Art Investment

"War is involved in me..."

The exhibition in the gallery ARTSTORY dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war. Presents works by max Alpert, Abinadab Kanevsky, Anatoly Kaplan, Nikolai Karakhan, Alexander Labas, etc.

Gallery ARTSTORY, March 19 @may 10. 2015
Moscow, Khreschatyk street, 14

In the gallery ARTSTORY exhibition "War is involved in me...", on the 70-летию of Victory in the great Patriotic war. The exhibition is based on a documentary basis. The exhibition tells about the most difficult historical period exclusively through authentic writings and documents 1941-1945. Among the authors represented and the classics of Russian art, and the now-forgotten artists, who went as volunteers or employed by the military correspondents of the national Newspapers. The exhibition contains more than 300 works and objects: graphics, photographs, posters, stamps, postcards, letters and rare wartime documents — from 30 private collections and families khudozhnikov@

the Story takes on a poignancy of authenticity thanks to the objects of wartime life, and campaign posters, leaflets, yellowed Newspapers, and most importantly — personal letters of participants and witnesses of victories and porajenii@

In the Soviet art of war theme found specific expression. By-настоящему tragic and truthful paintings telling about the ordeal, actually a matter of units. Therefore, front-line sketches of the artists made for themselves and uncensored, are especially valuable. They are unique in their sincerity and dostovernosti@

Among the masters whose works included in the exhibition @. Max Alpert, Nina Vatolin, Nikolay Zhukov, Boris Zelensky, Gregory Zozulya, Amminadab Kanevsky, Anatoly Kaplan, Nikolay Karakhan, Benjamin Kedrin, Viktor Klimashin, Evgeny Komarov, Pavel Kondratiev, Petr Krivonogov, Kukryniksy, Alexander Labas, George Nyssa, Alexander Pakhomov, Boris Prophets, Eugene Rastorguev, Tamara Raine, Georgy Rublev, Mikhail Rudakov, Alexander Rusakov, Vasily Sitnikov, Leonid Couvertes, Nikolai Scoan, Nadezhda Udaltsova, Vasiliy Fomichev, Yevgeny khaldei and others. Each of them-своему expressed the tragedy and heroics difficult vremeni@

Leonid Couvertes is widely known as a cartoonist, but during the war he became a member of the front of the newspaper "Red torch", was a witness for the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol, came to Berlin. Among frontline of many works of the master were not made to order. Expressive, clean lines and an open contrast of black and white to Express the drama of the events simply and strictly, higher art urovne@

Unusual appear in military works, the artists who started their career back in the 1910-20-е years. Drawings Nadezhda Udaltsova made during the creative journey of the artist on the military base near Moscow in 1942. Emotionally, showy leaves with disarming sincerity expressed personal experiences of the author. In the spontaneous drawings with brush and ink recognized the hand of the master — expressive style, the sharpness of vision of the image in combination with the conditional, which gives the images even more characternot@

Alexander Labas — poet of the industrial world, for which aeroplanes, airships, high-speed trains have been a miracle of the twentieth century. He is one of the founders and the most prominent artists of grouping OST the mid 1920-х. During the war Labas wrote a series of "Moscow and the Moscow region during the war". His watercolors as transparent and full of air, like the famous paintings. The artist depicts the daily lives of people during the war, labour and military routine. And in each work, full of pain, we see the life that goes on despite tragic obstojatelstvam@

Nikolay Zhukov — known graphic and poster artist. In 1935 his posters for Intourist took first place at the competition in London. From the first days of the war, he went to the front, was a correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda". His front-line drawings — an invaluable documentary evidence of hostilities. The artist has created a set of images of Motherland defenders — emotionally deep, deep. Particularly well known for his sketches, made at Nuremberg processe@

Stagger works devoted to the besieged Leningrad. Among these small pastels Pavel Kondratyev, one of the members of the Association "masters of analytical art", student Pavel Filonov. The artist conveys a tragic sense of frozen time in one of the most beautiful and once-vibrant cities Europe@

the exhibition features the famous photograph of 1942 "the commander" made by Soviet photographer max Alpert, where for a few seconds before the death depicted the commander, lifting out of the trenches with a gun in hand, TT; legendary poster "do Not talk!" Nina Vitolini, propaganda posters "TASS Windows", which, as you know, was done bruchou@

the Name of the project was given a line from a poem by poet-фронтовика Yuri Levitanskogo@

Well with the fact that I was there,
In Grozny to be or not to be?
I have it all almost Zabel@ I want it all sabiti@ I do not participate in the war @.
War is involved in mne@ And the Eternal flame
Trembles on the cheeks I MENA@


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