Art Investment

The London "Russian auction" in November 2018. Forecasts ARTinvestment.RU

November 26, held at Christie's Important Russian Art, November 27 — Sotheby's Russian Pictures, November 28 — Bonhams. Will still be bidding for PDI and the sale of the collection of Rostropovich-Вишневской 28 Nov 2018. But we only "scenic" auction

the Preamble to the Russian auctions the last five years-шесть you can write a blueprint. Nothing much for a long time does not change the range even more compressed (masterpieces no longer is), the formula structure is also well established (80 % classic, 15% of the sixties 5 % for experiments) and a set of names finally came down to artists of national importance. Avant-garde and our first names on the international level has long been withdrawn to the more prestigious auction Impressionists and modernists. Prices after two serious falls in 2008 and 2014 ago is not "grown". And why would you? But still, the class, the quality of the proposals and the prestige of any Russian auctions in London, still a few heads are superior to any auction in Russia. Just for understanding: to make the revenue equal to one day of "Russian" Sotheby's, Moscow all auctions need to work two-три. The scale of the Russian art markets of two countries are simply not comparable: the investment climate will not disappoint.

Well, now — once cautious. Just to clarify that this is not an attempt to guess what numbers will drive the price of courage. This, on the contrary, the desire to build on what-то rational pricing, to assess the quality of the proposal and tied to market prices.

And that of the lots I found interesting.

26 November 2018. Christie's. Important Russian Art

Judging by the description, until the end of 1940-х this painting was in American family collection. No date, but it is rather 1930-е years, the Paris period of Goncharova. In 2008, a similar pattern Goncharova, "Sailing", the same period was sold at "Bones" for $3 350 000. That was a killer price even for a peak market. In 2015 euphoria and "Sailing" failed to sell at Christie's "even" for $2 360 000. What I started to these arguments? The "Sailboat" was just twice the current of a still life. And estimate of still life assigned 10 times less. Why? Now is not 2008, nor in money, nor in knowledge. I suppose that Christie feels the change in the market, and wants to reassure potential buyers a pleasant start. People are better to understand and realize what is before them decorative Goncharova and not innovative. Not vanguard, not a masterpiece. Forecast — in the region of $250 000.

But you have to be ready to any surprise. All-таки Goncharova — the artist is not local but international fame. Head still not coming out as last year for meter canvas Goncharova "Sotbis" "banged" more than three million dollars. And then was also not the vanguard, and, to some extent.

In 2013, tempera on paper by Konstantin Yuon "Market square in Uglich" in the size of 62 × 83 was the most expensive work of art sold at auction market in Russia, — 2 424 000 dollars converted from roubles at the exchange rate. It is up to Crimea, but still the result-прежнему as fantastic as they are inexplicable. Why remember? Just "Easter" is similar to the "Market square" andcolor, and entourage, and technique (also paper). But its size seven times smaller: only 23 × 31. And the estimate is less than 10 times — $20 000-26 000. That is, in General, does not contradict logic. However sold this figure, I think, will be much more expensive auction estimate: $45,000 to 50,000. Three years ago I would put the forecast of $70 000 (in the year the same size picture "the Trinity@Laurel ndashСергиева" was sold for $76 000). But since then much water has flowed. And for the most part not there.

picture a small: oval inscribed in a rectangle slightly less in size than sheet A4. But the plot is very Russian, pastoral (a peasant woman, basket, dog, cows on the meadow). And most importantly, the story is quite chaste. This will definitely be interesting to a wide audience of collectors and connoisseurs of the Luba. The figure also, and more catalogue. He participated in exhibitions and published in catalogs and monographs on the artist. In General, those who have long planned to buy Luba, it is worth considering. Auction ($52 000-65 000) looks correct. Six months ago they sold a watercolour of the same size is nearly $30 000 and those of a peasant is much better. So Yes, $50 000 or $60 000 — possible. But not $80 000. Why? Because for $80 000 this drawing a year ago was trying to sell competing Sotheby's and failed.

a Contemporary artist of the first row, the picture without the grotesque and protest, with classical optics, not the size of a three story house, but still with the theme of Moscow and sane money. It was just a dream art-дилера! Also still fresh in the memory of the experience about the exhibition by Valery Koshlyakov in the Tretyakov gallery "Roman prisoner", which was held this summer. Interesting work, very recognizable, a great gift. From among those that are frequently and unsuccessfully searching for throughout Moscow. That "Borodinsky bridge" Valery Koshlyakov buy, almost no doubt. As well as "Moskvoretsky bridge" Yuon at the same bid. Money is harder to predict. It is clear that the estimate will be higher. But how much higher? Eyes closed, I will assume that three-четыре times, in the neighborhood of $20 000-25 000.

