Art Investment


Koshel Nikolai Andreyevich

May 3, 1840 (s Sirmanah Penza province) - 1918

painter, graphic artist, muralist.

born in the family of a serf. He spent his childhood in Arzamas. In 1851-1853 he studied at the artist-craftsman Davydova in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1856 he moved to Kazan, where he studied for some time at the Italian artist Bothell. He worked in the field of church painting, creating murals and images for churches. In 1860 arrived in St. Petersburg, where he enrolled at IAH. Worked first as volnoprihodyaschego in 1863 - a permanent student in the class of historical painting under the guidance of Markov and F. Bruni. During the period of study have repeatedly pointed out medals: in 1862 - three small silver medals for the painting "The first number", sketch and drawing from nature, as well as a large silver medal for his sketches from nature in 1864 - a small gold medal for the program now Mercury lulls Argus to steal nymph Io. Due to lack of funds could not take part in the competition for a gold medal. Despite this, in 1865 was awarded the title of class artist 1-th degree "of knowledge in art history and portrait».

Since 1864 he worked in the Art artel PA Krestonostseva. From 1865 served in St. Petersburg Artel artists, led INKramskoy. In 1865 was commissioned to create illustrations for publication Dementieva Zolotov and "Russian history in pictures", for which performed more than 60 pictures. In the same year, received 2 nd prize of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists now "Ofen-peddler».

autumn of 1865 at the invitation of INKramskoy went to Moscow to complete the paintings in the dome of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In 1868 he again worked on the paintings of Christ the Savior on the cartons PV Basin. In addition, created in the cathedral of his own compositions on the drawings: "Lord, seated on a throne with a book of seven seals in the northern vault (1871)," The Word was made flesh "in the southern (1873)," The seven sacraments of the church in the east ( 1876), "The Adoration of the 24 kings in the West (1876), as well as" Almighty, seated on a throne under the main dome (1879). In 1873, for work in the Temple was awarded the title of academician in 1878 - Professor.

In 1878 he went to travel abroad, visited Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Vienna, Paris. In 1880-1881 he lived in Rome, where he worked on the painting "The Burial of Christ».

In 1881 he returned to Russia, he lived alternately in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He participated in exhibitions in the halls of IAH, the Moscow Society of Art Lovers (Member of the Society since 1871), Saint-Petersburg Society of Artists (from 1891). In 1881, in St. Petersburg, Gatchina and Moscow held solo exhibitions of works Kosheleva.

was engaged in teaching. Conducted painting and drawing at the Central School of Technical Drawing of Baron Alexander Stieglitz, gave a course in art history MUZhViZ. In 1880 - 1890 was inspector of the Stroganov School of Industrial Art.

In 1882 he was brought to the restoration of the paintings in the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Served sketches for the mosaics and murals in the church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood (Resurrection) in St. Petersburg. Worked on paintings of the Orthodox Cathedral in Warsaw. In 1891 he traveled to Egypt and the Middle East, during which performed more than twenty images on the theme of the Passion of Christ to the Russian Church of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Jerusalem.

in 1896 became one of the initiators of the Nizhny Novgorod art and history museum, which donated some of his works, including "The Burial of Christ". In 1903 traveled to the Crimea. In 1911-1912 participated in organizing and conducting the All-Russia Congress of artists.

Koshelev - one of the leading Russian artists of the second half of the XIX century which manifested themselves in various fields of art. In his creative heritage, religious paintings and images, paintings on historical and biblical scenes, genre scenes, portraits, landscapes. The most famous master brought monumental paintings and works of religious content, created in the traditions of academic art of that time. A somewhat different character are the paintings of genre, close peredvizhnicheskomu realism desire for life-truth, accusatory tone, "literary" theme.

Kosheleva works are in many museum collections in Russia, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum and others.

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