal exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod;
the Spanish Foundation gave the Tretyakov gallery paintings by Aron Bukh;
artist of the week: Aron Bukh;
Abstraction Yevgenia michnova-Войтенко at auction ARTinvestment.RU.

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