Art Investment

Komar and Melamid, Irina Zatulovskaya, Leonid Purygin, and Boris Turetsky in the Museum АРТ4

АРТ4 Museum until 25 February holds 4 exhibitions: more than 30 works of Irina Zatulovskaya, painting classics SOC-арта Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, folding, painting and sculpture primitive Leonid Purygina and schedule of non-conformist Boris Turetsky

the Museum is АРТ4 4 of the exhibition, which opens in one day: more than 30 Irina Zatulovskaya, painting classics SOC-арта Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, folding, painting and sculpture primitive Leonid Purygina and graph non-conformist Boris Turetsky.

Irina Zatulovskaya

the First exhibition — work of Irina Zatulovskaya, created over the past 20 years. In his works a strong historical allusions: references to the traditions of icon painting and folk art, and creativity Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova the period of "infantile primitivism". At the same time, "radical simplicity" by Irina Zatulovskaya relates to the works presented in АРТ4 nonconformist Boris Turetsky.

the Material of the exhibited works of Irina Zatulovskaya's not a traditional canvas and wood or roofing iron: the artist explores the possibility of turning the painting into an object, as well as the expressive possibilities of textures and materials. Thus, the technical basis —, the background actually becomes one of the main characters works, and provides a full level of representation. She enters into dialogue with the very picturesque layer and lyrics — quotes or memories that the author includes in the work. Often ironic or naive, they refer to events from the artist's life and, according to Irina Zatulovskaya is a "diary of life".

Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid

the Founders of Sots-арта Komar and Melamid rethink all sorts of recognizable characters: starting in Soviet times, with critique of ideology and images of power, after 1991 the artists moved on to ironiziruya over democracy and consumer society. The authors expertly map in his painting the elements, seemingly from different worlds, and use them in the game, often shocking form. For example, Happy Mother's Day 1985 totalitarian symbols — similarity of swastikas of flowers, rats, or clerical tables side by side with the classic still life and a portrait in the style of the artist Vladimir Weisberg and in the work "We" joined the Soviet red star and crowned the baby — exhibit of the Kunstkamera. Creating work-ребусов and pushing them in seemingly incompatible images becomes a way of discrediting them and deprivation symbolic meanings, and the audience — experience of liberation from ideological stereotypes.

Boris Turkish

the Third exhibition — graphics classic of Russian nonconformist Boris Turetsky, one of the first among Russian artists in the 1950s-х turned to abstract art and sought to establish the General laws of form-making. The exhibition presents the works of its first non-figurative period of the late 1950-х, and the works of the series "Feast" 1960-70-х.

Leonid Purygin (extension of the exhibition opened on 9 December)

the Fourth exhibition in АРТ4 — wooden folding, sculpture and painting artist-самоучки and representative ar-брют Leonid Purygina. In the author's world individual was dominated cosmology the demiurge "Leonid Purygin from Nara. Brilliant." Alter-эго artist surrounded by wandering from work to the characters: Blue woman-ангел and its antipode "Pipa Paryginskaya". Side by side with the heroes of the fantastic plants, animals, birds and angels. Visual images complement the retelling of dreams or string-гимны, often with grammatical errors and expletives: they complement created Leonid Purygina pictorial universe, full of love and beauty. As the artist wrote on one of his folding, "God — is Space. I — is Space. Love — is Space".


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