As predictions have come true AI on the "Russian trading" in November 2018
Under each picture lots see real results are translated from pounds to dollars at the rate of 1.28. And compare with the forecast AI
All ended last Friday. And while I hesitated to report, flew triumphant: "delighted with the results," "the Russian art market is very strong", "the market is growing steadily," etc.
Okay, so there's no hurry. Although it was annoying to sleep through such a drastic and unexpected change for the better.
the Main hits and information about for news about the last auction were two pictures. First — "Georgian, wearing lechki" Niko Pirosmani sold three times higher than the estimate for $2 854 000. Second — "Game of hide and seek" by Konstantin Makovsky, purchased one and a half times more expensive than the estimate, for $5 470 000. Both — on "Sotbis". The result Makovsky is so strong that the caused motion in the ranking of Russian artists. And Pirosmani also was almost broke your own record. Such results were impossible to predict (I guessed wrong), as it is impossible to read the thoughts of those who are eager to outbid at any cost. Both works good. Best of all, it was at auction. To pay for them is not so scary. New owners — sincere congratulations.
In the auction was seen, and other interesting breakouts. For example, a well ottorgovalis agitation porcelain (sometimes with multiple excess of estimate). A number of works of the sixties with the story left much more expensive to preliminary expert estimates. Well sold antique books — the first lifetime editions of Russian classics and books of Russian avant-garde. The most expensive book this time was the "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" by Nikolai Gogol: $224 000. So you don't think that we have these good news do not notice and are not happy.
Alas, despite some success, still premature to conclude that the Russian art market is quickly gaining momentum. Because spectacular in addition to these records there are other conspicuous circumstances:
1. "Christie" last November, sold on the Russian bid approximately 74 % Thong painting and drawing, and this year — approximately 50 %. At Sotheby's better, but still falling in the past year he has sold approximately 78 % catalog fine art, and this year — about 65 %. For any Moscow auction it would be a good result, but London has long accustomed us to expect more.
2. At this time, many liquid things sturdy quality (not rare, but it is often sold) has been proposed auction in London at a lower, almost Moscow prices. And about Moscow the same prices, and left. Maybe sometimes 15-20% more expensive, which is quite a reasonable margin for "sotbisovsky" provenance
what it may mean? Every year the Russian art market is becoming more and more pragmatic and Mature. Accidental rich people, unknowingly throw money on it getting smaller. It is rather for the better. Too bad that offer is narrowed, and the class of lots is reduced. But even now the situation is quite working, activity to the critical level does not fall. It's too bad. Of course, no General surge of optimism I do not see numbers. And why would you?
Here are some of-за such "gloomy" estimates my colleagues and I periodically hear reproach from antique dealers, dealers and other knowledgeable people. Their-то certainly not be accused of fascination with the pink glasses. But stillask a trick question: "Why do you write critically? Anyone who cares and understands the situation. Do I need to weary the statistics? Isn't it better to write to you with optimism about the records about the growth, the excess of the estimate, about the good things. This mood will RUB off on others and provide much needed support for the Russian market." Well, this view also has a right to exist. But only then really decide: we or "good" or need to "support"? If anyone-то help mystical spell of universal progress, then why are we with you in every room of not hanging the TV? Here's how you say "halva" in the mouth will not become sweeter. And miracles out of nowhere, combat shamans to protect the Russian art market no one will send.
and not the fact that I can handle. In our forest bred "fantastic beasts" that no shamans never dreamed of. Resourceful, crafty, knows how to cook the right potion, ready to kill anything nor touch. And there is no similarity in London, with business transparency and the free export of culture are not necessary. Can pretend to say nice words about civilized rules and the importance of improving the business climate. But still will not allow Moscow to raise its head in the trade of Russian art (where the idea has a natural competitive advantage). To believe in their fairy tales do not need: I will say one thing and then create such conditions that to buy and sell in the country lost all desire. Here's what I think about all of this "optimistic." Sorry if I did something wrong.
So, now we move on to the final figures. Below, in the caption, the comparison of the results of and our predictions. And at the end added some results of book auctions on lots which we have in my review before that said the antiquary Anatoly Borovkov.
