Art Investment

The Museum of Fine Arts in the German city of Chemnitz exhibition Wanderers

The exhibition includes 90 paintings from the collections of the Russian Museum and Tretyakov Gallery

Director of the Museum of Fine Arts Chemnitz Messinger Ingrid (Ingrid Moessinger ) in front of Ilya Repin's canvas "Barge Haulers on the Volga»

in the German city of Chemnitz exhibition" Peredvizhniki: Russian realists "in which German viewers can enjoy the ninety works from the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum . Much of the exhibition of paintings never before exhibited in Germany.

Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions was founded in 1870 in St. Petersburg and lasted until 1923. young artistic goal was to dissociate himself from association academic tradition and uphold the principles of loyalty to the truth of life painting. Between 1871 and 1922 the society was organized 48 mobile exhibitions in different cities of Russia. Association actively supported Pavel Tretyakov, who collected the work of the Wanderers, as well as a well-known critic Vladimir Stasov.

In contrast to the academic tradition Wanderers began to use his pictures more vivid, bright colors. All the artists included in the association, chose subjects in which people are in the natural circumstances and living conditions. Peredvizhniki focused image of the modern Russian society, they created portraits of public and political figures, representatives of the intellectual elite, but at the same time turned to mythological and folkloric themes, praised the beauty of Russian nature, wrote with enthusiasm of the peasants, convicts, burghers and merchants. Gradually, the group has taken a leading position in the Russian art scene turn of the century.

Although the work of the Wanderers enjoyed continued popularity in our country, the Western European audience, they are not very well known. Another unfortunate omission is the fact that this important art association received little attention in the works of German art historians. So this exhibition is a unique event in the cultural life of Germany, which once again draw the attention of German experts and art lovers on the most important phenomenon in the history of Russian and world of realistic painting.

Total exposure in the present work 41's, among them the celebrated work , Ilya Repin , Vladimir Makovsky , Archaeology , Isaac Levitan , Myasoedova , Nicholas Gay , Vasily Perov . Most of the exhibits of this exhibition was created in the years 1870-1910, when the influence of the Wanderers in the artistic life in Russia as the time it was most important. As already mentioned, the work of this period cover the whole range of important social, political and intellectual problems of Russian life, in particular, affect people's themes of poverty and the consequences and the remnants of serfdom. Works Wanderers on topics of national life are imbued with a deep humanism and empathy, and landscapes are filled with reverent love for his native land. Among the many presented at the exhibition of portraits of eminent contemporaries, Created Wanderers, stands out the famous portrait of Leo Tolstoy's brush Repin (1901).

Prepared by Mary Estrova, AI

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