Art Investment

Tretyakovski reading - 2010

From 12 to 14 April 2010 in the Engineering Building of the State Tretyakov Gallery's scientific conference Tretyakovskaya Readings - 2010 "

From 12 to 14 April 2010 in the Engineering Building of the State Tretyakov Gallery (Lavroushinsky lane, 12, a conference room) will host a conference Tretyakovskaya reading - 2010 ».

Conference Program

April 12, Monday


holds meetings LI Iovleva

  1. Iovleva LI Introduction.
  2. Paston, EV IP Pokhitonov and P. Tretyakov.
  3. Kaftanov TI Foreign trips P. and VN Tretyakov in 1870.
  4. Yudenkova T. SM Tretyakov. Portrait on the background of the Moscow City Duma.
  5. Guseva EK Two icons of Our Lady Odigitrii end of the XV century, atributiruemye Dionysius (from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery).
  6. Kochetkov IA new attribution of icons from the collection of GTG.
  7. Kozlov A. On the singularities of the iconostasis of the Temple Museum of Nikola in Tolmachi.
  8. Kovtyreva LV icon "Uar Artemiy Verkolsky" from the collection of GTG.
  9. Saenkova EM Features hagiographic iconography of the prophet XVI - XVII centuries.

April 13, Tuesday


Conducts Meeting T. Yudenkova

  1. Stepanov SS Sketches for "Coming of the Messiah": the search for forms of speculative ideas.
  2. Evseeva ED artist Vasily Istomin.
  3. Presnov NG FS Rokotov . New Materials for works by the artist.
  4. Klementjeva EB Self-portraits of French artist M.-L. E. Vigee-Lebrun.
  5. Usachev SV landscape VP Petrov (1770 (?) - 1810). On the evolution of the artist.
  6. Brooke Y. Do not know about Gerard Delabarte.
  7. Basov IG «Personality and the fate of VV Apraksin - collector and patron».
  8. Pogodin AA «Italian album» SM Vorobiev .
  9. Krylov MV Nicholas Bryullov . New facets of creative biography.

April 13, Tuesday


holds meetings NV Fat

  1. Adaskin NL Self-portrait of the artist in his youth: the blog KS Petrov-Vodkin 1890 years.
  2. Hoffman IM features a portrait of art nouveau. Portraits 1900-ies.
  3. Terkel E. A. Bakst and Gippius.
  4. Shumanova I. In . Transformations "Firebird". Golovin. Bakst. .
  5. Ilyukhin EA History of the Liturgy "Natalia Goncharova.
  6. Vakar IA Later creativity NS Goncharova.
  7. Pronin IA About the journey Paul Filonova in Lyon.
  8. Pchelkina L. R . . On his post at the Museum of Painterly Culture.

April 14, Wednesday


holds meetings NV Fat

  1. Liperovskii GN Milestones Museum of legislation: the history of the decree banning the export of artistic values.
  2. Shergina ZP About the Library Igor Grabar .
  3. Kapranova IA Animalistic theme in bas-reliefs ASGolubkina
  4. Antsiferov AA to the attribution of works ASGolubkina "Lady».
  5. Bedretdinova LM Activities Section of the Society of sculptural builders Red Stadium. (1921-1922).
  6. Lisakovsk MI Unnoticed vanguard. Decorative art at the Tretyakov Gallery. Following exhibitions of recent years.
  7. Zelyukina TS Why is it useful to work on the academic catalog. A new biography of the creative B. Byalynitsky-Birulia , K. Zdanevich , etc.

April 14, Wednesday


holds meetings LI Iovleva

  1. Voronovich EV A few new facts of life AA Deineka .
  2. Yurasovskaya NM « Neoclassicism in Russia of the twentieth century - the question of style and periodization.
  3. Kotkin S. Francisco Infante . Monographic collection in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery.
  4. Golovin, VP from reality to reality. For the new exhibition of art of XX century in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Krymsky Val.
  5. Petrunin LY Portrait of a visitor's Tretyakov Gallery.
  6. Matskevich MV New ways of working with family audiences in the educational programs of exhibition projects of the Tretyakov Gallery.
  7. Iovleva LI A final word.

Source: press release of the State Tretyakov Gallery

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