Art Investment

The results of Russian week in London. The June 2019. As predictions have come true AI

Premonition did not disappoint. The buyers were in a good mood, and the auction went great. On the first day of "Russian week" has been updated top-10 auction results for Russian art. For Petrov-Водкина paid nearly $12 million

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Ahead of our Russian sale today, June 5, Bonhams London hosted an evening of music and dance as the #LondonRussianBalletSchool and renowned bass Mikhail Svetlov performed on our stage at New Bond Street in celebration of our ballets russes costume exhibition "In Pursuit of The Firebird". • Last chance to preview the book sale before the auction at 3pm BST today. • Russian sale, June 5, New Bond Street, London #Bonhams #BonhamsLondon #NewBondStreet #BonhamsNewBondStreet #FineArt #Painting #artwork #artlovers #artist #exhibition #ondisplay #inspiration #artinfo #artnews #artshow application #artcollection #auction #bidding #collecting #grey #russianart #balletsrusses #ballet #balletcostumes

the Publication of Bonhams (@bonhams1793)

Many have realized that "still life with lilacs" Petrova-Водкина — is the only absolute masterpiece of this Russian week — are able to surprise. It was not difficult to predict that it will exceed the preliminary estimate Chrisrie''s four times-пять. But in the end the buyer paid almost 10 times more than the estimate — $11 793 540. And here is the result: this artist now for 10-м place in the top-100 for Russian art. Between de steel and Goncharova. Against this background, it may seem that top-лот rival Sotheby's — still life of Mikhail Larionov — is not "shot". Well, what is it — excess of the estimate just two times rather than four (as I counted) and not ten... But the number on the scoreboard nevertheless quite convincing — $2 762 250. Though not a record, but a mighty one million. That Russian bidding in itself is a rarity.

so, below dry summary: what were the predictions and in what actually it turned. Prices converted at the exchange rate of 1.27 dollars per pound.

Christie's. English Art. June 3, 2019

Kuzma PETROV-ВОДКИН still life with lilacs. 1928
oil on Canvas. 80 × 65,4
Auction: $1 300 000-2 000 000
Forecast AI: $4 500 000
sale Price: $11 793 540

Ivan SHISHKIN Siverskiy. 1896
oil on Canvas. 60,2 × 50,1
Assessment of Christie's: $260 000-390 000
Forecast AI: $300 000
sale Price: $410 530

Boris GRIGORIEV Le Pouliguen. 1923
oil on Canvas. 81,5 × 64,3
Christie's estimate: $450 000-710 000
Forecast AI: $900 000
the Result: not sold

Ivan KULIKOV Peasant girl. 1913
oil on Canvas. 125,7 × 90,5
Christie's estimate: $77 000-103 000
Forecast AI: $80 000
sale Price: $95 250

Dmitry KRASNOPEVTSEV still life. 1983
the Hardboard, oil. 66 × 54
Assessment of Christie's: $45 000 000-52
Forecast AI: $45 000
sale Price: $55 560

Konstantin KOROVIN Grand Boulevard, Richelieu — Drouot. 1935
oil on Canvas. 32,7 × 40,8
Christie's estimate: $26 000-39 000
Forecast AI: $28 000
sale Price: $50 800

Dmitry PLAVINSKY Composition with a bull's hide. 1989
mixed media on Canvas. 80,6 × 120
Christie's estimate: $26 000-32 000
Forecast AI: $50 000
the Result: not sold

Oscar RABIN Ambulance in Pryluky. 1967
oil on Canvas. 89,9 × 109,5
Christie's estimate: $25 000-40 000
Forecast AI: $30 000-35 000
sale Price: $34 925

Konstantin SOMOV Twilight. Evening landscape with lilac Bush on the right. 1921
oil on Canvas. 18 × 26,2
Christie's estimate: $15 000-23 000
Forecast AI: $80 000
sale Price: $28 575

Alexander GERASIMOV in Moscow. Near City Council. 1947
Paper, gouache, watercolor, pencil. 50,8 × 64,2
Christie's estimate: $90 000-115 000
Forecast AI: $170 000
sale Price: $87 310

Constantine VESELOV hero
oil on Canvas. 74,3 ×92,1
Christie's estimate: $25 400-31 750
the opinion of the AI: $25 400
sale Price: $28 575

Boris GRIGORIEV Sunflowers. Circa 1930
oil on Canvas. 46 x 56,2
Assessment of Christie's: $25 400 – 31 750
the opinion of the AI: $25 400
sale Price: $28 575

Comment: In General, Christie's too much of the predictions I have do not come true. That I would like to adjust retroactively, — is much too high expectations on the city view Alexander Gerasimov. The hope was the magic of the place, on the Tverskaya, 13, but the magic didn't work. Surprised I haven't left dear Grigoriev — "medieval" portrait "Le-Пулиген". Compared to other reference sales Grigoriev such an outcome was hard to imagine. I feel sorry for a negative result, "Bull hides" Dmitry Plavinsky. Large, textured, very distinctive canvas famous Russian of the sixties with an estimate of $26 000 — Yes, they still have! In Moscow this would have gone in flight. Well, for the rest it is to be happy. Many of the works sold above expectations. For example, the same Krasnopevtsev bought twice as expensive Moscow prices. Want to check? We have this coming Friday at the auction of the Auction will be sold Krasnopevtsev of the same class, and even higher, but with a reserve twice as more profitable.

