Art Investment

ISO channel «Culture»

ARTinvestment.RU presents documentaries and the transfer of the fine arts, which can be viewed on the TV «Culture» next week

ARTinvestment.RU presents documentaries and the transfer of the fine arts, which can be viewed on the TV« Culture »next week.

16 February. 13:20 - a program from the cycle «Fifth Dimension». author and leading the cycle - the Pushkin Museum director Irina Antonova . Directed by Maria Nikolaeva. Artistic director Lev Nikolayev. Production of TV «civilization». We can not overlook this, but the culture is thus «the fifth dimension», without which no complete picture of the world and which are not aware, there are people. The history of world culture - in her well-known and still hidden from the wider audience episodes in their relationship with each other, our minds and spiritual life - the theme series «Fifth Dimension».
The theme of the release: Pushkin Museum Pushkin has the largest collection of copies of sculptures of Ancient World, Medieval, Renaissance. The program will cover the sculptures of Michelangelo.

17 February. 12:30 - Program of the cycle «Living Tree Crafts». The cycle tells of decorative art, crafts - about embroidery, pottery case, varnished miniature, lace braiding.
crafts centers, built in an art, remained in Fedoskino, Holue and Palekh (lacquer miniature), Kadoma (embroidery), Great Ustyug (niello on silver), Vologda (lace), Gzhel (ceramics), Yeltsov (lace), Zhostovo (painting), Kirov (porcelain), Mstera ( embroidery, lacquer miniature) Skopina (ceramics), Tobolsk (carved on the bones), Torzhke (gold embroidery), Khokhloma (painting) and some other places.
The theme of the release: The history of the village Kholui Suzdal district, the history of icon painting, varnishing and tempera miniatures.

17 February. 13:35 - the cycle of Academia (Russia, 2006-2007). Leader - Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Repin, Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Artist of Russia, Ivan Uralov . The cycle is devoted to the history of the Russian Academy of Arts. The programs are attended by artists, art historians and sculptors.
Theme Release: 1958-1959 years. Sculptor Alexander Kibalnikov creates a monument to Vladimir Vladimir Mayakovsky ; Yuri Yuri Pimenov writes novels, paintings, artist Evsey Moiseyenko gets the first students in his workshop.

February 17 (after midnight). 02:45 - a documentary film «Encyclopedia» (Ukraine, 2004-2006). This is a collection of small films about historical events and the world-famous personalities: artists and writers, composers and scholars, travelers and philosophers, architects, and rulers, educators and reformers. In 6 minutes the creators of the series tried to fit the story of those without whom today can not be present civilization.
Theme Release: «Mach naked». Goya

18 February. 13:25 - Transfer from the cycle «Century Russian Museum». service: Vladimir Gusev. series of programs about the world's largest collection of Russian art - Russian State Museum in St. Petersburg.
Theme Release: Shuhaev , Alexander Yakovlev , Kuzma Kuzma Petrov -Vodkin , Zynaida Serebryakova , Peter Miturich , as well as Paul Filonov , Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Anna ... In the history of Russian culture creativity of these masters forever linked to the Russian Neoclassicism.

18 February. 22:45 - almanac of Art History «The color of time» (Russia, 2008-2009). Leader - art critic Dmitry Trubotchkin. The aim of the cycle to tell about the little-known pages of history of art. Each issue consists of 4-5 stories.
Issue 8 th. In: History Books K. Stanislavsky «My Life in Art» (part director, playwright Alexei Burykin). When the first comic. Kaslinskoe casting - the world of historical and artistic subjects. The history of painting «Three». Who invented the balalaika. L. Tolstoy and masonstvo (in the plot, the investigation involved: V. Remizov, director of the museum of Leo Tolstoy; N. Timoshina Art. Researcher of the Ivanovo State Historical and Local Lore Museum. Burylina DG; O. Zakharova , head. Division of Libraries DG Burylina).

19 February. 12:15 - Program of the cycle «Living Tree Crafts». The cycle tells of decorative art, crafts - about embroidery, pottery case, varnished miniature, lace braiding.
crafts centers, built in an art, remained in Fedoskino, Holue and Palekh (lacquer miniature), Kadoma (embroidery), Great Ustyug (niello on silver), Vologda (lace), Gzhel (ceramics), Yeltsov (lace), Zhostovo (painting), Kirov (porcelain), Mstera ( embroidery, lacquer miniature) Skopina (ceramics), Tobolsk (carved on the bones), Torzhke (gold embroidery), Khokhloma (painting) and some other places.
The theme of the release: Fedoskino. Lacquer miniature.

19 February. 14:50 - TV program «The era of rock. Eugene Vuchetich » (Russia, 2008).
About life and work of eminent twentieth-century sculptor Eugene Vuchetich. It is called «the Soviet Michelangelo», so ambitious and impressive of his works - a Soviet soldier rescued from a child in her arms in Berlin, the magnificent memorial «Motherland» Volgograd, sculptural composition «Swords to Plowshares» in New York.
The fate and works Vuchetich tell the artist-restorer Savely Coachman, art historian Vera Vuchetich (widow of the sculptor), writer Victor Vuchetich architect Kohn Lutz (Germany).
The film shows the most interesting work of the sculptor, photos, documents, newsreels materials that reveal unusual personality Eugene Vuchetich.

19 February. 17:50 - a documentary film «Encyclopedia» (Ukraine, 2004-2006). This is a collection of small films about historical events and the world-famous personalities: artists and writers, composers and scholars, travelers and philosophers, architects, and rulers, educators and reformers. In 6 minutes the creators of the series tried to fit the story of those without whom today can not be present civilization.
Theme Release: «The funeral of Count Orgasa». El Greco

20 February. 10:30 - a documentary film «Art museums of the world» (Japan, 2007). On the history of the world's major museums.
9-series. «Public Art Collection Basel. The world's first city museum ».
In the corner of the old Basel we will Kunstmuzeum, pride of many generations of local residents. The museum was founded no monarch, no aristocrats - it was founded by residents of the town.

21 February. 10:10 - Program «Bible story». author and presenter Dmitri Mendeleev. Set Designer Helen Kitaeva . Production Studio «neophyte». appeal to the great artists of the Bible never ends only illustration of a plot Eternal Books . It has always involved a personal reflection. The artist chose the Bible story to tell about itself, its time to understand the deeper meaning.
In «Bible story» tries to take a different look at the world-famous works of art, describe the fate of their creators.
Theme Release: Pablo Picasso. «Guernica». The history of the famous paintings.

February 21 (after midnight). 00:35 - a documentary film «Medici. Religious fathers Renaissance » (United Kingdom - United States).
4-series. Final. «The power or the truth».
Florence, 1537. Already a century Medici born to dominate. But chaos reigned in the city, which led him to decline. And Florence and the Medici family was a new leader. Those who returned to the name of its former glory, and defended the achievements of Renaissance. Supporters of the Medici desperately looking for someone who would be a kind of savior. The choice falls on the distant relative of Cosimo de Medici, who in that time was only seven years old.

22 February. 12:15 - TV program «Not surprising ...» Designer Andrei Mylnikov (Russia, 2009). To the 90 th anniversary of the master. Director Tatiana Malysheva. By Olga Baydin.
Every picture Andrew Mylnikova is and the mystery Birth and fate. Nothing accidental can not be randomly sincere soul movement.
participate in the program: Andrei Mylnikov, Mylnikova Vera (daughter, the artist), Vladimir Gusev (Director of the State Russian Museum ), Sergei Slonimsky (Composer), students painter.


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