Art Investment

Evening trading Impressionist and Modern works of Sotheby's and Christie's

Before almost remained the most long-awaited auction schitanye hours. The lists of lots - great works of Degas, Monet, Modigliani, Leger and Vyuyara, as well as the work of Kandinsky, Yavlenskogo, Chagall and Tsadkina

At the beginning of February in London will auction the works of major Impressionists and modernists. Sotheby's evening auction of suits on 3 February, and Christie's - 4 February. This time, Christie's presented much more lots than its main rival - the whole 47 works, while at Sotheby's put up only 29. But the quality of «sotbisovskie» lots does not concede «kristisovskim». At this time, at Christie's auction reigns Monet (Claude Monet), and at Sotheby's - Degas (Edgar Degas).

Edgar Degas Little Dancer chetyrnadtsatiletnyaya. wax original made approx. 1879-1881, cast in bronze in 1922
Edgar Degas Little chetyrnadtsatiletnyaya dancer. Wax original made approx.
1879-1881, cast in bronze in 1922. Bronze, muslinovaya skirt, satin ribbon, wooden stand. Height 105 cm
Sotheby's. 03.02.09. Lot number 8
Estimeyt: 9-12 million pounds
Prognoz AI: no higher than 9-9,5 million pounds

Bronze sculpture Degas «Little Dancer chetyrnadtsatiletnyaya» will be the main lead auction on February 3. Sotheby's specialists praised her for 9-12 million pounds (12,8-17,1 million dollars). The work is one of 28 copies, cast after the death of the author. Original «Dancers» was the first and only sculpture Degas, appeared at the exhibition during the lifetime of the artist. Then, in 1881, the product of shocking the audience - no one had not previously dared to depict dancers such. Writes in his book, The Spectacular Body ( «It is the body») Professor Ante Kellen (Anthea Callen), loathing bourgeois critics and audiences have been caused by the fact that Degas did not just naturalistichno showed the girl, he gave her face «degenerative» features which were absent a model - daughter laundress and tailor Marie van Getem (Marie van Goethem). At the time, was popular theory Lombrozo Cesare (Cesare Lombroso), who spoke about the importance of applying methods of natural science in criminology: the criminals, in his opinion, different from all other people «atavistic» appearance, showed some slippage in development. Degas enhance the effect of his sculptures, exposed next to the drawings depicting the killers, whose faces were strikingly similar to the «criminal character» Lombrozo. In addition, he ordered to put «a small chetyrnadtsatiletnyuyu dancer» in the glass display that, for art lovers, it was new. Today's viewers are already accustomed to the fact that the sculptures on display in glass «boxes» - remember even stuffed Demiena Hurst (Damien Hirst), - but in the XIX century in the display cases exhibited only ancient objects and various natural and anatomical rarity. The materials used by Degas, too, was unconventional: the artist vylepil wax figure of the girl, put it this bodice, and a stack pointe, and even did her hair from human hair. Published naturalistichno outrageous - like a sculptor of wax figures from Madame Tussauds Museum. His «installation» Degas anticipated the opening of many artists of XX century, thought that the context in which the viewer perceives a work of art, it is an integral part.

Of course, now nobody will be screaming from the horror or smile stormy indignation at the sight of «Little chetyrnadtsatiletney dancer» obzyvat and its degeneratkoy. In the modern viewer a fragile, neoformivshayasya figure of the girl, choose the hard physical labor ballerina, is empathy. Young dancers in the works of Degas - is neraskryvshiesya buds that fade, not enough bloom. In the XIX century, dancers were often girls from very poor families who often have kept the rich «ballet lovers». Sculptures and paintings by Degas, as well as novels Zola (Émile Zola), - this is a story about the evils of society the end of XIX century.

