"Behind the Iron Curtain. Official and independent art in the Soviet Union and Poland, 1945-1989 "
Today in the Museum of Decorative-Applied and Folk Art opens exhibition of works from the collection of Peter Nowicki (Poland) in the VI Festival of contemporary art collections
Museum of Decorative-Applied and Folk Art
August 21 - October 8, 2012
st. Delegate, 3
Today All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art presents "Behind the Iron Curtain. Official and independent art in the Soviet Union and Poland, 1945-1989, "presents works from the collection of Peter Nowicki (Poland). The exhibition is part VI Festival of contemporary art collections . Organized by the National Centre for Contemporary Arts and the Foundation of Polish Contemporary Art (Warsaw). Represented 122 of 74 artists.
exhibition is an example of "problem presentation" collections assembled by Peter Nowicki rich artistic material is proposed to understand the political, social and artistic processes in the life of both countries for fifty years after the war.
Considering today our recent past, we can experience it in a different context. Orthodox art forms Past Times today become a special artistic reality, presenting his version of the social and cultural developments of the twentieth century, and in dialogue with the culture underground.
The exhibition is divided into several sections. Section "The triumph of ideology" includes works made in the spirit of socialist realism, and grouped around themes such as "Revolution" and "Lenin - Stalin," "The Great Patriotic War", "beat swords into plowshares," "Lucky Man," "intelligentsia" .
In the "Predecessors" the works of the greatest sculptors of the twentieth century, Katarzyna Kobro and one of the most prominent figures of the Polish avant-garde - Wladyslaw Strzeminski.
The next section is devoted to the so-called second avant-garde in Poland. Starting from an exhibition in 1955 at the Warsaw Arsenal Polish artists to work without significant ideological restrictions. In Krakow, Tadeusz Kantor with Ionas Stern, Erna Rosenstein and other reactivated established in the 1930s, a group of Krakow and Warsaw Marian Bogusz founded the gallery Kshive Colo, which exhibited Tadeusz Dominik, Stephen Gerovskij whose works are included in this section.
smile, that "thirty" - the Latin. "Ha, ha, ha" - Russian., 1974 Collection Peter Nowicki Source: |
Sixties in the Soviet Union were also a time of change. works of the artists of this period can be seen in the sections of the exhibition " Abstraction "and" Figurative ».
unofficial art scene in 1970's and 80's represented by the works Ilya Kabakov , Erik Bulatov , Edward Steinberg , Vladimir Yankilevsky , Vladimir Yakovlev , Vladimir Nemukhin , Gorokhovsky , Nicholas Vechtomova , Ernst Ernst I. Unknown and others.
part of the exhibition "The sign and the value of" recalls the symbol and its meaning in painting from 1960-80's. This section prevails geometric abstraction presented the works of Henrik Stazhevskogo, Ryszard Vinyarski and Henrik Berlev as well as works by Henryk Musyalovicha, Marian Chapple.
the declaration of December 13, 1981 Wojciech Jaruzelski martial law, placing in the streets of Polish cities thousands soldiers, curfews and censorship was worsening obschepolsky protest against repression. Hence the name of the section - "The art of protest", including works by Jerzy Ryszard Zelinsky, Wieslaw Shamborskogo, Vladislav Hasera, Jacek Term Vahovyaka Krzysztof, Marian Chapple, Tadeusz Borut.
Launched Mikhail Gorbachev perestroika led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, not only, but the whole unit of the socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe. sections of the exhibition dedicated to the art of the 1980s in Russia, called "Transformation", here works by Ilya Kabakov, Erik Bulatov, Vladimir Nemukhin, Edward Gorokhovsky, Zhutovsky , Anatoly Brusilovsky , Boris Beach , and others.
Source : NCCA press release
Within VI Festival of contemporary art collections are now open:
« Traditional folklore and naive in modern art »;
" Agulis. "exhibition of Gayane Khachaturian ;
Belarusian art in the" House on the Embankment ».
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