"Artist's Book" in the MMSI
Today in the Moscow Museum of Modern Art opens the exhibition «Livre d'artiste /Artist's Book". It is conducted within the framework of "world masterpieces book artist"
Today, February 15 at 19:00 at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Tver Boulevard, 9) will be the opening of the exhibition «Livre d'artiste /Artist's Book", which is conducted within the framework of "world masterpieces of the book artist ».
Classic examples of artist's books, livre d'artiste, practically non-existent even in the largest Russian museums. Meanwhile, the synthetic form of art was one of the link between visual art and literature, artists, publishers and writers from different countries.
Focus exhibition of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art - Russo-French literary and artistic context. They were observed both in the selection and interpretation of subjects, and in the fate of artists. On display are works by Alexander Alexeyev, Yuri Cooper , Andre Lansky , Ivan Puni , Leopold Survage , Marc Chagall , Edward Steinberg , Osip Zadkine .
literary material, with which the artist works, also deserves special attention. The exhibition features visual transcriptions of Guillaume Apollinaire, poetry and prose by Claude Avelino, Louis Aragon, Joseph Brodsky, Geo Charles, Jean Cocteau, Pierre Lekyura, Andre Malraux, by Boris Pasternak, Georges Pompidou, Jacques Prévert, Elsa Triolet, Leon-Paul Farga.
unique phenomenon of the artist's book appeared in France at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. Classical artist book includes, along with artwork, original printed schedule: lithographs, woodcuts, etchings. Each copy of the book, as a rule, signed by the author, artist or publisher. The artist's works included in the book, have independent value. It is no accident graphic masterpieces of Rodin's books and Maillol, Matisse and Chagall, Picasso, Miro, Dali and Fini are exhibited on the walls of many museums in the world as separate works.
In the book artist in a special way relate to illustrations and the text: on the one hand, the text plays an important role (including as a motivation for artists), on the other - graphic sheets are parallel text, free from the problem of direct illustration of the literary material.
Books of the artist published a small press (20 to 400 copies) and manufactured with the rare technologies: casting special paper for each book, a unique way to print text material (high printing, lithography), and other tools that enhance the unique expressiveness and specificity of livre d'artiste .
In Russia, a phenomenon foreign books of the artist hardly known - primarily due to the fact that even in the major museums are stored only a few instances, representing the world heritage in this art form. In addition, many Russian writers, engaged in a book artist, did it in Europe, mainly in France. Among them are artists of the first third of XX century (Chagall, , Alexeev), and the master post-perestroika era ( Bruskin , Cooper, Steinberg).
in 2010, which devoted to Russian-French and French-Russian relations, the organization of this exhibition could not be more appropriate. On the one hand, it is the first time opens the world of Russia's audience livre d'artiste, on the other - is the famous masters of Russian origin, as members of the French and international art scene.
shortly Moscow Museum of Modern Art plans to present two exhibitions in the program "The world's masterpieces of book artist»: «Livre d'artiste Picasso» and Ambroise Vollar - the great publisher of the great works ».
exhibition is open to the public February 16 to March 21, 2010.
Source: press release MMSI