"Dreams are for those who are awake" show in the MMSI
Today at Petrovka opens exhibition, among which the exhibitors: AES + F, Nikita Alexeev, Sergey Bratkov, Oleg Vasiliev, Francisco Infante, Ilya Kabakov, Alexei Kallima, Alexander Labas and many others
MMSI, February 28 - September 29, 2013
st. Petrovka 25
Today MMSI at Petrovka presents "Dreams for those awake».
What do we expect from works of art? Do we seek to gain through them certain knowledge about nature and man, or, on the contrary, we want to be deceived, to plunge into the world of dreams and illusions? Should I trust what we see with our eyes, or should we be more careful not to be legible and delusion?
Group" AES F » Series« Action Half Life ». 2003-2005 canvas, digital printing Source: mmoma.ru | ALEXANDER Labasa on the train. 1936 Watercolour Source: mmoma.ru |
task of the new, fifth, thematic exhibition of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art is to see the patterns of the audience perception of the light eternal, relevant and today the opposition of "true" and "phantom" images.
reversibility lies in the title of the project. It goes back to Plato's dialogue "sophist." In the original context, the phrase "dreams for those who awake "performed iconoclastic artistic metaphor - but, characteristically, optical metaphor.
BORIS SMELOV Untitled. 1982 Paper, Silver -gelatin print Source: mmoma.ru | Dmitry Prigov Two eyes in vertical. 1997 paper, ballpoint pen (black and red paste) Extract Source: mmoma. ru |
The exhibition includes works by ambivalent on its visual nature: they allow contradictory, dual interpretation. viewer is invited to play with museum exhibits on the trust and consider, for example, should be considered ultra-realistic image of a harmless deception, whether the rules of construction of a natural model of direct perspective of human perception, is it possible to re-encode the image into the text. artist to be able to do capture something transcendental that lies beyond experience? These and other topics will be covered in fourteen thematic sections of the exhibition devoted to the visual ontology and the rhetoric of contemporary art. kind of standard of reliability in each section are the special exhibits: optical devices, scientific images and artifacts.
exhibition occupies the entire second floor of the main building of the museum at Petrovka. Its core will make the work of Russian artists, mostly late XX - beginning of XXI century, from the museum's collections of paintings, drawings and photography to video, objects and installations. many works recently acquired by the museum in this context are shown for the first time.
Aidan Salakhova From" Destination. "2010 acrylic on canvas, gold paint Source: mmoma.ru | Oleg Vasiliev Untitled. 1986 Coloured pencils Source: mmoma.ru |
Among the artists: AES F , Nikita Alexeev, , Oleg Vasiliev , Francisco Infante , Ilya Kabakov , Alex Kallima , Kizevalter George , Elena Kovylina , Vyacheslav Koleychuk , Alexander Labas , Igor Makarevich , Rauf Mamedov, Vladislav Mamyshev Monroe Taus Makhachev, Nakhova , Dmitry Prigov , George Pusenkoff , Alexander Rodchenko , Aidan Salakhova , Leonid Juice , Rostand Tavasiev , Dmitry Tsvetkov , Ivan Chuikov , Shabelnikov Yuri , Sergei Shutov . exhibition is complemented by the work of invited authors: Tatiana Akhmetgalieva, Marina Belova and Alexei Politov, Zvezdotchetov , Taisii Korotkova , the group MishMash, Haim Haim Sokol and others.
Source : mmoma.ru
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