Art Investment

London meets weekly Russian Trading

Auction houses Christie's, Sotheby's and Bonhams within 7 auctions offer collectors Russian paintings and drawings XIX-XX centuries, the works of DPI, including Faberge, Russian icons, as well as photographs

started this week in the London offices of Christie's, Sotheby's and Bonhams will take place under the sign of Russian art. Immediately seven auctions include in their catalogs of Russian artists, the works of Russian decorative art, including works by Faberge, Russian icons and so on. London Week - one of the main events in the Russian art market. Multimillion-dollar masterpieces by Russian week, are becoming increasingly rare. Indeed, the well presented work, primarily in medium-and low-end segments. The fact that the most expensive work of artists such as , Rothko , , Marc Chagall , Soutine , and our other stars have long moved into the catalogs of trading impressionists and modernists. But, of course, to the specialized Russian auction is for that fight. Briefly describe the most interesting.

«Russian art." Sotheby's. June 3, 2013

As part of this auction will feature 44 Russian bid is the price range of 40,000 to 800,000 lbs. Visitors to the pre-auction exhibition of Sotheby's, held in Moscow on May 17-18, are already familiar with the major works of these trades. This is primarily a "Cubist Woman» Natalia Goncharova (Lot 18). The work is not exhibited since 1969, will be offered at auction on June 3 with an estimate of 600-800 thousand pounds.

«Portrait of Irene von Radloff" brush Alexander Yakovlev (Lot 20) in the 1960s belonged to the well-known collector Solomon Shuster. The paper felt brilliant talent of the artist and his interest in the painting of the early Renaissance. "Portrait of Irene von Radloff" - one of the earliest works Yakovlev ever to appear on the market.

Among the top lots also work Nikolai Fechin « Portrait of the wife and daughter of the artist "(lot 22). This is the latest in a series of his famous double portraits of his wife and daughter. His works are in private collections for decades and exhibited very rarely, perhaps only once. Since the estimate of 400-600 thousand pounds exhibited work Gudiashvili «Temptation" (lot 27). The painting, donated by the famous Parisian beauty Nino Nikoladze not exhibited since 1925. The last time the job changed hands 60 years ago. By the way, last year it was on the Russian Sotheby's auction Lado Gudiashvili other work, "The Black Creek" set a record auction price for the artist - 937,000 pounds.

NICHOLAS FESHIN Portrait of the artist's wife and daughter. 1925
Sotheby's. 03/06/2013. Lot 22
Estimate: 500-700 thousand pounds
Lado Gudiashvili temptation. 1921
Lado Gudiashvili The temptation. 1921
Sotheby's. 03/06/2013. Lot 27
Estimate: 400-600 thousand pounds

mention also visited the pre-show in Moscow, Russian romantic landscape of the village Boris Kustodiev «Over the river. Autumn "(lot 28, estimate 220-300 thousand pounds). This is one of the few works written by the artist in 1919. The last time the work was exhibited in 1928 in the Russian Museum. Interest is the large-scale painting Shuhaeva «View of Cassis" (lot 21). The work was exhibited in Sydney in 1929. After the exhibition the painting bought an Australian artist Hans Heiss. Since then, she was in Australia. Daughter of Hans Heiss, Nora Haixi, including fragments of this in one of his most famous works - "Still Life" in 1933.

addition to the above works, the auction Sotheby's «Russian Art" June 3 will also feature the work of («Night Ukrainian landscape", Lot 11, estimate 300-500 thousand pounds ), («Sanctuaries and Citadels", Lot 26, estimate 300-500 thousand pounds) Peter («View of the Palace Square in St. Petersburg", lot 5, estimate 300 - 500,000 pounds), and others.

«Russian art." Christie's. June 3, 2013

If Sotheby's Russian auction will be held in four of call (one auction June 3, two auctions on June 4 and a separate auction photos June 5 - see below ), then the auction house Christie's will hold a sale of Russian art in the only two auctions. The first and main auction will be held on June 3. There will be painting and drawing, and DPI. Total 286 lots, ranging from 800 pounds to 1.5 million pounds.

Ilya Mashkov Still-life with fruit. 1910
Christie's. 03/06/2013. Lot 66
Estimate: 1-1,5 million pounds
Source: christies. com

Top-lot auction, and the entire Russian trading week Christie's, this is definitely a "Still Life with Fruit» Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov . The work in 1910, represented the first exhibition of "Jack of Diamonds", will appear on the art market for the first time since its writing. About this owner only know that this is a lady, and that she has this lovely still life since 1976. For details, stories of creation and existence of this work we refer you to the separate press release Christie's . Over the top lot of asking as many as 1-1.5 million pounds.

But not a single Mashkov rich catalog of Christie's auction on June 3. At the auction also exhibited excellent painting by Nicholas Roerich in a series of "Sacred Places and strongholds" (estimate 500-700 thousand pounds). The work was written by Roerich in northern India in 1925. The picture has a rich history - it was formerly in the collection of one of the main backers of the artist Louis Horch. At the auction, Sotheby's, by the way, will work out of the same series "Sanctuaries and Citadels» (Sotheby's, lot 26, estimate 300-500 thousand pounds).

Other lots, also originating from outstanding collections, should be attributed string of works from the collection of the heirs Mary Yakunchikova (1870-1902). These are drawings, paintings and engravings with attractive estimeytami in the range of 1 to 5,000 pounds. Special mention should be made by the sketch artist wall patchwork of 6-8 thousand pounds (lot 1).

