Art Investment

Auctions of art


Open 328-е the Auction and 14-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — lots thirty: seventeen paintings, five original leaves and two — printed graphics, four works in mixed media, one sculpture and a collage


The results of the Auction № 327

Sold 14 of the 30 lots totaling just under 3 million rubles


Open 327-е the Auction and 13-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: twenty paintings, four sheets of original and one — printed graphics, two works in mixed media, one sculpture, one porcelain dish and a single object


The results of the Auction № 326

Purchased 13 lots in the amount of 2.3 million rubles


Painting, drawing, arts and crafts and used books at the Auction house № 1

April 29 auction No. 50. The directory contains nearly 600 lots of Russian, Soviet and Western European art. Start bidding at 13:00


Open 326-е the Auction and 12-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — lots thirty: sixteen paintings, four sheets of an original and two — printed graphics, four works in mixed media, one sculpture, one porcelain plate and one photo


The results of the Auction № 325

Sold 15 lots of 30, totaling more than 3.5 million rubles


Collection of actor Robin Williams will appear at auction Clars

Paintings, graphics, decorative-прикладное art and a stuffed monkey from the collection of the actor will be available online April 19, 2020


Open 325-е the Auction and 11-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: six paintings, six original leaves and one — printed graphics, eight works in mixed media, one sculpture and one porcelain plate


The results of the Auction № 324

Sold 46 % of the lots, totaling about 2.5 million rubles


Open 324-е the Auction and 10-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: fifteen paintings, seven of the original sheets and two — printed graphics, three works in mixed media, two sculptures, and the work done by digital printing in a single copy


The results of the Auction № 323

Sold 30% of catalogue for the sum more than 3 million buyers — Moscow and Odintsovo


Spring auction "Among collectors" in the sale of antique books and collectible porcelain, earthenware and majolica XIX–XXI centuries 4 April 2020

The catalog offers more than 790 lots of rare, collectible, popular, and well known to lovers of art and antiquities, books, porcelain and faience objects. The auction will be held in absentia-дистанционной form


Open 323-и the Auction and 9-й curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: twenty paintings, five original leaves and one — printed graphics, one work in mixed media, one sculpture and one porcelain plate


The results of the Auction № 322

Took almost a third of catalog buyers — Krasnodar, Gelendzhik, St-Петербург and Moscow


The spring auction is the auction house Global Russians PIONER & Co 1 APR

In the directory — personal belongings of Russian emperors and Grand Dukes, beautiful picture of the interiors of the Pavlovsk Palace brush Vasily Kuchumov, the archives of Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova, Marevny, autographs of Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova


Open 322-е the Auction and another curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — lots thirty: seventeen paintings, four sheets of an original and two — printed graphics, four works in mixed media, two sculptures and one object


Russian and Western European art in the house "Russian enamel" on March 28

In the directory — 657 lots: paintings, drawings, prints, silver, porcelain, glass, jewelry, bronze etc.


Spring auction of Russian art in düsseldorf on 24 and 25 April

The auction house Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen GmbH in düsseldorf invites you to participate in the spring auction "Russian art" and "Russian and Greek icons", which will feature more than 1400 lots


Auction of paintings, graphics, arts-прикладного art and used books No. 49 in Auction No. 1

Auction will be held on March 25, 2020 Beginning at 15:00. In the directory — about 600 lots of Russian, Soviet and Western European art


The results of the Auction № 321

Sold 14 lots of 30 buyers — Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok total revenue — more than 5 million rubles


Open 321-е the Auction and another curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: nineteen paintings, eight original drawings, two works in mixed media and one porcelain plate


Russian art at auction in new-Йорке

Russian and Soviet painters, rare products of the Imperial porcelain factory, Faberge objects, as well as outstanding works of European, Asian and American artists — in the spring auction Shapiro on March 21-22, 2020


The results of the Auction № 320

Sold almost 40% of the catalogue totaling a little more than three million rubles


Tomorrow, Friday, March 13, at 12:00 ends 320-е the Auction and curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — lots thirty: sixteen paintings nine of the original sheets and one — printed graphics, one work in mixed media, one sculpture, one object and the triptych of porcelain


The results of the Auction № 319

Sold is 43.3 % of the lots. Buyers — from Moscow to Magadan


Opened 319-е the Auction and another curator's auction "XXI century"

The master catalogue — thirty lots: nineteen paintings, four sheets of original and one — printed graphics, four works in mixed media, one sculpture and one porcelain plate


Antique paper in the house "Russian enamel"

Thursday, March 5, 2020, will be held the next specialized auction schedules, antique paper, used books and pictures


The results of the Auction № 318

Sold 14 lots 30, total revenues amounted to nearly 5 million rubles


The next auction of Russian and Western European art auction house "Russian enamel" held on 29 February 2020

In the directory — 661 lot: paintings and drawings, porcelain, glass, silverware, etc.


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Проведенных аукционов

8 800+

Зарегистрированных пользователей на аукционе

343 000+

Записей в базе

16 000+

Художников в базе
