Art Investment

Open 241-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is eleven paintings, four sheets of original and three — prints and two sculptures

the fee from buyers is 18 %.

Catalogue of the Auction № 241

Selected lots of the Auction № 241

Opens the description according to tradition the section of the landscapes. On subtle color gradations Buffy-коричневого and light-желтого flowers built a warm color painting "Oriental landscape (Bab-Махрук in Fes, Morocco)" (1929), a Norwegian painter Christian Cornelius Krone. Having received an excellent art education in Oslo, Munich, Paris, for many years he studied and lived in Russia, was closely associated with representatives of various directions of avant-garde, was part of the circle of masters "Jack of diamonds". In 1920-х the artist has traveled the world, visited in the East. At fresh full-scale impressions of the trip in Morocco written and our landscape, the impressive depth of tone development and the prospect of black and white, very noble, like in the old colors of dark gold, the ancient mysterious city.

sunlit seascape "Chersonese" (early 1960-х), the famous Soviet pilot, a friend of M. A. Voloshin, member of the USSR Union Andrei Borisovich Yumashev.

Artist three cultures — Russian, Japanese and Abkhaz — is rightly called the author of watercolor "Teberda River near the city of Karachayevsk" (1963) Varvara Dmitrievna Bubnova. Peterburgenka, active participant and exhibitions the"Union of youth", the artist circle Larionov, Goncharova, Malevich, etc., for 36 years she spent in Japan, and returning home, moved in with older sister in Sukhumi. According to the memoirs, in the nature of most of Abkhazia won its sharp contrasts of light and shade: bright sun and dark shadows. In our landscape, written, obviously, from nature, during a trip to Karachay-Черкесию, black and white contrast plays a significant role.

Close to the architectural landscape and a noble a decorative acrylic "Near the temple" (2010) Boris Petrovich Kocheyshvili. This multi-figure and multi-part composition wonderfully embodies clean, atmospheric styleartist.

"March sun" (1970-е) Kim N. Britova, without exaggeration, is a classic example of the works of the famous Vladimir school of painting, one of the founders of which was the author. A rich palette, generosity, atmosphere, plot, harmonious composition, and other wonderful traits of a beloved school — everything came together in this small canvas.

In the traditions of the Vladimir school of painting was created and the final landscape section — "Autumn shades" (2018) modern artist Vladimir Sergey V. Kremneva.

a Small section of nu in the directory amounted to two jobs. In the first half of 1930-х years made Tushev drawing "Reclining model" Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka. Interesting and unusual composition "Reclining Nude" Aaron Froimovich Buch.

Portrait section opens old canvas "Portrait of Peter" — is large and expressive oil by an unknown artist.

Tushev drawings "Woman on chair" / "Girl in hat" (1955-1959), the expert considers "to the early, unique rapid cycle, full-scale drawings Anatoly T. Zverev. They are striking in their maturity, a surprise performance, depth, perfection, inventiveness, expression and amazing virtuosity. We can safely say, that each such early drawing by A. T. Zvereva — masterpiece!"

In 1980, already in exile, has written a large canvas "Kenda and Jacob Bar-Гера" sixties Leo Voldemarovich Nusberg. Collectors of unofficial art — avant-garde 1920-х, German degenerate art, persecuted during the Franco era of Spanish art and, finally, the second Russian avant-garde, the couple Bar-Гера since the mid-1960-х for decades has gathered a unique collection of the Soviet "other art". In 1996, within the framework of the exhibition "Nonconformists. The second Russian avant-garde 1955-1988. Sobranie Bar-Гера", their collection was exhibited in the Tretyakov gallery and in Russian Museum the exhibition of the same name was released folio. In the early 2000-х wife Bar-Гера wanted to donate his collection of Russia, with the establishment of a special Museum, but what-то failed; after the media wrote that specially for the meeting in the Israeli city of Ashdod in 2003-м Museum will open the "persecuted art", but traces of this project in the publications is not. In November 2016 part of the collection Bar-Гера was exhibited at Sotheby's. The portrait of Leo Nusberg — is large, bright and very dynamic. "...the Basis of my credo, — wrote Nusberg, one of the organizers and leader of the group "Dvizhenie" (1962-1976), — is the expression of man's inner world not through the finished, finished form of a certain phenomenon or object, but through the MOVEMENT — intensity — process — ripple — rhythm changes, etc. " the Painting of Leo Nusberg —-made collection that deserves a place in the collection of the second Russian avant-garde.

the section still-lifes, and that is very conditional, include a huge canvas in the author's original mixed media "untitled (Tulip)" (2015) Yuri Leonidovich Cooper — striking work, in which the flower floats in a shimmering silver surrounded by — or background, whether of the atmosphere.