Sotheby's. Russian Pictures. 4 Jun 2019

Mikhail LARIONOV still life. Presumably, 1911
oil on Canvas. 102 × 100
Estimation Sotheby's: $1 270 000-1 905 000
Forecast AI: $5 000 000
sale Price: $2 762 250

Ivan SHISHKIN Pine. 1895
oil on Cardboard. 60,5 × 34,5
Estimation Sotheby's: $63 500-88 900
Forecast AI: $230 000-250 000
sale Price: $142 875

Ivan AIVAZOVSKY Coastal chapel moonlit night. 1851
oil on Canvas. 58 × 72
Estimation Sotheby's: $190 000 500-254
Forecast AI: $300 000-320 000
sale Price: $317 500

Vasily POLENOV's the River Oyat. 1893
oil on Canvas. 46 × 92
Sotheby's estimate: $571 500-812 800
Forecast AI: $600 000
sale Price: $887 730

Konstantin MAKOVSKY boyar
oil on Canvas. 68 × 56
Estimation Sotheby's: $102 000-152 000
Forecast AI: $300 000
sale Price: $317 500

George of NYSSA Airfield. 1965 (?)
oil on Canvas. 45 × 100,5
Estimation Sotheby's: $76 200-101 600
Forecast AI: $500 000
sale Price: $238 125

WEISBERG tanagras still life with a statuette. 1976
oil on Canvas. 53 × 60
Sotheby's estimate: $38 100-63 500
Forecast AI: $65 000
sale Price: $95 250

Mikhail SHVARTSMAN the Wine of astonishment. 1977
the Board, tempera, mixed media. 132 × 102
Estimation Sotheby's: $63 500-88 900
Forecast AI: $135 000
sale Price: $142 875

Comment: At Sotheby's predictions came accurate. Most lots went even beyond my expectations. However, without much inflection. Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Konstantin Makovsky — artists liquid, with its own established market, so prices on them are not emotional but objective. Weisberg purchased with the overpayment (even critical). Nyssa — twice the upper estimate, but cheaper than I thought. Perhaps this is due to the fact that one of the main buyers of this class of Nyssa now select a Museum in Moscow. Bright Schwarzman bought super close to the forecast. And "the River Oyat" Polenov had almost touched the mark of one million dollars. Good trading, we can safely congratulate the organizers.

Bonhams. The Russian Sale. 5 Jun 2019

At Bonhams, also bought a top-лот — "portrait of a girl in a pink dress" Philip Malyavina — for $397000. Left separate and expensive work of Ivan Pohitonova — for example, his "Study based on the Corot. Bathers on the banks of the Marne" (Paris, 1900) bought for $200 111. From unexpected auction records set — $158 800 for a two-meter canvas Tselkova 1985. Alas, other items that I noted in the forecast, not sold. For the prosaic reason for the high estimate. If the collector need blood from his nose (it happens), such tactics can work. But to buy a profitable will not work. If reserves are much lower (as also happens), then the publication of such estimate exactly how much more harm than good. However pricing — it's up to the organizers to decide how they work better.

Oleg TSELKOV still life our lives. 1964
oil on Canvas. 37,5 × 42
Bonhams Estimate: $38 100-63 500
the opinion of the AI: $50 000
the Result: not sold

Oleg TSELKOV with a Pair of scissors. 1985
oil on Canvas. 205 × 170
Bonhams Estimate: $550 850-82 69
the opinion of the AI: $69 850
sale Price: $158 800

Ernst Neizvestny exploding head. 1990-е
acrylic on Canvas. Of 109.8 × 173,4
Bonhams Estimate: $12 700-19 050
Forecast AI: $13 000
the Result: not sold

Vladimir Pyatnitsky VITA NOVA. 1974
oil on Canvas. 35,5 × 49
Bonhams Estimate: $12 700-15 240
the opinion of the AI: $2000
the Result: not sold

all Right, all took place, to wait and assume you no longer need, everyone can exhale. Congratulations to the organizers of the Russian trade with the end of a hot week, with positive results. And happy customers — with new acquisitions.

But then London.

Those who believe, the success of Russian art at Albion clear signs of improvement in the art-экономики in our domestic market, I do not advise to jump to conclusions. A direct link between the two markets of Russian art had long been there. There can be good, but here — via-прежнему or even worse. Laws, prejudice and the business-климат in Russia, not London. But the relationship runs in the opposite direction: if in London Russian art comes seams, then we here haunt. And — Yes, new information and positive emotions. Useful for health.

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