Art Investment

Top 10 lottery drawing for 2015. Pictures of the first half

There is a good indication that the segment "tiriki" will we grow faster than the market. And auction statistics confirm these expectations

the Nature of the growing interest of buyers to the lottery schedule ARTinvestment.RU recently devoted a separate detailed material "What's good about the graphics in difficult times?". In addition to high affordability, the benefits of this field of collectables are an opportunity to choose the uncompromising work of the first names, extensive offering of quality work coupled with the relatively low cost of expertise and the ability to easily sell an inexpensive item. Recall that the global auction market "tirage" has already become the largest segment in units. In Russia, the love of printmaking was particularly evident in the last half-два year. And we attribute this not only with low prices on the works of famous artists, but also a General rethinking of the concepts of "original" —; "author's copy" in modern conditions. There is a good indication that the segment "tiriki" will we grow faster than the market. And statistics AI Auction so far confirms these ozhidaniya@

Now directly on the rating. It is based on data from the internal Russian auctions in the first half of 2015. The rating included only the works of art (if anyone is confused by the presence of James Walker read biography). The ranking was made on ruble prices. And two similar for the price works higher we set the one you sold earlier. Traditionally we have kept the rule of "one artist — one work", otherwise most places in the ranking would have taken only two Russian artists — classics Ivan Shishkin and sixties Vladimir Nemukhin. We took only one, the most expensive from each sheet (i.e., formally, our ratings are not the most expensive prints, but the authors of the most expensive prints in the Russian market). Furthermore, based on common sense, we have excluded from the rating of multi-subject lots, to compare the prices of albums with dozens of sheets and piece prints. Well, it seems now nothing sabili@

so, here are our 10 most expensive auction of prints of the first half of 2015 goda@

Breaking the laws of the genre, not finished advantages and disadvantages of the lottery graphics. The main one — lower investment potential relative to original drawing and especially painting. Draw graphics other things being equal slower more expensive original things — both in percentage and in absolute terms. Moreover, because of the relative cheapness, it is ill-suited for the development of serious amounts of money. For comparison, if the sheet Nemukhin price of 50 000 rubles per year will rise by 20 %, this would give an income of 10,000 rubles. At the same time, if his picture is the price of 500 000 roubles will rise in price by 10 % (i.e. less than half percent), then this income is 50 000. In this case one picture to own and easier to manage than a dozen sheets of graphics. And especially, if it is necessary to invest not 500 000 and 10 000 000, naprimer@

the Second disadvantage is simpler: draw graphics, like the original, has specific storage requirements. Actually these requirements are not high, there is nothing dramatic (us recently told in an interview to Valery Silaev), but consider them anyway prihoditsya@

we Recommend that you read on time@

What's good about the graphics in difficult times?

Valery Silaev. What do the symbols on the prints?

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