#economiccultural. Direct speech. October 2019. Part 1
Well-known people about the art market, events, related, and also situation in culture and economy. Quotes from interviews and articles published in Russian media
Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director of the State Hermitage, in an interview with "Vedomosti": of inflated prices, "the Savior of the world" threats to private museums:
"...Art in General is becoming a world of millionaires, works according to the rules of the sweepstakes. The appeal of art to the General public also begins to be determined price and name. If a picture without a name [of the artist] — it good or bad? ... At the Hermitage when-то was twenty paintings like Leonardo da Vinci, it turned out that they no Leonardo da Vinci and would lose his glory. Why? Now we have restored a wonderful picture of Francesco Melzi "flora". Amazing picture, we love her very much, one of the best paintings of the Hermitage. It is also when-то came as Leonardo. Well, that is not Leonardo, —, she is amazingly good. A hundred times better than Salvator Mundi.
— do you believe that Salvator Mundi — is Leonardo?
—, I do not believe in what to believe. To us it was offered when-то — we are told that even to think let us not look for the money. It was rewritten ten thousand times, is a typical example of discharge rates. Even if it is Leonardo, he is not worth the money, it's the game of the market. ...We at the Hermitage is like to have a discussion, put up things of Leonardo's school, to discuss what Scuola Leonardo. We are not afraid of being out of the market, can afford it. A little-чуть closer to the market is very dangerous — people are afraid to judge; many refuse to conduct the examination. We do expertise only for ourselves, never to the side.
— What do you think about pricing in the market of contemporary art? Many believe that it overheated.
— Yeah, it definitely overheated, and it is a terrible thing. This leads not only to the fact that museums can't buy anything — and modern and classic art — from-за absolutely inadequate prices...
...Now another big issue — with patrons who have made their museums: Museum of Russian impressionism [Boris mints] or the Institute of Russian realist art [Alexey Ananiev]. Museums are under the threat that if difficulties arise the owners, bankrupt company, the money which created the collection. ...You need to look for a way to have these institutions continued to exist exactly in the form in which it was created.
...One of the tasks of the Union of museums of Russia — to defend, come up with recipes to such situations was not, and that the Museum does not become an additional reason to attack their owners. What took place in the Museum [Meeting] of David Yakobashvili, — is a complete mess: broke into the Museum and everything was sealed. ...Some awfully glad to have the opportunity to escalate: yeah, and here is his Museum and he was arrested — is, they are all good. This angry reaction is very into the hands of invasions".
Source: vedomosti.ru
Petr Aven, President alpha-Банка, the billionaire collector in an interview with Forbes:
"— Not whether You bought a still life with lilacs Petrova-Водкина at Christie's Russian sales with a world record £9 million?
— No. And don't even know who bought it. But I have a still life is no worse than "lilac". And I recently bought the outstanding work of Petrova-Водкина "Motherhood". the Last 15 years the work hung in the Hermitage. Painting from a private collection, but was in the exposition of the Hermitage. Like any purchase iconicworks, this is a detective story. Competition with other collectors, long conversations with the owners of the work. It is always a very difficult situation.
— Will you open a private Museum?
— Yes. I will open a private Museum of Russian art. Now think about two sites: in London and Moscow. In Riga, unfortunately, a very small audience..."
Source: forbes.ru
the Critic Pavel Golubev, the author transcripts of the diaries of Konstantin Somov. From in an interview with "Artguide" and the lawsuit on protection of honor, dignity and professional reputation, presented them to the State Russian Museum:
"... do not know what offended by the Museum. The fact that in my publish journals is not specified it copyright? The fact that the diaries published “without permission”? But the copyright on the texts Luba expired, and the Museum is its successor — he just keeps his archive, and the texts of the diaries are public domain. ...In this case from the Russian Museum does not need any special permission to publish.
...I used photocopies from a private archive. To work with the diaries in the Russian Museum, I brought letters-отношения, including Moscow state University, where he wrote a thesis, and the first thing I did once in the Department of manuscripts, — checked the autographs already prepared by me by the time a transcript, made photocopies, and verification showed that these copies correspond to the autographs. The second thing that interested me, — compliance with the publication in 1979 of the original text of the diaries. And here, as I said, I found many discrepancies, and such bills, which sometimes change the meaning of written on the opposite".
Source: artguide.com
Roman Kravchenko, the head of Ordzhonikidzevsky district of Yekaterinburg, on the territory of which rolled into the asphalt "Suprematist cross" Color of Stripes. About the reasons for the withdrawal of equipment:
"We are talking here about the lack of coordination. In principle, it is an ordinary life story, which is...
