Art Investment


STEMBERG (Stember) Victor (Victor Robert) Karlovich

1863 (Moscow) — 11 января 1921 (Nakhichevan-на-Дону)

Painter, graphic artist

From the townspeople. He received his General education in two-year technical school at the Lutheran Church of St. Michael in Moscow (1879-1881). Studied as a noncredit student in the Imperial Academy of arts (1881-1883), first at the architectural, 1882 — from the painting Department of the Moscow school of painting (1884-1885) Е. С. Сорокина and В. Е. Маковского Academy Р. Жюльена in Paris (1885-1887) А. Бугро and Т. Роббер-Флери (prize for drawing).

Lived in Moscow since 1917 — in Petrograd, with 1920 — in Nakhichevan. He painted portraits, landscapes, costume composition, the female Nude in the spirit of academic salon. Many worked in watercolor technique. Created a mural in the Marble room of the main house in the Serednikovo manor outside Moscow on the topic "devil and angel carrying the soul of Tamara" (mid 1910-х). After the October revolution, carried portraits of the revolutionaries, party members; worked on portraits В. И. Ленина.

From 1887 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited at the Paris salon (1887, 1888), at exhibitions TPHV (1891), society of artists to them. А. И. Куинджи (1903-1904). A member and Exhibitor of Moscow society of art lovers (1889-1911, with breaks; member since 1895), St-Петербургского society of artists (1894-1902, with interruptions), the society of artists (1903-1904; member-учредитель), groups of artists (1909-1911). He held his personal exhibition in St. Petersburg (1913-1914).

In the early 1890-х taught in a private school of drawing, open with Л. О. Пастернаком.

Works are in several Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum and others.

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