Art Investment

Hits auctions ARTinvestment.RU. Vadim Sidur. Demand, prices, investment

Three top international auction results for works of Vadim Sidur were installed at auctions ARTinvestment.RU in 2013-2014

so sometimes re-read biography of the sixties — and shiver. In 1944 Lieutenant Vadim Siddur commanded a machine-gun platoon. After being seriously wounded (bullet hit him in the jaw) survived only by a miracle. Holder of two orders of the Patriotic war. The invalid of the second group with 19 years. Such starting conditions. It would seem that what might lie ahead? And in front of, looking, "Stroganov school", the career of the sculptor, the art underground, a heart attack at the age of 37, then the famous "arena-62", years of official pressure, and then the monuments established in the cities of Russia, Germany, USA, death in 62-летнем age and Vadim Sidur Museum in Moscow. Amazing destiny. And, by the way, mystically crossed with the fate of another sculptor-фронтовика, Ernst Neizvestnogo@

First mention of the exhibitions Vadim Abramovich Sidur (1924-1986) in the directory "Other art" refers to 1956. He exhibited as part of the creative Union Loess (Vladimir LemportNikolay Silis — Vadim Sidur). First, Kuznetsk bridge, 20, then, in 1958, — big arena, the exhibition "40 years of the Komsomol" together with Ernst Neizvestny, Erik Bulatov Oleg Vasiliev. Gradually the basement of the Siddur, Lemport and Silis on Frunzenskaya, 19, became one of the centers of informal cultural life. There was going Genrikh Sapgir, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Andrei Voznesensky, Leonid Gubanov, Yunna Moritz, Vasily Shukshin, Bulat Okudzhava. In the workshop of sculptors came to argue about the future of famous poets, artists, writers, and physics. In 1962 sculptures Siddur, Lemport and Silis extras were exhibited in the Arena at the exhibition "30 years of Moscow Union of artists". On the "Arena-62", where Khrushchev excoriated modern artists, until it was instructed Ernst Neizvestny. According to the Handbook "the Other art" (p. 91), among other works criticized, were sculptural portraits of Ernest Hemingway and Romain Rolland, executed by the Union Siddur — Silis — Lamport@

After "Arena-62" group were subjected to administrative and economic pressure. In particular, in 1964 with the scandal have been cut ceramic panels on the facade of the concert hall at the house-музее Tchaikovsky in Klin. Supposedly not as educational support functions. Soon sculptors were in an economic blockade, i.e., without orders, and in 1968 the group actually rapalas@

1970-е were a turning point in the work of the Siddur. His ideas, flashy monuments became popular at the international level. In 1974 in Kassel, was erected a "Monument to the dead from violence", the draft of which appeared in the mid-1960-х. Interestingly, the plan was implemented, bypassing official channels, through public diplomacy (source: In 1979 in West Berlin appeared his "Treblinka".

Mid 1970-х, more precisely, 1974 is considered to be the time of occurrence of sideroscope "coffin-арта" — invented by the sculptor of the concept of the avant-garde sculptures in boxes. Today, this direction is fully represented in the Museum of the Siddur (Moscow, novogireevskaya str., 37, p. 2).

In the early 1980-х monuments of the Siddur appear in our country. In particular, in 1980-м Siddur installs a sculpture made of concrete "Structure 2" in front of the Institute of Geochemistry named after academician Vernadsky. In the same years was completed and a number of international projects — "memorial of the modern state" in Constanta (1981) and "Monument of love" in Offenburg (1984).

All of this is interesting history, but with the biographical part now forced to end: our format requires go to review rinka@

And here, attention, an amazing statistic. Started watching the auction database, and found that three top international auction results for works of Vadim Sidur were installed at auctions ARTinvestment.RU in the years 2013-2014. So, in September 2014 the Auction AI has sold two sculptures of the Siddur. First — "Mother and daughter" (1977), aluminum, 36 cm in height — 180 000 rubles without a fee. Second — "Seated (Despair)" (1963), height 28 cm, lifetime casting — 200,000. They occupied the second and first place in the ranking of the auction by the artist. In third place — spectacular graphic work "portrait of a woman" (1970), sold by us in November 2013 for 31 thousand rubles@

According to the observations ARTinvestment.RU of the Siddur in recent years was exhibited at auction more than 20 times. Auction insights, AI said that the level of price resistance for the graphics of the Siddur comes about at around 36 to 40 thousand rubles. Above buyers are still creaking. This year there was only one exceptional case, when the buyer was ready to give 85 000 rubles, but the seller is not soglasilsa@

In terms of investment prospects opinion ARTinvestment.RU remains outstanding sculptor Vadim Sidur (and his colleague Ernst Neizvestny) remains among the most underrated artists in informal post-war art. Reasons for sharp price jump I can't see, but those who buy today, make likely pravilno@

Siddur — rare from the sixties who are lucky enough to be presented in Moscow in the diversity of his work. In the Museum of the Siddur I was three years ago, and have revised the the photo on the forum. Now this Museum — part CVM "Manezh". It recently completed the restoration, and until March 2015 the exhibition will be open "Vadim Sidur. In search of man". Who will meet — please: make us a new photo essay on forum@

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