Art Investment

Pictures and autographs of Russian avant-garde artists have returned to Russia

In the Netherlands RGALI transferred part of the archive prominent researcher of Russian artistic and literary avant-garde Nicholas Khardzhiev. It's letters, articles, pictures, photos, Malevich, Khlebnikov, Burliuk Matyushina etc.

in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) returned from the Netherlands, the archive of Nikolai Ivanovich Khardzhiev - a unique collection of Russian avant-garde.

Malevich , twisted , Khlebnikov, , Guro , Matyushin , Vrubel , < /a> ... Their letters, articles, pictures, photos, returned to Russia under an agreement between the Fund and RGALI Khardzhiev-Chaga in Amsterdam. For a long time collection of NI Khardzhiev was in two places - at the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow) and the Stedelijk Museum in (Amsterdam). "Dutch side" had been illegally exported to the Netherlands in November 1993. In this dramatic situation, the main business for NI Khardzhiev was to preserve the integrity of its unique collection. In a letter Shvydkoy, then Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia, he wrote: "I believe that everything belonging to me and books must be transferred into permanent storage in the best Moscow store - in the State Archive of Literature and Art." At the will of the outstanding scientist and collector, has taken almost 17 years.

Khardzhiev Nikolai (1903-1996), a leading researcher of Russian artistic and literary avant-garde, gathering his collection of materials for life, was personally familiar with Kazimir Malevich, Mikhail Matyushin, Daniil Kharms, Osip Mandelstam, Yuri Tynianov, Viktor Shklovsky, Anna Akhmatova ... It Khardzhiev organized in the early 1960s, the legendary series of exhibitions at the Museum of Mayakovsky, which was first introduced to the general public with a domestic avant-garde, presenting a picture Kazimir Malevich, Vladimir Tatlin and Pavel Filonov , Matyushin and E. Guro, B. Chekrygin and B. Ender , Larionov and Natalia Goncharova < /a>, G. Klucis and Velimir Khlebnikov. This was the beginning of Russian avant-garde international fame, and was considered the best expert Khardzhiev this trend throughout the world. As stated by Roman Jakobson, "an unusually sensitive to the language of the pen and brush, relentlessly faithful chronicler of the Russian avant-garde culture, a tireless collector and careful keeper Nikolay Khardzhiev introduces us to the very recesses of the development and interaction of painting and poetry" in the combat decade 1907-1917 "" .

total amount transferred to the Dutch part of RGALI archive - 1427 items with materials Kruchenykh, El Lissitzky, Kazimir Malevich, G. Klucis, I. Klyun , Larionov, Osip Mandelstam, Velimir Khlebnikov, photos NI Khardzhiev different years in the groups with Kruchenykh , K. Malevich, V. Trenin, T. Grits. This is about half the previously fragmented parts of the documentary collection, now united in a private fund in NI Khardzhiev RGALI (FA 3145).

in an exhibition hall RGALI of the combined fund and N. . Khardzhiev.

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