How to lose money on "investment" in art. 11 "bad advice"
In addition to the quite radical scenario with the purchase of fakes (they generally will not speak), there are some pretty reliable ways to return the money invested and permanently disappointed in the purchase of works of art
Sincerely in love with the art people are quickly deceived in their expectations is perhaps the most frustrating and hopeless loss for all. And for artists, and sellers of paintings, and for the community of collectors. This usually happens with people at the most vulnerable stage @- the first steps in collecting, when a long-cherished wish finally-то is supported by financial capability. In this moment of natural there is a neophyte's enthusiasm and desire to quickly gather his collection dim eyes, not allowing them to think critically. Then-то and it is discouraging to watch as one starts to buy up all that no hitting, and the second catches the money, paying ten times, and the third begins to buy up and store almost unknown, but his favorite artist.
it Ends, alas, bad. Once confident mountain-коллекционеры try what-то to sell previously purchased, and then-то at them eyes open. Well, then it depends on psychological make-up. Who-то will mourn briefly, then wave his hand, smile, and remember the rate of exchange for one beaten unbeaten and get back to shopping. The other, on the contrary, razobiditsya on the whole world and give myself a vow never, never to buy paintings. And such cases, alas, too much.
Why is this happening? There are quite a lot of reliable ways to come to be disappointed when buying art. And here's what you need to do:
bad advice 1. To close one's eyes the statistics of auction sales: not to check prices and to buy works by unknown artists who have previously never exhibited at the auctions. Why? It is clear as well. In-первых, all auctions are "cheating". And-вторых, if the artist for all the time never gone to auction, so obviously collectors hold his paintings, don't want to spend the time to part with them because they are expecting an even greater increase in prices. In the galleries of the author's work is also surely sweep cleaned at much higher prices. And auctions...who needs them? The time will come to sell – come up with what-нибудь, and there believe in the word. Yes, you have been warned that the lack of auction history, the author usually becomes a serious obstacle when you try to resale it works. For auction is a signal that liquidity is low (if not zero) and the actual price do not understand. But is it worth to think about it in advance?
bad advice 2. Do not listen to the profile advice and recommendations for novice collectors and rely solely on your own "I do." Most likely, everyone who bought the painting up to you, didn't understand anything in art or in prices. So these simpletons simply did not notice a lot of cool and cheap pieces that are destined soon to increase in price.
bad advice 3. To buy obviously expensive works of little-known authors. And "expensive" @- how much is this? In our practice, upper limit emotional shopping after the crisis of 2014 was set at 30 000. It is about the money that collectors are willing to take the risk painless: just liked @- decided to buy, without any serious commercial expectations. But whenpersuaded to buy 30 000 and 300 000, then... What-то terrible at this too, in principle, no, but about the investment aspect it is better to forget. Consider that you simply pleasantly spent money and, most likely, for a good cause.
bad advice 4. To argue so: "if a picture is old, foreign and overseas bought the auction – so she's valuable." In practice, to sell a foreign author in Russia is not an easy task. At the Moscow auctions even in the same full time interest in them was not. And so to the Western paintings of unknown artists – there was even more. Buy for fun – please. But not for investment.
bad advice 5. To catch a wide dragnet of work by little-known artists, including authors early in his career. All beginners are inspiring stories about van Gogh, Basquiat or Zverev. And all hope to buy your lucky lottery ticket. The market this great benefit. But you have to understand that from the point of view of the chances of resale is 99% not investment, and buying for pleasure, "for fun". That is, with money spent it is better mentally to say goodbye. Yes, we cannot completely exclude that in dragnet accidentally gets "goldfish" @- here for it and leave 1% probability. But not anymore.
bad advice 6. To invest in self - "promotion" of the unknown, but the attractive artist. It is about to rush to Fund the exhibition, to pay for creating directories, and as-нибудь to spend money wisely on promotion. Plan the ultimate goal of which, @- increase the value of paintings in a private collection. And nothing wrong with that, I do not discourage. But if you think about the recoverability of invested funds, then consider that the risks in this business today is just outrageous. To begin with, the promotion will take years, and no one can know how many there will effect. Even if everything was done correctly, "by the book", it is still a draft and may not "fly" in the mass of unpredictable reasons and circumstances. And finally: spend the money specifically will you and benefit from rising prices will benefit all the owners of works. And many of them say thank you, and will sell at prices better than you. In these stories, with the promotion even professionals sometimes fail. And as a novice with the investment plans there better not to meddle.
bad advice 7. Relying heavily on the experience – to fully trust the opinions "friend" of the seller, artist and other advisers. Maybe everything will be fine. Maybe not. Cases of breach of trust when someone-то "good" have advised newcomers to be a dime a dozen. The correct behavior from the beginning of collecting is to listen to everyone, but to think with your head. Money, in the end, the only risk you.
bad advice 8. Chase the big names, not going into details. Then explain without sarcasm, so as not to confuse @- question too important. The artist, whether he is arbitrarily well known, and is particularly valuable in periods of creativity, and value. Valuable time is when it found its way into art, formed a distinctive creative style, but strength and energy still abound. Well, are typically low-value periods earlier searches or, on the contrary, the later years, when energy. Accordingly, for the periodalways be quite willing, and the work of the low period of demand is much lower. The same applies to finished works. Sketches, unfinished work and things to sell is usually much more difficult, despite the big names. They are much more expensive and slower than a good finished work.
bad advice 9. To believe any success stories. Any stories about art-бизнесе. The most famous of them – about how someone-то friend the dealer sells the work of little-known artists for $5 000 – 10 000 – 15 000. And yet, about the fact that in Russia there are lots of people that have money do not believe: and they spend that 5000 rubles, which is $ 5,000 for the painting – all is one. And, of course, is to listen to the wonderful talk about, "if you need money urgently, no problem will sell for what I bought". This last one is just the threat of fables. In honor of her – the next important "bad advice". The most harmful.
bad advice 10. Not trying to sell a previously purchased the picture. Buy without stopping. Accumulate, store, "salt". And always wait until the last minute. Yet will not burn completely. To this and do not even try to put previously purchased at auctions or offer in the gallery. You as a collector, not a "huckster" what-то, right? Offer your painting, sellers, intermediaries – we know them, there the same crooks solid. Will "price down", to name the numbers up to 10 times lower than you buy for yourself. Yes, and complain that selling is not easy. Right, better to sit still and think about that art always goes up in price.
bad advice 11. Play against the market and rush to buy work it is not clear why falling of the artist. Art is not a commodity where prices fell today, and tomorrow "grow". If the painting began to fall, it could be a long haul. Why? For example, there is a natural revision of the value for the history of art, falling interest collectors. Or it so happens that the prices have risen from-за phase of active promotion, and then possible driving forces (heirs, gallerists, etc.) have dried up. And it all went down. The reasons can be a lot to analyze. It is important not to run to buy like mad in the hope that prices will recover to previous levels.
Things like simple. However, this rake attacked and continue to attack many novice collectors. The biggest mistake @- to fall into sin Samohvalov: "you can't be all, this track is only mine", "we just need to wait a little longer", "you need to wait a moment," and so forth And to fill a couple of cones and quick to make conclusions – it's perfectly normal. It may even be useful. But the greatest therapeutic effect has item 10. Just try periodically to sell the previously assembled: shroud quickly will fall from the eyes and experience accumulated invaluable.
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