Art Investment

Artists ratings

Ratings of Russian artists by are generated automatically basing on auction statistics (turnover, the maximum price of lot, etc.). All ratings reflect just current market conditions and should not be used to determine the artist's place in art history.

Post-war unofficial soviet art. The artists of 1960s

Female artist of Russia and the Russian Abroad

Living Russian artists

TOP-100 Russian artists

Contemporary (actual) art

Profitability of Russian artists (only for subscribers)

Rating of liquidity of Russian artists. Painting

Rating of liquidity of Russian artists. Graphic arts

Profitability of investments in works of Russian artists

Услуги ARTinvestment


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Наши эксперты проведут профессиональную оценку вашего предмета искусства, учитывая его состояние, авторство, историю и другие факторы


Проведенных аукционов

8 800+

Зарегистрированных пользователей на аукционе

343 000+

Записей в базе

16 000+

Художников в базе

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