Exhibition "The owner of Moscow" in the State Historical Museum
The exhibition is devoted to 200 anniversary of Moscow Governor-General, Prince Vladimir Andreevich Dolgorukov
Today, August 31, at the State Historical Museum presents "The owner of Moscow. By the 200-th anniversary of the Moscow Governor-General, Prince Vladimir Andreevich Dolgorukova ».
Prince VA Dolgorukov, the representative of one of the most famous names in the history of Russia born July 3, 1810 in Moscow. Having chosen a military career, he participated in military campaigns in Poland and the Caucasus, as a general-proviantmeyster responsible for supplying troops during the Crimean War, 1853-1856. In 1865 Emperor Alexander II appointed VA Dolgorukov to the post of governor-general of Moscow, which he held more than a quarter century. During that time, Moscow has grown from a small town in the patriarchal biggest industrial and commercial center of the Russian Empire with a population of over a million people. Were conducted in rural and urban reforms, change the administrative-territorial division of the city, improved water supply, gas lighting began in Moscow, opened traffic on the first horse-drawn railway (tram).
VA Dolgorukov gained popularity and respect for the Muscovites, offered him a commemorative gifts to the various anniversaries. This collection of gifts (icons includes gift food, richly decorated albums, hundreds of addresses from the Moscow societies and organizations), he bequeathed the Rumyantsev Museum, which was created memorable "Dolgorukovskaya Hall. Today the collection almost entirely located in the Historical Museum. Among the rarities - Diploma for the title of Honorary Citizen of Moscow (1875), a writing instrument in the form of a model home, where he was born in VA Dolgorukov (1879), equestrian statuette of a VA Dolgorukov in his youth, performed on the model EA Lancere (1879), a unique Bible XVI century, presentation to representatives of the Moscow Jewish community (1879), desk set with busts of emperors Alexander II and Alexander III and the Prince of VA Dolgorukova (1885), addresses with drawings B. O. Sherwood and F. Shekhtel.
main section of the exhibition is devoted to post-reform Moscow. Richly represented "iconography" of the city - imagery painting, graphics and photography. The museum has a photographic panorama of the city, taken from the height of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1867. The book tells us about the exhibitions held under the patronage of the Prince of VA Dolgorukov - Polytechnique (1872), Art and Industry (1882), Crafts (1885). Considerable attention is paid to the response of the Moscow public events of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The role of VA Dolgorukov to collect donations for the Red Cross Society and the acquisition of ships of the Volunteer Fleet, the device of hospitals and equipping of two hospital trains. Important is to mark the coronation of Emperor Alexander III in 1883, during which opened Russian Historical Museum and consecrated the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Presents a picturesque series "Coronation illumination of the artist VS Rozanova.
about entertainment prince VA Dolgorukova tells a section on theatrical life in Moscow. Showed theatrical costume, theatrical sketches, posters of ballet, opera and drama performances, photos of artists.
exhibition complement the work of artists "Moscow school» - Perov , A. Savrasov , Isaac Ilich Levitan and others, as well as multimedia presentation "Types types, scenes of urban life the last third of the XIX century, founded on the basis of rare photographs.
addition to the materials of the State Historical Museum, the exhibition will feature exhibits from the Russian State Library, State Central Theatre Museum . AABahrushin, the Museum of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the State Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Selo", State Museum of the History of Religion in St. Petersburg and private collections.
exhibition runs until October 31, 2010 .
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