Art Investment

"Architectural Graphics Boris Kocheyshvili"

May 25 Vkhutemas Gallery opens personal exhibition in Moscow graphics and painter Boris Kocheyshvili, which will show the public his graphic work 1980-90's and new reliefs architectural theme

June 1 Vkhutemas Gallery opens to the public solo exhibition "Architectural Graphics Boris Kocheyshvili", which Moscow schedule and painter Boris Kocheyshvili will show the audience of about forty of his graphic works of the late 1980's - early 1990's, and several new reliefs of architectural themes.

The exhibition is timed to the 70-year anniversary of the artist and to be released in early June, its first personal directory, prepared by the magazine "Our heritage».

  • Pokoy. 1990-e

One of the principal, program ideas Boris Kocheyshvili - this idea of bringing in the fine arts Baroque and constructivism, and to combine seemingly incompatible - weightless elegance of baroque dynamics and compositional clarity and logic of constructivism. In the artist's works is surprisingly simple and at the same time a new idea is embodied in the selection of subjects and forms in their plastic behavior on the sheet, in work with the space. Architectural fantasies, which are made by the artist of the sites of existing and invented incredibly emotional - and at the same time concise, theater - and at the same time natural. These contrasting combinations excite and captivate. Journey from the leaf to the leaf into a fascinating walk through the baroque rhythms and graceful Architectural Model, the paths created by the artist of extraordinary spaces.

Kocheyshvili Boris was born in Elektrostal in 1940. He graduated from art college "In memory of 1905". Even from his student days takes a close relationship of the artist with the traditions of VHUTEMAS. In the early 1960's the artist for several years lived in the family, closely related to the history and personalities of this legendary institution: "My wife's mother, Xenia Konradovna merchant in 1930, studied in VHUTEINe and then, together with part of the teachers moved to a graphic faculty MIII, where studied in 1931-1934 at Deineka , Udaltsova , Moora . Closest friends at home were Udaltsova (wife Drevin ) and Vera Lantsetti. Since 1965 and within ten years the artist worked in an experimental etching studio behalf II Nivinsky . Daily work with master printers, drawing sessions, modest "shop", but fundamentally important to the artists impressions of works, finally, tips ES Theiss, held in due time by PV Miturich and, later, in many respects the opposite Miturich VA Favorsky , - all contributed to familiarizing the young artist to the graphic tradition.

Art of Boris Kocheyshvili absolutely unique. His works are filled with tenderness for nature - a touching and reverent. At the same time, it is clear that the artist is well acquainted with the history and traditions of world art. After all, just having graduated from the necessary baggage, consisting of technical skill, and personally experienced, processed by the experience of previous generations, it is possible to achieve absolute freedom in art and have their say, the word which will not be lost but will be heard in a discordant chorus called the - art.

works can be found in the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin, art museums in Russia and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

exhibition will be open until June 18, 2010.

Tamara Vekhov, art historian, curator of the exhibition

Source: Press Release

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