Genre painting in the catalogue, too, is the only work — canvas "Decree" (2018) Alexander Savko. The thing is big, sarcastic, bright, with recognizable characters — and prototypes, and those in whom they changed, — in short, the work of those that are most valued by fans of the original talent of the author.

the Next section — theatre. A play by Lope de VEGA's "Fuente of Ovejuna" ("Sheep source") was loved by the theaters the first few decades of Soviet rule, and staged multiple times, in different cities and on different stages, and provided a theater artist amazing the breadth of opportunity to create costumes and decorations. Presumably, she is made bright, detailed, and emotional sketch of the scenery "Battle" (1950-е) wonderful theatre artist Eleny Nikolaevny Troinoi-Дейнеко. The play was staged in 1954 at the State Russian drama theater of the BSSR (now dsna them. Gorky, Minsk).

Following the work of — printed sheet "untitled (Gallant scene") (1985) Boris Messerer Asafovich. It's not the costumes or the scenery, but, of course, is wonderful, very cheerful, playful and graceful theatrical dancing scene, made in the author's printed art, and the collection of theatrical graphics it will take a worthy place.

Two works Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin in our catalogue, undoubtedly, constitute remarkable examples of theatrical creativity of the author. Sheet giclee "Carnival of St.-Петербурга — 08" (2015) from the series "Carnival of St.-Петербурга" — draw graphics, the first of five instances. The second work of artist — is made of tin alloy and painted composition "Rats-пьяница assistant" from the characters from "the Nutcracker" ballet staged at the Mariinsky theatre in the author's sets and costumes (2018). Both works are accompanied by certificates of the Fund of the artist Mikhail Shemyakin (St.-Петербург).

the China of the sixties represented in the catalogue drawing sculpture Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin "Jack of diamonds", made Höchster Porzellan-Manufaktur (Frankfurt-на-Майне, Germany) in 2007.

Completes the catalogue the story of abstract works. Oil "untitled (Oval abstract composition on a red background)" brush Sergei Mikhailovich Bordachev — is working 1979, a time of high-profile exhibitions of the painting section in the city Committee schedules on the little Georgia. At this time Sergey Bordachev has been exhibited with the brash group of "21" which United artists-задир the younger generation. 30-летний abstractionist-самоучка was in that group the only one who shortly before that had participated in all the historical exhibitions of unofficial art — and "Bulldozer" (1974) and "Izmailovo" (1974) and "Culture House" on VDNH (1975). Presented in our catalog abstraction, of course, has a collector's quality, is a valuable period in the work Bordacheva and imbued with the spirit of the era of ideological confrontation with official Soviet art.

the Graphics of the sixties Andrey Nikolaevich krasulina — perhaps the most unusual lot of the current auction. This is a pair of etchings (by default, the lottery technique), but made in a single copy.As the basis for them was the leaves of drafts Ludmila Ulitskaya. Text — typewritten, easy to read, so the future owner could find out what was behind the affair. Krasulin — sculptor and painter gravitating towards minimalist abstraction. In recent years, it inspires Organika — is important, but so far not much is known of the direction of Russian avant-garde 1910-х years, developed by Mikhail Matyushin, Elena Guro, Pavel Mansurov and others.

at the same time with our current auction opened a specialized curatorial the auction is "SUMMER". In the directory — 20 lots.

Those who are going first to buy a painting or drawing, would be helpful to know that no monitor ever authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).

we Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!

Fair market price level on the works of the authors represented in the catalog of this auction can be identified in the information database of auction results ARTinvestment.RU.

On the auction AI continues to operate a virtual party "Reserve price is not reached". He appears in the final minutes of trading, so that customers have the option to kill the reserve price (for those items where it is). In other words, if you see party "Reserve price is not reached," that is a reason to continue the fight — perhaps the victory is near.

If the latter rate appears accompanied litters "Until reserve was 1 step", it means that making the next bet, you win the auction — unless, of course, who-нибудь, inspired close luck not interrupt your last words. And always a shame when participants traded a few days and especially the last couple of hours excitedly before closing suddenly stop just one step from victory. If you feel that thing — is yours, so take this step!

fee from the buyer is 18 % of the final price of the lot.


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