Sculpture Degas appear at auction is not the first time. Exactly five years ago, on 3 February 2004, she brought to Sotheby's 4,5 million pounds (8.1 million dollars for the then exchange rate). The buyer was the British collector Sir John Madeyski (John Madejski), which is now, and it sells. Auction house has such a formidable estimeyt because in recent years the prices of things Degas greatly increased. The most expensive product of the artist is a pastel «Resting Dancer», sold at auction Sotheby's November 3 2008 . The head of the Japanese Branch of the auction house Yasuaki Isidzaka (Yasuaki Ishizaka) bought it for 37 million dollars. Thus, it is true. But this time the 9-12 million pounds, which the auction house expects obtained for «little dancer», sounds very ambitious, even though an active PR campaign around this lot. According to the AI, even 9-9,5 million pounds would be good luck bidding on this Lot.

«Little Dancer chetyrnadtsatiletnyaya» not the only multi-Degas work, which will be exhibited at Sotheby's on 3 February. Auction House also offers pastel «Dancers in the foyer», which estimeyt - 3,5-4,5 million pounds (4,9-6,4 million dollars). An image on it girls Degas was no more merciful than the young Marie van Getem - both write the person and pose ballerinas could warm admirer of Degas, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec). Most of the «Dancers in the foyer» amazing charming colors: one dancer costume was made in sensual shades of pink, the other - in the magic of gold. The sheets of paper glued to cardboard, forming a rather large canvas pastel - 74 x 59. According to AI, resulting from this work may be the lower limit of the amount estimeyta or slightly below.

In the second place in the list of the most expensive lots Sotheby's is a picture «Caryatid» brush Amedeo Modigliani (Amedeo Modigliani), estimated by specialists at 6-8 million pounds (8,5-11,4 million dollars). Caryatids artist at the beginning of my passion for creative ways - he wanted to establish a «Temple of Beauty» and create a large number of female statues. Poor health did not allow the artist to implement these ambitious plans - he was able to izvayat only two sculptures. In addition, he created many sketches depicting caryatids, as well as several paintings, one of which represents Sotheby's. Modigliani Caryatid little like a majestic ancient Greek sculpture, rather, it resembles an African statuette, which forms the so-inspired artists, avant-gardists of the last century. Warm color «body» statuettes and rounded hips reminded of «naked» Modigliani, an artist who wrote and painted with great love. Pictures depicting caryatids brushes Modigliani comes to auction very often - most likely, is why the auction house has put such a bold estimeyt. 20 June 2006 more grim «Caryatid» went to Christie's London for 3.1 million pounds (5.7 million dollars), exceeding the upper estimeyt twice. AI did not share the self-auction house, but the result of 6 million pounds to an impressive size of the canvas (80 x 45.5) is possible.

Sotheby's catalog adorns wonderful «Street Scene» Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (Ernst Ludwig Kirchner). Her estimeyt - 5-7 million pounds (7,1-9,9 million dollars). Kirhnerovskie «Berlin Street» is one of the most recognizable images German expressionism . At the beginning of a career artist Kirchner almost did not apply to the subject of a big city, along with other artists of the group «bridge» he founded edakuyu «hippovskuyu» commune, which wrote «wild», in the opinion of the then art establishment, pictures and made free love. Summer friends traveled together «Nature», which wrote their sensual, «Pagan» canvases. In 1911 Kirchner moved to Berlin, where is the new source of inspiration, koim life has become a megacity. Central role in many works of Kirchner then played by women of easy virtue, to be observed by faceless men in black suits - the beauty of their consumers. After the First World War images Kirchner, keeping the aesthetics of decadent Weimar Republic had become even more relevant. His «street scenes» dark, but not so grotesque, nightmarish as the canvases of Otto Dix (Otto Dix), or George Grosso (Georg Grosz). The painting, which appears in the Sotheby's, like a canvas «Street. Berlin », which in November 2006 has brought at auction Christie's 34 million dollars (38,1 million, taking into account the Commission) and is currently the most expensive paintings. The buyer is not locked it in a safe. Fantastic expensive painting became the core of large-scale exhibition of the artist, which was successfully held in MOMA and other leading museums around the world. «Street Scene» much smaller than the record oil on canvas, so estimeyt too. Nevertheless, the 7 million pounds of upper estimeyta, according to AI, for it will, but - even more. The Germans went to the euro its not forgotten.

