Art Investment

Russian Bonhams and MacDougall's. Price forecast

Modern and relevant art, many of whom are denied the status of the investment, pulls up noticeably “prosevshie” this spring catalogs Russian Sale

By the end of the auction season in the market situation, which otherwise is not as controversial call. On the one hand, in the world economy, there are tentative signs of recovery: oil prices retrench from the point of 60 dollars, rising stock markets, investor sentiment improved. But to say that the level of the auction catalog to meet these moods - is strongly pokrivit soul. Subjectively, the proposals in general are much lower than even in previous crises Russian bidding. Explanation can be found a million. Summer is traditionally concede to the autumn auctions - is the notorious «seasonal factor». In addition, pictures are not asked to, and therefore the sellers tend to hold the masterpieces until better times, before the recovery in prices. This is understandable. And «empty» Catalogs met even where the best of times. But now, when such a high price of any positive spaces in the proposal is particularly acute.

On the general background looks better catalogs Sotheby's and MacDougall's. And it is not at the expense of traditional areas, but due to «new blood» - modern and contemporary art (which many are denied the status of the investment). Evidently, such a moment. We need to survive. Moreover, even in the «prosevshih» directory can always find a few works that deserve attention. War is war, and the prognosis ARTinvestment.RU - on schedule. Below are their assumptions about the fate of more or less interesting lots Bonhams and MacDougall's.

Bonhams. 8 Jun, 2009

Natalia Goncharova. The Golden Cockerel. 1914

Organizers will not necessarily take on the cover of the catalog item with the highest estimeytom. There is no rule of good form. Yet on the cover, with rare exceptions, it is possible to judge the class of the upcoming auction. There have been cases where the Russian bid, and is illustrated by the subject of strings of art. So the Russian Bonhams at this time, buyers still in luck. On the cover of the catalog - is . More precisely, the sample design sets for «The Golden Cockerel» Rimsky-Korsakov. Picture a small - 23.8 x 34, that is visually about a third more of their catalog pages. Decorations «Amazon» conceived cheerful, the sketch brought to a high degree of readiness, which is quite enough, let us say, for book illustrations. Estimeyt 15-20 thousand pounds of current times is vysokovatym. But this intuitive feeling, because the reference of sales, that is, deals with figures very much comparable quality and time of creation, in the recent past were not. From the directory in provenansa - participated in the exhibition «Russian Sergei Diaghilev ballet season 1909-1929», held in Paris in 1939. Plus drawing has published at least since 1950. According to aggregate information and how prepodneseniya (cover) AI predicts sales figure for the lower estimeytu, 15 thousand pounds. And such an acquisition would likely have to take emotional collection, rather than investment purposes. While it is necessary to remind that Goncharova - author of the most expensive among all the artists in the world. Or more correctly as follows: in the world ranking of women artists ranked first as the author of the most expensive work sold at auction. And that reputation will also work, plus, even when other arguments do not seem so convincing.

Ernst Neizvestny. The hand of creation. 1986-1987

On the auction market in recent times is a lot of late canvases Ernst Neizvestny . So many that you can even make their collective «identikit»: bright acrylic paints (for the showy yellow eyes, blue, even pink, etc.), the lack of dating (in the sense that it does not advertise), a catchy story, in which involved the most recognizable images of the artist. The overall portrait of this work fetch a surprisingly low price. And yet - the enormous size, as if to reinforce the color impact. This shaft arguably on the quality of the sculptor has given a strong ground for the many critical assessments, the essence of which is reduced to «an outstanding sculptor and graphic artist, but not great painter». In the meantime, get rid of all doubt may be fairly simple. First, build a logic based on the 2000-ies. And secondly, to remove from the picturesque ratings criteria. After all, the picture Neizvestny essentially - this is still primarily the schedule, even if realized in painting technique. It is important not the color and line. On the contrary, even better if the colors were smaller. In order not to disturb.

prime example of such a good «picturesque graphics» - presented at Bonhams work «Hand building», executed in 1986-1987. In addition to the visual effect of it is, if I may say so, provenansnye dignity (which is pretty much a rarity for paintings Neizvestny 1980). The point is that the «Hand building» illustrated catalog of Dante's «Inferno» ( «Hell» Dante), which was held in 1987 in the gallery of Edward Nahamkina. 25-45 thousand pounds, in which the experts rated this picture at home, probably just appointed, taking into account the life history of this piece. That is slightly in advance. Forecast AI - 27 thousand pounds. This work will retain significant investment potential. Embarrassed perhaps by the fact that Bonhams is not the most suitable platform for the sale of the Unknown. The painting can fall out of sight of potential buyers of works of significant non-representative art. A pity.

Alexander Ney. Victoria. 1991

Molotok whang MacDougall's auction in the summer of 2007, after which the auction record for the terracotta sculptures Alexander Ney ( Nezhdanova) were 13.25 thousand pounds for a 32-cm sculpture «their new» 1979 (from the collection of A. Glezera). In general, such an arrangement the price, I can say is typical for large (30 cm for a sculpture designed - it is a lot) terracotta 1970.

Dvadtsatisantimetrovaya «Victoria» - the work is interesting, but objectively belongs to another price range. «Women's head» of comparable class are selling well at a price up to 5 thousand pounds. It should be slightly higher than this bar, and the risk of not sold noticeably increased. Bonhams has a successful history of sales sculptures Ney and their assessment ( 4-6 thousand pounds ) is hard to disagree. According to AI, the final price close to the mark in the 4 thousand pounds.