26 November 2018. Christie's. Important Russian Art
Natalia GONCHAROVA still life
oil on Canvas. 60,6 × 45,7
Christie's. 26.11.2018
Estimate: $130 000-196 000
Forecast AI: $250 000
sale Price: $232 000
Source: christies.comKonstantin Yuon Easter
Paper, watercolor, gouache. 23 × 31
Christie's. 26.11.2018
Estimate: $20 000-26 000
Forecast AI: $50 000
sale Price: $25 600
Konstantin SOMOV Two Russian peasant woman in a landscape. 1928
Paper on cardboard, ink, watercolor, mixed media. The 26.6 × 21
Christie's. 26.11.2018
Estimate: $52 000-65 000
Forecast AI: $60 000
the Result of the auction: not sold
Source: christies.comValery KOSHLYAKOV Borodinsky bridge, Moscow. The Propylaea. 1997
mixed media on Canvas. 69,7 × 89,5
Christie's. 26.11.2018
Estimate: $5 200-7 800
Forecast AI: $25 000
the sale Price: $4 800
Vladimir NEMUKHIN Net-брутто. 1989
Fabric (muslin) on the Board; pencil, acrylic, rope, wood, playing cards. 99 × 98
Christies, 26.11.2018
Estimate: $39 000-65 000
Forecast AI: not sold
the sale Price: $41 600
Source: christies.comOleg TSELKOV Portrait. 1966
oil on Canvas. 53 x 72.4
Christies, 26.11.2018
evaluation of the auction: $39 000-65 000
Forecast AI: $45 000
the sale Price: $67 200
27 November 2018. Sotheby's.Russian Pictures
Niko PIROSMANI Georgian, wearing lecacy
Oilcloth, oil. 105 × 85
Sotheby's. 27.11.2018
Estimate: $648 000-907 000
Forecast AI: $1 200 000
the sale Price: $2 854 400
Source: sothebys.comIvan AIVAZOVSKY Night at Crimea. 1895
Canvas on cardboard, oil. 36,5 × 59
Sotheby's. 27.11.2018
Estimate: $104 000-156 000
Forecast AI: $150 000
the sale Price: $200 000
Yuri ANNENKOV's Portrait of Boris Pasternak. 1921
Paper, ink, pencil. 42 × 28
Sotheby's. 27.11.2018
Estimate: $104 000-156 000
Forecast AI: more than $200 000
the sale Price: $272 000
Source: sothebys.comWEISBERG's Little black vase. 1976
oil on Canvas. 48 × 53,5
Sotheby's. 27.11.2018
Estimate: $39 000-65 000
Forecast AI: $55 000
the sale Price: $72 000
Alexei SAVRASOV-Winter landscape in the moonlight
Canvas on Board, oil. 35,5 × 25
Sotheby's. 27.11.2018
Estimate: $32 000-45 000
Forecast AI: $40 000
the sale Price: $40 000
Source: sothebys.comDmitry KRASNOPEVTSEV still life with a suspended jug. 1969
oil on Canvas. 70,5 × 52,7
Sotheby's. 27.11.2018
Estimate: $19 000-26 000
Forecast AI: not sold
the sale Price: $24 000
Michael BOSKIN Views of the Trinity-Сергиеву Laura
the Canvas; butter. 73 × 120
Bonhams. 28.11.2018
Estimate: $13 000-20 000
Forecast AI: not sold
the sale Price: $24 000
Source: bonhams.comVasily SITNIKOV Church in the wilderness. 1970-е
oil on Canvas. 74 × 149
Bonhams. 28.11.2018
Estimate: $25 000-39 000
Forecast AI: $25 000 or sold
the sale Price: $24 000
of A. S. Pushkin. Poems. 1826
Christie's. 28.11.2018. Lot 15
evaluation of the auction: $50 000-59 000
the sale Price: $104 000
Source: christies.comA. C. Pushkin. Ruslan and Lyudmila. 1820
Christie's. 28.11.2018. Lot 8
evaluation of the auction: $50 000-59 000
the sale Price: $104 000
Zadok the judges. 1910
Christies. 28.11.2018. Lot 134
evaluation of the auction: $4000-5000
the sale Price: $7 680
Source: christies.comVelimir Khlebnikov, David, Vladimir and Nikolai burlyuks. Bung. 1913
Christies. 28.11.2018. Lot 137
evaluation of the auction: $2000-2600
the sale Price: $5 120
Nikolai Gogol. Evenings on a farm near Dikanka. 1831-1832
Christie's. 28.11.2018. Lot 34
evaluation of the auction: $64 000-90 000
the sale Price: $224 000
Source: christies.comFyodor Dostoevsky. Demons. 1873
Christie's. 28.11.2018. Lot 64
evaluation of the auction: $15 000-23 000
the sale Price: $35 200
Fyodor Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov. 1880-1881
Christie's. 28.11.2018. Lot 68
evaluation of the auction: $28 000-38 000
the sale Price: $88 000
Source: christies.comOsip Mandelstam. Stone. 1913
Christie's. 28.11.2018. Lot 171
evaluation of the auction: $77 000-115 000
the sale Price: $152 000
What else to read on the topic on AI:
The London "Russian auction" in November 2018. Forecasts ARTinvestment.RU;
Anatoly Borovkov about Russian books at auction in London on November 28, 2018.
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