Artist of the week. Pavel Pepperstein
In the "Garage" has opened a crazy post-modernist exhibition, according to bold up to risk another intervention "outraged public". Former inspector of "Medical hermeneutics" and the literary father partorg Dunaev again kicked ass
the Future appears where all marked with the signs of the future. Smoothly said, until I see to whom Providence has entrusted to do this layout in our country. Over the wrong candidate, perhaps, it is difficult to invent: defiantly "the cave" with a push-button phone, "Smoking" Facebook, nostalgically reminiscing the days when "the Internet was the air", and hard to prefer newfangled network communications, the luxury of "warm-blooded" human communication.
However the remoteness of this information is already several months, and this guy's just infinitely long. Elusive in his philosophical search, never equal to itself, Pepperstein effectively juggles fictional role and rapidly trying on new images. Pavel Pashkin from the magazine "Funny pictures" was Pepperstein in honor Peperkorn of the "Magic mountain" by Thomas Mann, until he decided to become Peter's Petersburg, and tomorrow — something like-нибудь. However on the passport he was always Pavel Pivovarov — son of the famous sixties-концептуалиста Viktor Pivovarov. At various times, "pepper" is the postmodern artist-утопистом, psychedelic writer, rapper, the futuristic "paper architect" and then suddenly a fashion designer with a line of women's dresses of her own design. His fine speech so quick that sometimes even inconsistent. That chart that in the painting it is noticeable that the task — in whatever was to keep up with the idea to fix, and not care about the rough edges and grammatical mistakes in English texts.
Pepperstein grew up in the midst of the environment of the informal post-war art, in a circle of "Sretensky Boulevard". His playmates, and later teachers were Ilya Kabakov and Andrei Monastyrski, to draw, he studied, worked — conceptual, making their living by illustrating books with children's poems by his mother. Youth he lived in two cities — in Moscow, in Prague, where in 1980-х moved his father. In 1987, with the Odessa avant-garde and Sergei Anufriev and Yuri Leiderman they organized conceptual art-группу "Inspection "Medical hermeneutics"". Few years they made new art, quietly that-то used and fueled the "psychedelic counter-revolution". Along with Anufriev in the late 1990-х, shortly before the collapse of the group, they will write the first part of the resonant psychedelic novel "Mifogennaja love of castes" (with hallucinary a party organizer by Dunayev, the Woman-Ягой, etc.). 12 years ago Pepperstein made one of the most important of their projects, "City of Russia" — painted architectural model of the far future, where a gigantic Tower Malevich and Kandinsky Tower is separated in time mountain-небоскреб "Drunkard" and a flying memorial rock carved with the faces of Russian leaders. In 2009 Pepperstein exhibition "Victory over the future" was shown at 53-й Venice Biennale. And in 2014, his sharp critical project "Holy policy" became a laureate of the Kandinsky Prize.
the Name Pepperstein keep hearing the last thirty years. Always in the actual agenda. Always in the cage of the main artists of modern art (which itself-то he, paradoxically, does not favor, preferring the classics). He fashion, snapped at journalists, therefore, about him, just write-переписано. It is clear why. Pepperstein at-прежнему not nerdy, sharp tongue and not preachy. And his new interview to read even more interesting than the arguments 10-20 years ago. All they are told cannot be taken at face value — all have great filtering. And perhaps, even stronger than before. Therefore, those who are just starting to delve into — prefer not Wikipedia, criticism, and related exhibitions, namely direct speech. Any of the latest — two interviews. One — , else — and here. Both the important ideas that the running and always hurrying people too rarely think. And before the show I would advise you to read it an autobiography. Also I should add that-то to understanding the show.
How much work Pepperstein? Yes, that's the bottom specially gathered some of the auction prices, see for yourself. From-за siege, because of the uncertainty in casinogam on the right following, auctions conducted on the territory of Russia, this time called the abstract "Auction in Moscow." And foreign auctions, which no one bothers, posted under their real names.
Pavel Pepperstein is included in top-100 the most expensive Russian artists of modern art. Record — $36 300 for a large watercolour 1995 — was set to "Sotbis" in 2013. However, I would not want to such records was confusing collectors with not particularly tight wallets. Yes, the original painting — is a budget in the tens of thousands of dollars or euros. But actually, Pepperstein has a lot of draw signature works, including cool graphics available for money to the wider population. Leaves his tiriki until recently it was possible to buy in the range of 300 euros. Even exotic and very showy designer porcelain (conceptual set "Suprematist pastoral") recently exhibited a little more expensive than 1000 euros. Yes, there is far to go: several available subscription works in the near future will offer our AI Auction, be sure to check in the catalogue online-торгов. In particular, one lithography Pepperstein is on auction right now.
in short, today, to immerse yourself in Pepperstein of study, to delve, go to cool shows and buy. Yet bold independent art again, not banned infuriated organizers are sprouting up like mushrooms after the rain.
PEPPERSTEIN Pavel (1966) untitled. 2001
the Paper is Fabriano Artistico, lithograph. 50 × 50
with a Circulation of 25 copies, copy No. 8
AI Auction. 11-15 March 2019PEPPERSTEIN Pavel (1966) You got me, Jack! Sheet from the album of lithographs "The Gun & The Heart" ("the Pistol and the Heart"). 2010
Lithography on paper Fabriano. 50 × 70
the Auction in Moscow. 13.10.2017
selling Price: 18 000 rubles
What else to read on the topic on AI:
a Lot of weeks. Set "Suprematist pastoral" by Pavel Pepperstein;
Pavel Pepperstein. Miracles in the swamp;
the Artist Pavel Pepperstein has released her own clothing line;
Exhibition of Pavel Pepperstein at the Multimedia Art Museum;
the Kandinsky Prize was given to Pavel Pepperstein;
Pavel Pepperstein at the exhibition at Sotheby's in Moscow;
the Third Moscow Biennale of contemporary art. Pavel Pepperstein;
Natssuprematizm Paul Pepperstein in Regina gallery.
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