Very beautiful work, complex, with collage element and beautiful falling light. Experts believe 1988 — 1990-е one of the strongest periods in the work "those" sixties Vladimir Nemukhin. Would be an ornament to any collection. Alas, it is priced at $39 000-65 000. By Moscow standards it's just a prohibitive price. Here this would cost in the region of $20 000. Christie, of course, is quite another matter. But not to this extent. I'm afraid that this good thing will remain this timeunsold.

Not just a portrait, but with a cat. However, the cat turned anthropomorphic, with a human face. Well, what did you want from him? Oleg Tselkov — one of the most expensive of the sixties, is included in top-5 the most expensive living artists. Thing powerful, valuable period interesting to collectors. The question was only in price. From-за her this portrait, exhibited for the second time this year. Previous evaluation of "Christy" was $80 000-105 000. Too expensive, and therefore not sold. This time estimate is reduced to $39 000-65 000, almost half. It is quite another thing. That kind of money Yes, cost maybe that's why the forecast — $45 000.

27 November 2018. Sotheby's. Russian Pictures

Lecacy in the name — is falling with the head veil, the part of the female headdress of the national costume. With Pirosmani art collectors should always keep an eye on: the artist is very counterfeited, and provenance is difficult. But in this case, the history of the paintings are just the envy. She was brought from Moscow in 1928, the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig — a person who is knowledgeable in primitivism, a longtime admirer of the work of Douanier Rousseau. When Zweig saw paintings by Pirosmani in the Tretyakov gallery, he immediately fell in love with the work of the "great Pyro". After the suicide of the writer of his favorite "Georgian" has moved to Frederick first wife and it was donated to the founder of the international society of Zweig. Later the picture was in the memorial room of the American College and now out to bid. Prices on Pirosmani — one more quest. But estimate to normal — $648 450-907 830. Was he selling for a million dollars and a half. I think this time, given the provenance will be $1 200 000.

At "Sotheby's" in this time, at least two seascape Aivazovsky, worthy of attention. One more (67,5 x 52,5), early (1879), but and more expensive with the overseas Vesuvius. And the second smaller (36,5 × 59), later (1895), but cheaper and, most importantly, with our Crimea. The second monitor I liked (but to do so is very dangerous, these things you have to look alive). Why? The theme of closer, the story is soothing. Although at first, with the Vesuvius, the sea is much better — is even visible on the screen. Aivazovsky the market today is quite liquid and informative, with the prices all is clear. Prices a couple of years ago made up the lows and stabilized. "Sotheby's" estimates "Evening in Crimea" (36.5 × 59) about $100 000-160 000. I think I'll go in the end for $150,000. In that case, if alive, he is not much worse than the photo.

You also know?This is a very famous pencil portrait of Boris Pasternak, between cubism and later annenkovskoe "synthesis". The picture included in the album of lithographs "portrait", 1922, and are generally very widely dispersed in drawing techniques. Today, even zincography with this parsnip flight are bought at auction (the prints are symbolic of $50-100, but still).

What do you think about the valuation of $104 000-156 000? For graphics Annenkov in the current market this is unlikely, too expensive. But this is a special case: Pasternak, iconic image. And in such a situation perhaps the most incredible. For example, in 2012, a pencil portrait of Vsevolod Meyerhold (though twice) was sold at Sotheby's 30 times more expensive than the estimate — for $1 680 000. What we can predict after that? Okay, well I have that-то to do with it... at the level of the rational expectations my prediction — $200 000-250 000.

Cute picture, good. It is a pity that the little — 48 × 53,5. But for large collections it will be even plus: it will be easier to find a place on the walls. With the prices it's not easy. In Russia the film Weisberg this class is $40 000 plus-минус. More negative. And this despite slow sales. For a quick sale the real price is $35 000. French and other European auctions the second series of drawings of this class can on occasion be purchased for $30 000-35 000. But the result is not buy here and not there, and twice a year the most expensive place, "Setbase", for $80 000 — twice as expensive. How to explain it? Well, London must be better mood and more fun. But in General Weisberg in Russia there is a certain circle of love in his work is ambitious and solvent collectors, where everyone knows each other, fighting to the end and then not averse to boast beautiful purchase on Facebook. Adjusted for this irrational scenario, my prediction — to $55,000.

Savrasov this small and assume that late (which is minus). But on the screen it looks very even nothing. And most importantly, priced correctly. Sotheby's puts the "Winter landscape" estimate $32 000-45 000. Soberly and objectively. In Russia Savrasov this class costs just around $40 000. Buy sotbisovskomu the lower estimate plus Commission — that same $40 000 and work. Plus examination, if it is not, and about 30 000 rubles. But the new owner when selling will be an important advantage. Now this Savrasov in provenance will be recorded "purchased "Sotheby's" in 2018". In practice, this origin is great for the benefit of the seller and removes many questions on the picture. My prediction — $40 000. It is, at the lower end to leave are unlikely to give.