Nicholas Roerich Sanctuaries and Citadels. 1910
Christie's. 03/06/2013. Lot 75
Estimate: 500-700 thousand pounds
MARY Yakunchikova Wall patchwork on the sketch artist. 1899
MARIA Yakunchikova Wall patchwork on the sketch artist. 1899
Christie's. 03/06/2013. Lot 1
Estimate: 6-8 thousand pounds

Another work in the genre of still life is a work party "Jack of Diamonds» Petr Konchalovsky . "Still life with oranges and radishes" (lot 62), painted by the artist in Kislovodsk in 1934, is estimated at 250-350 thousand pounds.

In the wake of the successful sale of feshinskogo "Portrait of Mademoiselle Podbelskie" in November 2012, more than 2 million pounds at auction June 3 Christie's offers his "Portrait of Katie" (lot 91) at 250-350 thousand pounds. This masterful portrait of a woman brushes Nikolai Fechin dates back to the year 1926.

Pyotr Konchalovsky Still life with oranges and radishes. Kislovodsk. 1934
Christie's. 03/06/2013. Lot 62
Estimate: 250-350 thousand pounds

NICHOLAS FESHIN Portrait of Katy. 1926
Christie's. 3.06.2013.
Lot 91 Estimate: 250-350 thousand pounds

In the section of arts and crafts top lot is a rare purpurinovaya box with individual elements of the two-color gold, Lady Paget acquired in the London office of Faberge in 1915. This is the biggest product of purpurin Faberge from all that appeared on the market in the last thirty years (estimate 150-200 thousand pounds).

Purpurin, Two tone gold

purpurins Box, Two tone gold
Christie's. 3.06.2013.
Lot 221 Estimate: 100-150 thousand pounds
Products of the State Porcelain Factory in Petrograd. 1919-1922
Products of the State Porcelain Factory in Petrograd. 1919-1922
Christie's. 3.06.2013. Lots 320-331
Estimeyty ranging from 4 thousand to 18 thousand £

important to lots of trades is also a group of porcelain, created in 1919-1922 by masters of the State Porcelain Factory in Petrograd (estimate from 4 million to 18,000 lbs.) This collection of 12 items was purchased in the early 1920s, a socialist Tallis Augustus Avis at auction to collect funds to help the survivors of the famine of 1921. Among the works there are rare items made based on popular among collectors sketches Natalia Danko and Sergei Chekhonina .

« Russian paintings and drawings ». Sotheby's. 4 June 2013

Outset that the real name of this auction Sotheby's« Russian Paintings »- that is to say" Russian paintings ", which is not correct with respect to a large number of graphic works presented at these auctions. Therefore we call this auction is conditional -" Russian art and graphics ", especially since this is more in line with reality. total it will offer 237 lots with estimates ranging from two thousand to 200 thousand pounds.

It will be interesting to watch the top-selling lot of these Trade - "Portrait of Anna Akhmatova» Yuri Pavlovich Annenkov Yuri (Lot 194). Working in gouache and pencil on paper, estimated at 150-200 thousand pounds. But in the case of graphic works by Annenkov estimate is not a major landmark. At the last Russian auction at Sotheby's in November 2012, his pencil portrait of Vsevolod Meyerhold, who bore the estimate of 30-50 thousand pounds, was eventually sold for £ 1 million Let's see how the audience will "Akhmatova».

«Russian icons and decorative art, including works by Faberge». Sotheby's. 4 June 2013

in a separate auction of 304 lots with an estimate of 2 million to 300,000 pounds handed works of applied art, including works by Faberge and Russian icons.

«Interiors». Christie's. 4 June 2013

from remaining in their possession Russian graphic works, as well as works of DPI Christie's entered in an interesting way . They will be exhibited at the auction "Interiors" on June 4. This is not a purely Russian auction, but the Russian items on it will be very much. Our silver, porcelain and other works of arts and crafts combined with German circles, French furniture, Chinese interior design pictures, etc. In this auction, you can find something for your interior from 450 pounds and finishing with about 23 thousand pounds.

«Modern Russian and East European Photo ». Sotheby's. 5 June 2013

addition to traditional trading Russian painting, drawing and DPI, this year Sotheby's lucky enough to get on the implementation of the outstanding private collection of Soviet and Russian photography. This is a private American collection of over 800 works of Soviet and Russian photographers of the period of 1959-2004 years will be offered as part of separate auction "Contemporary Russian and East European picture» June 5, 2013 .

«Russian art». Bonhams. 5 June 2013

cigarette Gold, precious stones, enamel guilloche
Bonhams. 05.06.2013.
Lot 137 Estimate: 150 - 200,000 pounds

Nicholas Roerich Madonna Laboris (Proceedings of the Mother of God). 1,931
Bonhams. 05.06.2013.
Lot 63 Estimate: 0.8 -1.2 million pounds

Rounding out the parade of Russian art auctions in London auction house Bonhams. As part of this auction will feature 265 lots - paintings, graphics, DPI. artwork adorns the catalog Bonhams work of Nicholas Roerich «Madonna Laboris (Proceedings of the Mother of God)." Working with tempera on canvas is estimated at 0.8-1.2 million pounds.

One the most interesting lots - cigarette case with imperial provenance (Lot 137). Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna gave it to Nicholas II 29 May 1897 on the occasion of the birth of their second daughter, Tatiana. gold cigarette case decorated with purple enamel guilloche, is estimated at 150-200 thousand pounds.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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