...When running the same road-эксплуатационный area is a huge machine with a large number of people and equipment. For them the improvement schedule prepared in advance for the entire spring-летний period, and they are moving on it. "Scenografia" we schedule and location work in the spring could not give, because they have it at the time was not yet. So we agreed with the "Scenografia" and other artists that this information will be given at least two-три of the month, so we could equalize their schedules".
Source: 66.ru
Felipe Pantón (Pant1), graffiti-райтер, author the huge painting on the "Atrium". His reworking of the peers with Stripes Painted "Suprematist cross" in Ekaterinburg in an interview "the Snob":
"I'm not going to change that-то in their works. I don't do them in order to please the public. If anyone-то don't like my art, not just look at work. The world is full of other artists. For example, I do not like broccoli. It is foolish to ask for broccoli to change your taste, right? But you can just not eat what I do."
Source: snob.ru
Dmitry Gutov, the artist. About why entrepreneurs understand contemporary art:
"... itthe existence of contemporary art gives people the ability to navigate through completely different areas to have unexpected contacts. I have a friend, a very big businessman. He does IT, huge company offices worldwide, including new-Йорк. And when he tried to establish business in Silicon valley, the attitude was simple — from Russia? So, bandit. Although he is from another world entirely, he has a modern high-tech business. As a result, he had to wait a couple years and was presented with a collector of contemporary art. And all, the attitude is completely different. I was in London in a private club, which allows only anyone who is a patron of the arts. No matter what you have condition: if you are not a patron and have nothing to do with art, you will not be allowed".
Source: forbes.ru/forbeslife
RBC, citing Anton Siluanov and experts from KPMG Victor Kalgin about the Ministry of Finance submitted to the state Duma "the Basic directions budgetary, tax and customs-тарифной policy for 2020 and the planning period of 2021 and 2022":
"Many entrepreneurs use this (long stays abroad – approx.ed.) not to report on foreign assets and pay taxes on retained earnings, noted the first Vice-премьер, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. According to him, one of the reasons for the tightening of — "to our business, which at one time fled to the West, to come back to us".
"the Assumed reduction of term of the actual location of physical persons in the Russian Federation for acquisition of the status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation from 183 days to 90 calendar days within 12 consecutive months. The equalization of tax rates on tax on income of physical persons for residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation, similar to the tax rate of 13 percent, applicable to income residents of the Russian Federation".
"...if a person spent in Russia more than three months, he will automatically be considered a tax resident; ... But even if the citizen was in Russia less than 90 days, it will still be considered tax resident in the presence of real estate, economic and personal connections in Russia."
Victor Kalgin, partner in tax & legal Department, KPMG in Russia and CIS: "it is No secret that one of the "de-offshorization" strategies for wealthy businessmen were "losing" the Russian tax residency... And many big businessmen, not to report the tax on a CFC (controlled foreign companies), has long copied foreign assets to wives and confidants, sending them to relocate abroad. Of course, what-то part of the business will again become Russian tax residents. The other part will be new, more challenging environment".
Source: rbc.ru
Yakov Mirkin, Department head of international capital markets, Institute of world economy and international relations Russian Academy of Sciences. An article in "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" about the idea "to overextend and to unbalance Russia" in the report of the American Corporation "Rand", written by order of the Ministry of defense of the United States:
And that it offers "Рэнд" to it (Russia – ed. edition) "перенапрячь"? ... To do everything to limit Russia's export of hydrocarbons, to reduce themworld prices, to hamper the creation of new pipelines. And by US - become an exporter of liquefied natural gas to European countries. Impact of trade and financial sanctions. Encouraged brain drain from Russia.
now note the important quote: "В what-то sense Russia helps the US and its allies in the effort to overtax yourself. Bad economic policy of Russia impeded the growth of, and most likely they will continue in the same spirit.
Russian economic policy at the end of 2000-х years and in 2010-х years was often counterproductive. Without doing anything, without taking any active measures on the part of the United States of America, we just let them continue their poor regulation, the control of the States, their profligate investment, all that will continue to limit their economic weight and military potential".
Great! Just sit and wait until we will continue to make mistakes in their economic policy, to weaken. To sit and wait!
Source: rg.ru
Quotes collected by Vladimir Bogdanov AI
What else to read on:
Direct speech. Famous people about the culture and the art market. September 2019
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