Open 222-е the Auction
Traditional twenty lots — is eleven paintings, four of the original sheets, one work, executed in mixed media, one photo, one sculpture, one collage and one lot comprising porcelain
the Catalogue of the Auction № 222
Selected lots of the Auction № 222
Leonid Viktorovich TURZHANSKY (1875-1945) Kabardian horses. Study for the painting "a Herd of Kabardian horses." 1941—1942
Paper (the back of the sheet with the drawing), oil. 26,2 × 34,9VESELOV Konstantin Alexandrovich (1878-1945) Rocky shore. The ocean. 1930-е — the first half of 1940-х
oil on Canvas. 26,8 × 34, 5
Opens our auction a big watercolor Aristarkh Vasilievich Lentulov "Kislovodsk" (1933-1934). According to the expert O. Glebova, S., "in 1930-е years the artist traveled to the Crimea and the Caucasus. The results of these trips he created extensive graphic and picturesque series of views of southern cities", which obviously applies to our work.
the Picturesque sketch "Rocky shore. Ocean" (1930-е — the first half of 1940-х) Konstantin Aleksandrovich Veselova refers to the full-scale sketch works of foreign period of creativity. Sea surrounded by spectacular cliffs, — is one of the favorite subjects of the artist: started his artistic career with the genre and historical works, in the mid 1910-х, after trips to Greece and Italy, Veselov turned to the scenery, and since marine species, with a characteristic emphasis on the color of the water illuminated by the sun, made up a considerable part of his work. The expert notes that "in this small landscape, feel the passion Veselova the picturesque discoveries of the French Impressionists, his ability to pass state and mood of the chosen motif".
Next time create — etude "Kabardian horse" (1941-1942) Leonid Viktorovich Turzhansky. According to the memoirs of his daughter, in 1941, 66-летний the artist as part of a large group of Moscow masters of arts he moved with his family to the evacuation in Dolinsk: "Soon Turzhansky moved to Nalchik, where the Chairman of the Committee on Affairs of culture of the Kabardino-Балкарской ASSR X. S. Temirkhanov offered him a contract for the creation of the painting "a Herd of Kabardian horses." <...> in order to “Herd”, Turzhansky left to write horses in the mountain town of Kyz-Бурум.
Despite his advanced age, his father took a job with amazing enthusiasm. The nature of the South that he had not loved, because I thought her beauty corny, it was suddenly as-то-новому seen in the North Caucasus.
From a business trip he brought back many vivid sketches — were here and Kabardian horses, and oxen, and donkeys on the sun-drenchedstreets... <...>
based On the collected mountains of material father made a sketch, which depicted a herd of horses and trot in the cloak on the background of mountains and evening sky. To complete the picture, he succeeded only in Tbilisi, moved to Moscow masters of the art after the front close to Nalchik, " (source:
And even a small fragment from the memoirs of the artist's daughter: "Loved to write Turzhansky also on thick or coated paper. Used to do it quite often leaves of the old technical books or journals, on which he "pulled an impression from nature," seen from the window" (source:
a Vivid example of the Russian realistic landscape of the city and the only view in our catalogue — composition "Suzdal" (1975) brushes are known for Nizhny Novgorod masters Arkady Mavricheva. Our work — a real feast of the world: he descends from the high, slightly cloudy sky, and surprisingly delicately, gently hugs, wraps up the white stone walls of the Suzdal Kremlin.
the Image of a particular natural kind, and their emotions can be called a small poetic cardboard "Landscape" Igor Alexandrovich Vulokh.
the Section still-life opens the subject production of "Rustic still life with a bottle of wine" (1963) brushes Gregory A. Pozhidaev. This intimate, relaxed mood of the work is written in a provençal village Menerbes, in France, where the artist spent the last years of his life and work. Pozhidaev wrote still lifes with love, gave them to friends, neighbors, and sometimes she made dedicatory inscriptions. The overall mood of the still life is quite discreet, but look how many colors and shades attracted to him a wonderful colorist, which is subject to not only a riot of bright colors, but subtle nuances.
Folds Andrei Borisovich Grositsky — work on one of the favorite subjects of the author. On the one hand, image draping — is a classic artistic exercise, one of the most common jobs for artists since perhaps the middle ages. On the other — artist every time gives the images of the folds some individual features. Thus, one of the most frequent student art motifs under the brush of the painter is transformed into the finished original work — fine example of modernism and distinctive aesthetics.
In the small bright and festive still life "Sunflowers" (2002) native of the Vladimir region Dmitry Abramovich Choline clearly shows a continuation of the decorative traditions of the Vladimir school of painting.
Complex and deep, attractive, bright and rich image appears to us in the film Aaron Froimovich Buch "Bouquet-автопортрет" (2004).
From self-portrait, albeit in the image of the bouquet, gradually move the actual portraits.