Anticipating first and foremostthe question put in this case, the answer is no, in the catalog of Alexander Ushakov 2007 this work is not listed. As, however, and the neighboring "still life with inkwell" 1971. It's not a sentence, but a signal that increased caution will definitely not be superfluous. Krasnopevtsev is a favorite target for counterfeiters. And in addition to clumsy falshakov, lately, alas, there are superpoddelki, which is not easy to recognize even quite nasnodename collector. Sometimes attackers slip up on that can't keep his balance in the composition, do not follow the knots, ignoring tasks to small parts, integrating the entire composition. But sure to render a verdict can be difficult.

someone who is going to fight for Krasnopevtsev for the first time, let me remind you to buy things only after consultation with the Ushakov — the main connoisseur of Krasnopevtseva, which restored the timeline for the implementation of almost all works created by the artist, in his files. "Sotheby's", certainly knows this better than ours, but why-то no indication confirmation description lot no.

According to my information, still life with inkwell, all is well, and suspended the pitcher, there is a significant doubt. However, here's what I think at the price of "still life with a suspended jar": $20 000-25 000 (auction) for size 70,5 × 52,5 and valuable period — is abnormally modestly. Considering that three months ago the very same "Sotheby's" sold "still life with a scroll" even smaller nearly $30 000. And it was also Krasnopevtsev 1971... Strange, a stock one-то? In General, in Moscow, the real thing this class could begin to sell with a $45 000 and to pay at around $40 000. But, again, only if there is concrete confirmation. If this question in advance cannot be solved, then I would risk it did not.

28 November 2018. Bonhams. The Russian Sale

does this picture of Michael Boskin collection of Sajana Isadjanov that after the revolution it was nationalized and distributed among the museums. The pattern is large, more than a meter. The plot is good. The price, from what I see in the database of auction sales, — utter: five times more than the reference sale. But not about the price it is now. Wouldn't separate in the picture to stay on, if not the warning in the description of the lot in large letters: "Please note that this lot had not received an export permit from Russia, and you can watch it in Moscow in the period of 1-23 November by appointment". It should be understood that in London will sell a painting that physically remain in Moscow? How so? Or expect to have time to get permission? Baskin died in 1930, theoretically the picture should be at least 100 years. I do not know. A curious way of selling. Perhaps this was the practice before, but like I see for the first time.

On the turnover, as stated in the description, even written the address: "Moscow, Ibragimova street, Dom 2, apt 172". The stated provenance of a painting of the legendary "the Lamplighter": bought by the Greek Ambassador in Moscow in 1970-е years. It is quite possible.

That the painting itself? A Church with a cross in the composition — rather, lack of, complicates sale, narrows the audience of potential buyers. Sitnikov — artist counterfeited, and counterfeit it is difficult to identify. Often similar in style to the paintings of his students are given a teacher's work. In General, you need a specialist who will help to understand all this before buying. I don't like such Sitnikov, and prices for his work seem to me in principle, astronomical, considering that his auction record — $625 000 — was shown in 2008. But in this particular case, the normal estimate: $25 000-39 000. Of course, if the authenticity of no doubt. In this scenario, likely to care — $30 000.

this, perhaps, everything. String of Russian painting "Bones" traditionally the smallest, but it is always the case with a dozen interesting lots. Some need to understand. Some are priced high. But there are also quite attractive options.

In General, we can already formulate the first impressions of the directories. First: Yes, quality supply continues to shrink each time, and the organizers have increasingly lower the bar. In the Russian catalogues of the main auction world can now meet and "cleverly" (artisanal workshop Clover on popular themes), and Soviet artists of the second row, and different options, "is attributed to someone-то of the great" etc. This is not a rebuke but rather a statement of the moment. But the prices of the claims became less, the estimate is often quite tempting. Yes, there are distortions. Yes, there are weird artists of the second row, priced five times more expensive than domestically. Yes, sometimes you have to wonder how they were able to get on "Sotbis"@-"Kristie".

But it is rather a question of what time to change your own consumer behavior.

for Example, to stop the auction of the first row as for expensive restaurants: what would you like and that no order, everything will be checked carefully and deliciously prepared by the best chef. Here. Of course, the risk of running into trouble on a first-class auction for much less than at the auction of lower rank. But still to depend entirely on whose-то taste and choice is impossible. Anyway, buyers need to navigate the menu and turn on the intuition. This used to be useful. And now it is becoming a necessity.

For the preparation, consultation and examination is still two weeks away. Plenty of time. I wish you all good luck and good shopping-desirable, beneficial, safe and smart!

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