Art Investment

He died-шестидесятник Vladimir Yankilevsky

One of the main innovators of the Russian post-war non-art passed away on 4 January 2018 in France

We became friends in 2010. Vladimir Borisovich came to Moscow from Paris on current Affairs and was invited for a talk in his workshop. In the end, talked until late evening, excitedly. Flipping through just made avtomonograficheskih albums — with photos, documents, posters, tickets, etc., since the "Taganka" and "Arena-1962", recorded a great interview. Yankilevsky not only spoke, but he did a lot of asking: what is happening in Moscow, what is new in our contemporary art, what artists say. Listened with interest that we have raised a new wave of interest in the sixties. Remember, invited him to go to the Tretyakov gallery, where in that period a part of one of the halls allocated informal post-war art. And one day we really went to the Tretyakov gallery. By metro, on foot. Was amazed that I barely keep up with this sports lean 72-летним man. In the hall hung a few of his works. One of them had to odrestaurowany, and he carefully examined how things were done. In the Tretyakov gallery in those days it was forbidden to photograph. But there can be no rules. Had his camera, saying: "Vladimir Borisovich, let's close with "Dialogue"?" The Rangers there: "No, no!". I had to explain: "do Not bother. We have a special case. Is the author himself, he can". Later it is precisely these frames we illustrated Yankilevsky article on Wikipedia. it was Time to disperse, but still more than an hour could not stop talking, walked across the Big Yakimanka back-вперед: Sretensky group, Kabakov, Unknown, Hrzhanovsky, alias, hair...

— Well, until next time. When you plan to Moscow?

— Soon. In the NCCA will be a presentation and avtomonograficheskih album "Anatomy of feelings".

Came but rarely, and often had correspondence. Business emails, authentication, clarification of the names of the works. But increasingly, conversations about life, congratulations and be sure to questions about art. What the exhibition in Moscow? How the audience perceives? What do you think about the exhibition? In recent times talked about the exhibitions "Collection!" at the Pompidou and "Thaw" in the Tretyakov gallery. Tell him your conversation with the famous Moscow collector on the exhibition at the Pompidou:

— That made the greatest impression?

— Two Yankilevsky triptych.

— Went to "Thaw". Your "Dialogue" is also hanging in the place of honor, a photo of the painting and the layout attached.

the Answer, surprisingly, is happy: everything is good, even text much.

Reread the last letter. Always start "Dear Volodya," end ", Just good, Volodya, Rimma" — old-fashioned, something from another time, so nobody writes. As a dog person with a dog person share their experiences as summer under the air conditioner in the car drove bulldog Frank in the Crimea. He reminisced about his beloved Mars (they Rimma was Erdelyi), who loved to travel by car and they also went and lived in Estonia, and Belarus, and Ukraine, and in Crimea.

Well, when the train finally-то come, Mr Miller? — Here-вот. "The publishing house "Slovo" in Moscow is preparing an edition of my albums, which are now in the collection of Pompidou. I wanted to come in mid-July for further details of publication, but-за different problems have so far this trip to be postponed". It is summer 2017. Like nothing to worry about. Now, Yankilevsky just poreshat what-то your questions and will arrive shortly...

As a true innovator and visionary, probably, had a presentiment that for the full understanding of his ideas even 50-летней ago, the public will need another twenty years. I think, no accident that he so tenderly and carefully systematized archival materials and to document their creativity. Yankilevsky has always kept information about their projects in an exemplary manner. The time made good albums, catalogues, texts, reconstructions. Remember, he even had the sketch plan of hanging pictures in the Arena-1962, where Khrushchev came to "educate" artists. Now these materials will definitely be a good stepping stone for art historians and for the public. By the way, all I could Yankilevsky tried to do only the — photographed, composed, wrote the lyrics (and wrote it brilliantly). About people such comprehensive talents, and such inner harmony say "Renaissance man." And that's exactly about Vladimir Yankilevsky — searching for the artist, always ahead of his time.

What else to read on the topic on AI:
Biography V. B. Yankylevsky, authorized by the artist;
Interview with artist Vladimir Yankilevsky;
artist of the week. Vladimir Yankilevsky;
Article about Vladimir Yankilevsky;
50 years of the Manege exhibition. Memories of the artist Vladimir Yankilevsky.

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