 Fernand Leger Drive for the city. 1952-1953
Fernand Leger A trip out of town. 1952-1953
Oil on canvas. 162 x 114
Sotheby's. 03.02.09. Lot number 23
Estimeyt: 4-6 million pounds
Prognoz AI: in estimeyta

In addition to the work Kirchner, Modigliani and Degas, the top five most expensive auction lots included painting Fernand Leger (Fernand Léger) «A trip to the country». Estimeyt this product - 4-6 million pounds (5,6-8,5 million dollars). Cloth was written in the early 1950's, at the very end of the creative ways the great artist. Looking at this picture is not difficult to guess that the main inspiration for its creation was the famous «A Picnic» Édouard Manet (Édouard Manet). Just as Picasso (Pablo Picasso), who in the 1950's «creative processed» your favorite works of old masters, Leger decided to pay tribute to their chief god. The artist is not just admired Manet painting, he also shared his radical political views. At the time, Leger actively defended socialist ideas and has supported the communist party.

current record in the works of Leger is 35 million dollars. Such a price was paid on 7 May last year for painting «The woman in blue». It belongs to the early, kubisticheskomu period of the artist. The newer pictures are listed on the market lower. The same «Getting out of town» has been exhibited at Sotheby's May auction with a preliminary estimate of 12-18 million dollars, but the buyer is not found. For the reputation of the picture is bad, that is exacerbated by the fact that she was not allowed «otvisetsya» and hurry to sell. Therefore, the auction house and has decided «to cut» estimeyt. On the assessment of 4-6 million pounds of its prospects, according to AI, have been noticeably better. Forecast AI - in estimeyta.

The only work of our compatriot, who participates in the auction - painting Chagall (Marc Chagall) «Circus fun», estimated at 1,2-1,5 million. Generally «circus» canvases the artist likes the audience. Thus, one of the most expensive of his works, entitled «The Great Circus», was sold at New York's Sotheby's in May 2007 for 12.25 million dollars (excluding commissions) when estimeyte 8-12 million. But «Big Circus» was written by the artist in 1956, and «Circus fun» was founded in 1983-m ... This is a smaller estimeyt: just as in the case of Leger, later works by Chagall cheaper ones that were written in the early or mid - career. Which is understandable: the freshness, spontaneity feelings left. According to some experts, «Circus fun» bears stamp of fatigue. Someone believes that work is already weak. Therefore, AI can expect to sell at a minimum estimeyta, but not surprised if the meter later «Circus fun» Shagal will not sell.

The day after the auction Sotheby's held and the Impressionists Modern Christie's , which is the main lead - canvas «On the meadow» painted by Claude Monet (Claude Monet). Monet is in fifth place in rating of Top-10 artists - authors of the most expensive in the world pictures . The record price for his work has been achieved only recently - on 24 June at Christie's of London «pond with water lilies» yielded 40.9 million pounds (80.5 million dollars). Estimated cost of painting «In the meadow» - 15 million pounds, or 21.3 million dollars. Cloth is famous above all that participated in the third Impressionist exhibition, held in 1877. It was after this exhibition of impressionist talked about as serious artists who have «serious and long». Many works written for the exhibition, now adorn the walls of the major museums in the world. However, the painting «In the meadow» the general public did not familiar - the work exhibited, only in three exhibitions, the last of which took place in 1957. 11 November 1999, the canvas was exhibited at Sotheby's auction in New York, where it was sold for 15.4 million dollars. At this time, the price, according to the AI, could amount to 15-17 million pounds, probably 15.

