Art Investment

Child portrait second half of the XVIII — beginning of the XX century in the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka

February 18 will open the exhibition in the exhibition which included more than 170 picturesque, graphic and miniature portraits of children, executed by Russian and Western European masters, serfs and unknown artists

In the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin on 18 February opens the exhibition "childhood, But love the memory..." / Children portrait second half of the XVIII — beginning of the XX century. The exhibition was comprised of works from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum with the participation of the Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time, Art-педагогического toy Museum IN Federal STATE budgetary educational institution "Higher school of folk arts" (Sergiev Posad) and private collections.

Children's portraits have a special attraction. They captivate the audience with sincerity, clarity and Verve. And let the image do not always correspond to academic painting; main — so that the artist has managed to capture and convey the spontaneity, subtle personality, kids charm.

the exhibition presents more than 170 picturesque, graphic and miniature portraits of children, executed by Russian and Western European masters, serfs and unknown artists who worked by order of the inhabitants of the noble houses and mansions. The chronological principle, according to which built art exposition, provides the opportunity to see how, in the past two centuries has varied portrait created by the children's images, what emphasis was made in the image of each era, to see the artistic characteristics and merits of their works.

the Range of models — children represented in the portraits, are extremely diverse. It is the personages of the Imperial family and the aristocracy, but more often than — nameless offspring of the local nobility. These portraits, which were kept formerly in house gatherings, in urban and provincial estates, after years of the revolution were scattered, and the names of many depicted irretrievably lost. Undoubtedly, the audience will have personal experience and Association. And who is-то in these moving images may show traits of literary heroes @the Pushkin mdas Petruchi Grineva and Tatiana Larina, of Nikolenka Irtenyev L. N. Tolstoy, Goncharov's Ilya Oblomov and other children's characters from famous works of Russian classics.

State A. S. Pushkin Museum since its Foundation complements the collection of child portrait. Time frame — from the XVIII to the early XX century. The collection is constantly updated. Recent acquisitions the exhibition features paired portraits of the brothers Dmitri and Nikolai Jankovich (1800) brush serf artist Gregory Ozerova; boy with blue bow (1853) —-class watercolor masters of the Austrian school of Leopold Fischer; portrait of a boy in a blue shirt, created in Russia, the famous English artist Thomas Wright; portrait of a boy with a butterfly net in a landscape (1849) the works of little-known in domestic meetings the Swiss Karl Gernler; first introduced to watercolor, depicting a young Baron M. K. Klodt von Jurgensburg (1850-е), the future of the landscape, executed by A. A. Popov.

a Separate theme of the exhibition — children's photographic portrait of the late XIX — beginning of the XX century. Chronologically, aesthetically, and content-photos cover the tragic eve of the revolutionary upheavals that were ruthlessly destroyed by the usual way and, maybe even cut short the lives of these boys and girls.

From early childhood the child in a noble family was surrounded by the nurse, Mammy and nurse. But their portraits are extremely rare. In the Museum collection are two similar images —, A. F. March (1737-1817), a beloved nurse children's poet and playwright of Prince I. M. Dolgorukov, babysitters Anisenko who raised eleven children, A. A. Pushkin, the eldest son of the poet.

the exhibition includes decorative-прикладного art, toys and Board games, without which it is impossible to imagine the cosy atmosphere of the nursery, where life flowed slowly and happily. About circle of children's reading give an idea books, almanacs, magazines, and rare instances of split primers, manuals on painting, music literacy, penmanship. In the age of gadgets and sms-ок genuine interest and respect can cause a letter to mother, written in 1832 eight-year-old Nicholas Kryvtsov who mastered perfectly the difficult skills of penmanship with a quill pen and the style of the epistolary genre. Examples of children's art — landscapes, executed in 1870-х, Catherine and Alexander Levakovym, grandchildren Catherine Bakunina, friend of A. S. Pushkin...

a Good tradition is the participation in original projects ' long-standing partners and friends of the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin — Moscow collectors Sergei and Tatiana Podstanitsky, Andrew Rudentsova (gallery "Three centuries"), by Andrei Kusakin. They gave to the exhibition of works of famous Russian painters of the XVIII century V. L. Borovikovsky and L. G. Hristineka masters classic miniatures E. P. Strole, A. F. G. Viollier, A. H., Rita, H. Cardica, . D. Pravica. Wonderful watercolor portraits represented by the works of P. F. Sokolov, KK gampelna, I. A. Nechaev, A. I. Strelkovsky, Austrian artists I. N. Ender and M. Stoll, having worked at the Russian Imperial court. The core of the exhibition are the unique patterns of children's costumes of the XIX — early XX centuries from the collection of renowned fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev.

Special thanks for their support of the exhibition project of the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin expresses Artistic-педагогическому Museum of toys (Sergiev Posad), has granted to the exhibition of remarkable samples of picturesque portrait of the hands of known and unknown Russian artists of the second half of the XVIII century and more than 50 unique toys of the past centuries; as well as the Museum of V. A. Tropinin, who on exhibition a number of paintings.

Source: press-релиз GMF

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