One of the absolute top-лотов our auction — is large (59,3 × 44,2) "portrait of a woman with blue eyes" Anatoly T. Zverev. It "Zverev unique work, executed in 1961, — says the expert V. Silaev. — Such high quality early things remained very small, as the main part of the works of A. T. Zvereva the late 1950-х — early 1960-х years were removed fromOf the Soviet Union. Of course, researched portrait of the creative success of the young artist, masterfully written in a free, masterly and innovative manner". The portrait is painted on the back of a piece of newspaper, obviously the first half of 1950-х years.
the Second portrait in our directory — large canvas the Natta Ivanovna Konysheva (see here) "Faith Lucnica" (1986). Rather, it is a portrait of Vera Konstantinovna Leknickas (1927-2007) — writer, literary critic, linguist, a long and meticulous researcher of the life and work of Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova. Natta Konysheva lively and very-своему presented on the canvas the image of this very extraordinary woman.
"the Woman with the cow" (1930-е — beginning 1950-х) brush David Burliuk refers to the American period of the artist. As you know, at that time, he often wrote such a small genre scenes on a Russian theme with elements of the landscape, characterized by grotesque-примитивной manner of execution, decorative, complex and vibrant colours and characteristic texture of the paint surface.
In 1953, written by one of the most delicate and attractive works catalog — watercolor "Trot" from the series "Circus" Artur Vladimirovich Fonvizin, the hero of our traditional rubric "artist of the week": "Fonvizin was the son of lesoustroitel of German origin. He spent his childhood in the wilderness. Communication of the child was low, and he grew up with special needs. Boy did not say, almost seven years, was very closed in itself. But, according to legend, everything changed overnight. One day the father took the child to the circus Ciniselli, and there, amid a strong impression, the boy was an emotional breakthrough. So all these horsewoman, the horses, tsirkachka — is the experiences of childhood. A theme to which the artist returned to the end of his days. So like the collectors. And the one that almost killed the author in 1937-м". Circus watercolors, Fonvizin wrote a great many. Diverse, very beautiful, elegant and precise in detail. One of these watercolors — our beautiful work "Trot".
Following the genre in the catalogue — cardboard "For a minute" (1974) Anatoly Stepanovich slepysheva.
Completes the genre section is quite large and very (!) heavy bronze sculpture "Family" (1981) Leonid L. Berlin — amazingly touching thing to motive which the sculptor was back again. Sculptor wrote at the bottom of the sculpture the name of each character and giving them small contour drawings. The author confidently and accurately reports the disposition of each dog: calm and Mature father of a family breaker, a fun and playful Inga, under the protection of father is hiding a tiny nick, which seems to stand-то firmly still can not. The sculpture is very dynamic, it has a movement that can begin in the next moment: Inga'll jump back breaker, which, despite its solidity, too, want to play, answer her call, and a small nick may not stay on still weak legs and fall.
the pattern marker "Gramophones" (1980-е) Boris Messerer Asafovich depicts the emblem of the famous literary samizdat almanac "Metropol". "And why the gramophone depicted Messerer on the cover of "metropolis"? The simplest assumption:the gramophone brings to us the voice of those we can't hear directly, live. And uncensored anthology of acquainted readers with works that could not reach him in the usual way. Probably because it is. But <...> the gramophone was for the artist an almost magical figure. This machine with the human voice, has amazing grace in the bend of the pipe, in the sun-the radiation of the horn..." (source: In addition, the gramophone for the artist — is one of the most interesting objects in life and favorite motifs in art.
As follows from the later, after half a century (!), the inscription, composition "Music. Decorative motif" (1928-1971) Valentin Mikhailovich Okorokova (see and here) inspired by the fourth part of the 4-й of Tchaikovsky's symphonies. And yet the author worked in the Studio of Vladimir Tatlin, practiced in the workshop of Rodchenko and was familiar with Malevich. And he was close philosophical ideas micro@- and the macrocosm and was interested in experimenting with color — and all this too in our work. Oddly shuffled deck... But the most striking still perceived musical motif of Tchaikovsky, who may 1928-м the author decided not to indicate on the back of bold for its time.
the majority (49,8 × 51,5) black-белая picture "Artifacts" (1982) Francisco Infante-Араны represents the author's series of "Combinatorics". On the print we see the result of a careful work of the author with the items, mirrors, camera — and no computer treatments and tricks: 1982-й year!
Collage "Composition" (1970-е) Efim Moiseevich Roja (see about it ) — of those works that, by definition, was done "on the table" for themselves, with no hope to be placed. Student of Malevich, the youngest (14 years!) member of UNOVIS, the employee Ginhuke, architect, designer, colleague, El Lissitzky and architect-проектировщик in the workshop Vesnin brothers — these circumstances biography Roja known. But the fact that the collages were his love once and forever, what to, their art —, it was just collages, which he is not exhibited and is not shared even with loved ones, — knew it very few. In 1950-е years roak started using magazine pages, photos, etc, but the source material was obviously drawn to color combinations, graphics, but not story.
Completes the review of another top-лот our catalogue — four porcelain plates "Hearts", "Clubs", "Peak", "Diamond", comprising the series "Theater" (2000), painted artist porcelain Valentina Lebedeva the drawings Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin. Brand nemuhinskie card and in the space scenes feel natural and fluent, not quite normal and very beautiful form of plates is quite large in diameter — 32 cm, — only 50 copies — edition of the series. This thing is collectible, right, performed at the factory in Verbilki and, in our opinion, looks more bright, beautiful, fine — in short, more interesting than the products of German factories.
Those who are going first to buy a painting or drawing, would be helpful to know that no monitor ever authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is notsubject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).
we Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!
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