The painting was painted in place Arzhantey which we can call «the cradle of Impressionism». This suburb of Paris in the history of the movement has the same meaning as Murnau - in the history of the group «Blue Rider» or Dresden - in the history of the group «bridge». Monet in Arzhantee neighbors were Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Pierre-Auguste Renoir) and Edouard Manet, with whom they often worked in the open air. Often, the artists depicted in their canvases Monet's wife Camille Donse (Camille Doncieux). That is, we see her reading a book on painting «In the meadow». Camilla, with her nebroskoy beauty, was an ideal muzoy for the Impressionists. With it, Monet spent most difficult years of his life, when money is sometimes not even enough to feed the children. The artist met with Camillo, when she was only 18 years old. She quickly became a model and then a lover. They say that the artist married her on the calculation, after the father refused to provide it - a very senior-Monet did not like the chosen career path of his son. Anyway, in the end the artist had really loved Camilla. Her early death from cancer has become a terrible blow for the Monet. The most recent picture, in which the artist depicted his wife, became «Camilla on deathbed». Now, this work is in the Paris Museum d'Orse.

The five top lots included another picture, written by Monet in the picturesque suburb of Paris. It is called «Walk. Arzhantey »and is estimated at 3,5-5 million pounds (4,9-7,1 million dollars). In 1998, the work was sold at Christie's for $ 3 million. So today's 5-6 million pounds, will probably be for it «right» price.

 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec The excluded (two friends). 1895
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec The excluded (two friends ). 1895. Cardboard, oil. 45,7 x 67,7
Christie's. 04.02.09. Lot number 18
Estimeyt: 5-7 million pounds
Prognoz AI: 5 million pounds Source:

Among other outstanding works, which will appear at auction - a touching picture «The excluded (two friends)» painted by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec). Christie's specialists gave her estimeyt 5-7 million pounds (7,1-9,9 million dollars). Like Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec often painted and wrote of women who are forced to earn their bread, playing men, but if the scenes we see the young Degas ballerinas, the works of Toulouse-Lautrec tell us about the life of cabaret dancers and «ladies demi». The artist did not take their models from the cold exclusion, like the scientist of the rare species of insects, as was his true friend. Many women (and men too) who has talked to Lautrec, talked about him as a sincere and charming man who could be trusted to all of its secrets. The painting «The excluded (two friends)» showing two «lady of easy virtue», which are more likely to love one another. Lautrec, like many artists before him (such as Gustave Courbet (Gustave Courbet) or Auguste Rodin (Auguste Rodin)), charms ladies love. Again, he did not consider lesbians as something strange, - in those circles where it is rotated, homosexuality is treated with great tolerance. The artist has been to embrace a picture of women, which was once said to his friend: «It is above all. Nothing can be so simple-minded ». Neither the women depicted in his painting, nor the artist long ago are no longer alive, but the tenderness that keeps the canvas, remains untouched time. Forecast for AI «excluded» - 5 million pounds.

At the auction, billed as the canvas Édouard Vyuyara (Édouard Vuillard) «dressmaker», estimated at 4,5-6,5 million pounds (6,3-9,2 million dollars). Pictures Vyuyara often put up for auction, but the yield from a few dozen to several hundred thousand dollars. Record for the artist is the sum of 7.1 million dollars, which was sold in May 2008 (at New York's Christie's) work «Girls for a walk». Interestingly, the majority of works Vyuyara appearing at auction, has already been implemented in the twentieth century, but the most highly traded paintings, written in 1890-s - in the heyday of the group «Nabi», which was a member of the artist. It is to this period belong to the picture, members of the three most expensive works Vyuyara. Panel «Nabi», whose name means «prophet», was founded by a follower of Gauguin (Paul Gauguin) Seryuze Paul (Paul Sérusier). The group also included Maurice Denis (Maurice Denis), Pierre Bonnard (Pierre Bonnard), Felix Valloton (Félix Valloton) and others. In his work «nabidy» gogenovskuyu organically combined with the aesthetics of Symbolism innovations style «modern». Artists' groups interested in monumental paintings, decorative art, easel graphics. Works participants «Nabi» distinguishes a special spirituality and charm. Their aesthetic was influenced, in particular, to the early work of Vasily Kandinsky . According to AI, with the stated estimeytom picture «dressmaker», probably will not be sold.

