Art Investment

"Russian Americans" in the gallery "Elysium" on XXXVI Russian Antique Salon

XXXVI on Russian Antique Salon CHA gallery "Elysium" is a thematic project, dedicated to the works of artists of the Russian emigration, working in the U.S. in the first half of the XX century

On XXXVI Russian Antique Salon CHA gallery "Elysium" is a thematic project , dedicated to the works of artists Russian expatriates working in the U.S. in the first half of XX century .

markedly in recent years a growing interest in Russian art abroad, particularly to the Russian artists in America. Gallery "Elysium" tried to show the most interesting and important figures of Russian artistic exile in the U.S. .

The stand galleries will display works of such great artists as Boris Anisfeld , Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev , , Sergey Sudeikin , David Davidovich Burliuk David , Alexander Archipenko , Roman Tyrtov ( Erte ) , etc.

Anisfeld , , Feshin , Sudeikin and Burliuk came to America already established artists , known in his country to participate in numerous art events and exhibitions. They brought with them the experience of Russian artistic life in the late XIX - early XX century. Everyone had a wonderful drawing and painting culture , vibrant art style developed its own theme in art .

Boris Anisfeld became famous in Russia excellent color and plastic solutions costumes and sets for theater productions . Critics at the time noted that he " ... has a surprisingly strong sense of color is so keen that borders on barbarism ." Name Anisfelda became famous in the United States in 1916 due to the arrival in America of Russian Ballet . And in 1918, he moved to the U.S. and became the first Russian artist who emigrated to this country after the October Revolution . In the same year, 1918 , he gave to his solo exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum . In America Anisfeld worked as a theatrical designer , processing setting for the Metropolitan Opera , and others , continued to paint , was one of the leading teachers of the Art Institute of Chicago .

against Russian revolutionary upheaval late 1910s - 1920s, the American public has enthusiastically accepted the criticism and work Boris Grigoriev , first came to America in 1923 and has since made ​​numerous visits to the United States. Having survived in Russia in the 1910s, the influence of " World of Art" craze neoclassical style , was influenced by cubism , Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev formed his own bright and unique artistic style. His works are distinguished by sophisticated academic skills , combined with an acute expression of colors and shapes .

Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev (1886-1939) Seashore. South America . 1928-1929 , 1936
Gouache . 35 × 47 ( Clearance )
 Burliuk, David Davidovich ( 1882-1967 ) Memories of childhood. 1945
Burliuk, David Davidovich (1882-1967) Memories of childhood. 1945
Oil on canvas. 50 × 120

In 1923 he moved to the United States Sergey Sudeikin . By the time he was a famous Russian artist, the author of paintings , book and magazine illustrations , theatrical designer , have issued in 1900 -10 -ies of a number of famous performances. After his appearance in America was immediately Sudeikin of highly successful Russian emigre artists . He worked for the Metropolitan Opera , Ballet Anna Pavlova and others , often making out performances Russian repertoire. Decorative conditionality inherent in theater as well as easel Sudeykin , subtle styling , the intertwining of various stylistic manners , accessing methods primitivism and cubism , attracting the attention of art lovers and art critics .

David Davidovich Burliuk David - one of the most prominent figures of the early Russian avant-garde. Rebel, subverts the classical values ​​and academic rules , he was one of the ideologists of the new art. His activism on the front of the struggle for the triumph of New Art , he earned the name "father of Russian Futurism ." has participated in many exhibitions program 1900 -10 's and was the author of radical manifestos. In his paintings , created in America , where he settled in 1922 , connects the real and the imaginary , often depicting people and details of everyday life in old Russia . His work is the American period was patchy , it combines features of Expressionism and Futurism elements in the 1920s , appeared techniques surrealism - in 1930 , appeal to naive painting - in 1930 -60s .

, who arrived in New York in 1923 and quickly gained a reputation as a portrait painter . By this time, his shoulders were studying at the Academy of Arts, pensionerstvo overseas , teaching at the Kazan Art School , successful performance on Russian and foreign exhibitions. In his works he masterfully combined the principles of academic school of painting with the techniques of Impressionism . In 1923 held his first American solo exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago , later in various U.S. cities took many his exhibitions .

Russian Americans were among the artists who have reached artistic maturity and received recognition in exile , such as Alexander Archipenko , Roman Tyrtov ( Erte ) , Eugene Berman , Paul Chelishchev , Jacques Jacques Lipchitz , whose work will also be presented in the exhibition " Russian Americans" on the stand gallery «Elysium ».

Chelishchev Pavel Fedorovich (1898-1957) Firebird suit ( Firebird ) . Improvisation music
Stravinsky . 1942
Paper on tempera on cardboard . 74 × 46

Gustavovich Eugene Berman (1899-1972) Column in the Karnak.
1964 Oil on canvas . 125,7 × 75

Alexander Archipenko has gained recognition in Europe even before he settled in 1923 in New York . - one of the founders and leaders of the avant-garde sculpture of the twentieth century . He created his own concept of Cubism in sculpture, first used the new materials and combinations of dissimilar materials , developed the direction of " sculptors painting." in America, Archipenko carried out the idea of" arhipentury ", on which he worked more in Europe. He also took up teaching and started my own art school in New York City and Woodstock. characteristic peculiarities of his sculptures were fluidity of plastic forms a complex combination of different plans , through volumes .

 Alexander Archipenko Porfirievich ( 1887-1964 ) Woman Combing Her Hair . 1914 ( cast in 1950 -60s )
Alexander Archipenko Porfirievich (1887-1964) Woman Combing Her Hair . 1914 ( cast in 1950 -60s )
Metal . 35 × 8,7 × 8,5

Ossip Zadkine A. (1890-1967) Centauriale.
1941 gouache on paper . 59,4 × 76,2

in 1925 in the United States from Europe arrived Roman Tyrtov ( Erte ) , a well-known fashion designer and set designer . In America, he worked with the famous film studio « Metro Goldwin Mayer », made ​​sketches of scenery and costumes for the Chicago opera , and for Broadway music halls . with a number of American magazines Erte worked since 1915 , creating for them and cover illustration. In 1920 - 30s artist also collaborated with leading American fashion salons , developing models for their clothes and designs for fabrics. In 1940, 50 years Erte continued to scenography , designed productions in many theaters around the world , including in New York and Chicago .

 Erte ( Tyrtov Roman, 1892-1990 ) Autumn . 1980 . Based on a series
Erte ( Tyrtov Roman, 1892-1990 ) Autumn
1980 . Based on a series of" Letters . " letter "P" /1920
cast bronze , patina , gilding . H 40

Erte ( Tyrtov Roman, 1892-1990 ) Cocotte
Sketches created cabaret Madame Nélène MARTINI« Les Folies Pigalle ». Paris . 1960
gouache . 37,5 × 27,5

works presented gallery "Elysium" on XXXVI Russian Antique Salon in CHA , are of high quality , variety of styles and trends. exhibition reflects the complex and contradictory picture art Russian artists in the United States .

Source : press Release gallery "Elysium »

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