"She lived in a magical world of fairy tales" in TG
Exhibition for the 160th anniversary of Elena Dmitrievna Polenova
TG, Corps of Engineers, December 16, 2011 - February 26, 2012
Moscow, Lavrushinsky Lane, 12,
Today, THG opens exhibition dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Helen Polenova . Yelena Polenov (1850-1898) - a bright talented artist who pioneered the formation of the national-romantic trend of Russian Art Nouveau and Symbolism nascent. This exhibition - the first exhibition of the artist after the postmortem, arranged by the union «Moscow Association of Artists» in 1902. < /p>
Elena Polenova sister famous painter VDPolenov , - one of the first women artists who have received professional art education. The first skills she acquired from her mother, Mary Vasilyevna Polenova, granddaughter of the architect of Catherine's era NA Lvov. It was she invited to her children for the future pattern of lessons well-known teacher Chistyakov . Elena Dmitrievna then nine years old. From that age until 1880 with few interruptions, she was trained in his studio engineering drawings and watercolors. In 1879, E. Polenov entered into a ceramic class Drawing School Art Encouragement Society, graduated with his large silver medal. She was the first in the history of the Drawing School was sent to France for improvement in a ceramic case, and then got a position teaching painting on porcelain and earthenware.
In 1880-1882's Yelena studied in watercolor OPH class. Brilliantly mastered this technique, it has set itself the task "in a number of watercolor paintings express the poetic view of the Russian people Russian nature, ie, to find himself and to others, how to influence and put it on the Russian landscape of Russian folk poetry, epic and lyric." < /p>
moved from St. Petersburg in 1882 in Moscow, Yelena V. and his brother Polenov was at the center of the circle of talented youth, which were: Korovin , Isaak Levitan , Mikhail Nesterov , A. Golovin , SV Ivanov , MV Yakunchikova , I. Ostroukhov . On her initiative in the Moscow apartment VDPolenov organized "ceramic" Thursdays. Painted on porcelain dishes of these Thursdays E. Polenova (SHM) can be seen at the exhibition.
many years of creative activity Polenova Helena were associated with "Mamontov circle" - artists, actors, architects, who gathered around an industrialist and philanthropist Mamontov (1841-1918), and among them VASerov , Polenov, Konstantin Korovin, Vasnetsov . Since the late 1870s, artists of this range are often long and worked in Abramtsevo estate near Moscow Mamontov. Spontaneously formed "Abramtsevo artistic circle" played a major role in the development of national culture, largely defining features of Art Nouveau in Russia. In 1880 at the initiative of Abramtsevo ED Polenova was a large collection of folk art exhibits of the collection served as models for joinery workshop rezchitskoy driven Polenova ED and EG Mammoth. From 1885 to 1894 Yelena completed over 100 projects in furniture and decorative arts. In the presented in the exhibition mounted cupboards and shelves, chairs, benches, made on the draft ED Polenova, you can see how it transformed the landscape in the motifs and ornamental design for a thread.
< table width = "500" cellspacing = "3" cellpadding = "0" border = "0" align = "center" style = "padding: 0pt; clear: both;">Baba Yaga lures Filipko. 1896-1897
sketch illustrations of the tale," Sons-Filipko »
Paper watercolor, ink, brush and pencil
31 x 21,8. TG
Boy hangs on a cloud. 1896-1898
sketch illustrations of the tale "Why the bear has become scanty»
Watercolour and pencil. 28,3 x20. TG
In Abramtsevo E. Polenov worked en plein air along with Valentin Serov , I. Levitan, Korovin. The exhibition features watercolors, "Winter Forest. (Crow) "(1880, TG)," Outside in Winter "(TG), as well as images of flowers. ED Polenova interest in folklore, developed in childhood and reinforced by Viktor Vasnetsov, expressed its desire to "discern and express the artistic and fictional images that lives and feeds the imagination of the Russian national rights." Folk tales in this sense, the steel material for the artist's rich imagination and find a new plastic language. E. Polenov first practically applied to books, graphic, it illustrated the literary and processed for a short time (the end of 1880 - 1890) for more than 20 folk tales and proverbs. In Abramtsevo period (1886-1889) it has issued in a realistic manner fairy tale "The White Duck," "War of mushrooms," "Santa Claus" and others, the events are unfolding against the backdrop scenery Abramtsevo and its environs. Of these, only the "War of mushrooms" was published in 1889 by way of phototype. The second, created in the style of Art Nouveau, Kostroma cycle (1889-1898) illustrations to fairy tales "-Filipko Sons," "The Thieving Magpie", "dodgy guy" and others was published in 1906. E. Polenov gave a powerful impetus to the development of book illustration as an independent art form.
Watercolour and pencil. 36,5 x 19,3. TG |
Since the mid-1890s Yelena created a large number of drawings of ornaments. A large part of which was carried out as sketches and embroidery panel for a workshop in Abramtsevo and handicraft workshop MF with a Yakunchikova. Solomenka Tambov province. The interest in ornamentation and clearly manifested in the work of Symbolist painting "The Beast" (Zmiy. Tale. 1895-1898, Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo" ).
fall of 1897 she developed the original project in the Russian style dining room at home for MF Yakunchikova in Nara. Refined product "Firebird", presented at the exhibition, is a sketch of the picturesque panels for the interior of the dining room.
In Paris, E. Polenov met SP Diaghilev and his custom-made design for the cover of the magazine "World of Art." In the same journal ( 1899, № 18-19), after the death of ED Polenova, published the first article about her work.
The exhibition includes the best works of ED Polenova: painting and watercolor illustrations of Russian folk tales, pictures, ornaments, objects of decorative art (furniture, painted porcelain dishes). Many of them are exhibited for the first time. The exhibition includes archival documents, memorial photographs, books and magazines, revealing the features of social and artistic of the artist. In addition to graphics and objects of decorative art from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, the works available Memorial History, Art and Natural Museum-Reserve VDPolenov and art and literature museum-reserve "Abramtsevo" in which the essential part of the creative heritage artist, as well as the Russian Museum, Historical Museum, Museum "Tsarina" VMDPNI, State Literary Museum.
Watercolor and white. 7 x 12,5. TG | Watercolor and white. 31,7 x 38,4. TG < /td> |
prepared for the exhibition catalog, which is currently the only detailed source of information about life and work of ED Polenova. < /p>
The exhibition will be a quiz, the grand prize which will be a wooden cabinet hand-beginning of XX century, full of sketches ED Polenova. It is also planned special programs for children in the form of interactive tours of the exhibition.
Source : Press Release TG
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