In addition, Christie's will present a picture of Modigliani «Two girls», which is much larger than displayed on the Sotheby's «Caryatid», like «classic» works of the artist. For his entire life Modigliani wrote a total of five double portraits, this canvas is one of them. Estimeyt work - 3,5-5,5 million pounds (4,8-7,8 million dollars). Forecast AI - 6 million pounds.

It is impossible not to mention the paintings of Russian artists who exhibited at Christie's. In particular, the bid will be two paintings by a distinguished representative of expressionism Alexei von Yavlenskogo . One of the paintings, «Dance with gold fan», estimated at 1,5-2,5 million pounds (2,1-3,5 million dollars). The work was written in 1912, during which the artist considered his most successful. Comfortable size and bright expressiveness, in the view of AI, will be highly valued by collectors. For example, 3 million pounds. Another picture Yavlenskogo, «The Girl with a red bow», predicted experts, should be 1,8-2,5 million pounds (2,5-3,5 million dollars). But she, according to AI, noticeably weaker «Dances with gold fan». Projection - Lower estimeyt or «not sold».

already mentioned in this article, Vasily Kandinsky submitted bids graphics «Watercolor for Paul Berre». Her estimeyt - 300-500 thousand pounds, or 426-711 thousand dollars. This work - a farewell gift to a friend the artist, known psychoanalyst Paul Berre (Poul Bjerre), with whom Kandinsky spoken in Stockholm. As you know, after the First World War, the artist was forced to leave Germany, where he lived with his beloved woman Myunter Gabriel (Gabriele Münter), and go home. However, in Russia, he went not once - at first he was some time in the old Sweden and Switzerland. «Watercolor for Paul Berre» was written in 1916 in Stockholm. It is one of the few works by the artist, which depict people (in this case Paul Berre and artist Ernst Norlind (Ernst Norlind)). Berre, as Sigmund Freud (Sigmund Freud), studied the human unconscious, but in contrast to the Austrian psychoanalyst, he believed that the conscious does play a more important role in the psyche. He was the author of the theory of the cycle «psychic death and renewal», wrote a biography of Nietzsche (Friedrich Nietzsche), corresponded with Freud and Jung (Carl Gustav Jung). Berre Kandinsky was very interested in ideas and thought that they were close to his studies of psychology of dreams. Forecast for AI Kandinsky Watercolors - 350 thousand pounds, within estimeyta. Picture is good, but too small - 23.2 x 34.5 cm

Not Christie's is not without cost to our works of Marc Chagall. At the auction, put up the canvas with the most, perhaps recognizable plot artist - «newlyweds with two bouquets» (estimeyt 400-600 thousand pounds, or 568-853 thousand dollars). It is through such subjects Chagall is considered one of the most romantic painters. But in the case of the concrete work there, unfortunately, a familiar problem of the age. The artist wrote of this picture when he was already over 90 ... Prognoz AI - the lower limit of estimeyta, but rather, «not sold».

One of the few sculptures that can be bought at auction on Feb. 4, is a stone «Female torso» Osip Tsadkina . The high sculpture (86 cm) is estimated at 300-500 thousand pounds (426-711 thousand dollars). The work, which is one of the most «minimalistichnyh» creations of the artist, there is a single copy. Forecast AI - 900 thousand pounds.

Technical analysis of the situation prevailing in the market of the Impressionists and modernists to top bidding allows you to make a number of moderately-optimistic forecasts. Index ARTIMX Impressionism & Modern Art (the average price of conventional products) at the annual segment showed moderate volatility, and in January of 2009 fluctuated around a point 966 points (1 000 points - on the basis of January 2008). This shows a slight decline in the technical level of prices. While at the peak of the index reached 113 points and 1. This good news is that this market is going up markedly schedule index of purchasing activity ARTIMXba Impressionism & Modern Art. This is a fairly reliable signal for the upcoming price increases. Miracles, of course, today no one is waiting, but in general the participants have a reason for a good mood - the chances of favorable purchase today have grown markedly.

Material prepared Yulia Maksimova. The forecasts and statistics decorated Vladimir Bogdanov

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