MacDougall's. Jun 11, 2009

Dmitry Stelletsky. Stage hunting

Artworks Dmitry Stelletskogo in recent years benefited from the increased attention of buyers. Icons tradition and love that permeates all his work, the choice of subjects, skills performance, high decorativeness, belonging to the association «The World of Art» and the «Union of Russian Artists», as well as the quality of the proposed auction of works contributed to the rapid, in front, higher prices . Auction records for creativity forced «Russian Parisian» - 378 thousand pounds. So much was paid for 10 large gouaches, illustrations for «Word about Igor` s Shelf ». It was at Sotheby's in November 2007.

Almost a meter long painting «Stage hunting» enters the bidding with MacDougall's estimeytom 50-70 thousand pounds. At first glance, not bad, considering that even the famous gouaches recently could cost under 40 thousand pounds. Connoisseurs Stelletskogo creativity when planning the purchase recommend to pay particular attention to the brightness of the picture. If the paint is not extinguished, the bright and contrast, then it is a big plus. Catalog «Stage hunting» does not produce the impression of outstanding works, but if you live with all the decorative well, the prediction of AI - 45 thousand pounds.

Stanislav Zhukovsky. Spring still life with violets. 1935

Name Stanislav Zhukovsky is an associative memory in a number of bright, often sad landscapes that Tretyakov moved from room to bulk calendars to carry the beauty in the everyday life of Soviet people. Looking at them, never think about what a tragic fate was waiting for their author. Polyak origin miriskusnik, pet Tretyakova and Ryabushinskogo, Zhukovskiy remain in Russia after the revolution, even to be sent to the organizational work. In 1923 the artist emigrated to Poland, where the creativity of all be a pretty good idea: solo exhibitions, awards and trips. After the war, Warsaw ghetto uprising, a concentration camp. Fate.

«Spring still life with violets» - this is 1935, then Poland already. Reference to sell it can be «Still Life with lilac» 1936, sold last summer at Sotheby's over 115 thousand pounds. But that still life was a little more and, most importantly, fun decorative. Add to this economic environment and the result is that 90 thousand feet (lower estimeyt) - this is optimistic assessment. AI can only support this optimism. Projection - 90 thousand pounds or «not sold». The work has been tendered to the conclusion of the expert Irina Gerashchenko of «Grabarev».

Pavel Mansurov. Geometric composition in black, white and red

«Picturesque formula» Pavel Mansurov has recently become more likely to appear at auction. Depending on the quality, they can cost in the range of 5 to 18 thousand pounds (auction record of 21 thousand pounds for the work in 1920, but it is too long ago, in 1993). Mansurov - the representative of «organic» in the direction of Russian avant-garde, which is engaged in development, in particular, Matyushin , Guro , Boris Boris and Xenia Ender .

given in the directory reference to a specific work related to 1983, when the composition has been involved in retrospective exhibitions Mansurova in Italy. 1983 - this year the artist's death. Parsimony of the references to the work of Russian avant-garde usually up one's ears. But Mansurova has little forge, and a lack of information on the works - a normal situation for his creativity. We know that breakthrough «picturesque formula» artist did in the 1920's, but did not meet due attention had to focus on applied work for wages. But in the 1960's, when interest in the Russian avant-garde in Europe is back, Mansur started doing new compositions for the continuation of old ideas. It is these later works, and often appear on the auction. Connoisseurs recommend paying attention to their degree of completeness and decorative component. Do Mansurova, indeed, sometimes there are songs that if it were not successful - started and not finished. But the «geometric composition» seems to be not one of them. Specifically, this work, incidentally, is in the database ARTinvestment.RU - it tried to sell at MacDougall's in November 2007 with estimeytom 6-9 thousand pounds. Then do not sell out. Now work is estimated at 3-5 thousand pounds, and the price seems more prudent. In our work has been the basis of green investment risk - like this issue too, everything is in order. Forecast AI - 5 thousand pounds.

Edward Steinberg. The abstract composition. 1985

geometric compositions representative of postwar art informal Edward Steinberg on the market very much. And while for every taste, which reduces agitation and improves the rate of deliberation purchases. Surprisingly, when the market offers plenty abstractions Steinberg was not explicitly built and driven by price. So, a lot of work in the range of 20-30 thousand pounds was not a buyer. But sometimes that does not particularly outstanding picture suddenly sold for 42.5 thousand pounds. This happened with a composition of 1999, which in March 2008 sold at Sotheby's. Record same Steinberg is creative and is 120 thousand pounds for the hard work «Composition: Burial and Resurrection». It was at Sotheby's in 2006. The work was outstanding, but the record price, broken up with a reasonable estimeyta of 18-28 thousand pounds, to this day amazes with its mysteriousness.

presented at the June auction MacDougall's rethinking of the avant-garde ideas of the first Russian to get a viable estimeyt 15-20 thousand pounds. The first figure looks particularly attractive, but the picture is, alas, not a masterpiece. AI believes that good, if sold on the lower estimeytu.

Dmitry Plavinsky. Turtle. 1970

«Turtle» Dmitry Plavinsky glance attracts even reproduction - it is a beautiful textural work. Remarkably, that it is 100% reference-loss selling. The same private collector from Pakistan sold last year at the MacDougall's a similar picture Plavinsky «Turtle shell, decorated with images of the pagan god». The same 1970, unless a larger size. Estimeyt then stood 70-90 thousand pounds, and took care of the price of 59.75 a thousand pounds. (By the way, a good illustration of the low reserves in relation to estimeytu in these trades - the new buyers in the note.) «Turtle» little inferior in size last year «shell», but surpasses it with a decorative standpoint. The matchless texture plates shine shell, natural song - everything works in her advantage. In days of old recommendation was to «take any money». Today, the investment can be described more in the price of 55 thousand pounds. This is the AI for the prediction of current economic conditions. However, we note that even a substantial overpayment for such work will not be released in cash. In the medium term work «digest» even top his estimeyt.

material prepared by Vladimir Bogdanov, AI

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