Art Investment

Graphics Vladimir Iljushenko in the Tretyakov Gallery

Today at the State Tretyakov Gallery in Krymsky Val opens exhibition graphic heritage of Vladimir Iljushenko. This exhibition - a tribute to the memory of the departed artist

Today, 15 December, at 14.00 in the State Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean shaft (room number 38) was called to display graphic heritage of Vladimir Ilyushenko. This exhibition - a tribute to the memory of the departed artist. Chamber retrospective covers all the significant periods of extraordinary creative generation of foreign masters 1960-70-x. Among the two dozen works from the museum collection and meeting the artist's family - unique monoprinty-colored etchings, drawings from nature of Polenovo and its environs, 1980 watercolor and abstract works of the late period of "zero».

Vladimir Iljushenko was born in 1936 in the village Kostiantynivka, in eastern Ukraine, to a family of cabinet-maker. His first artistic impressions associated with color fantastic birds on a white wall of the furnace, which each year it struck grandmother. In the fourteen years with ease from the Dnepropetrovsk Art College.

Professional growth Vladimir Ilyushenko were in an era of important changes in domestic arts: Studies in the capital Surikov Institute on course Alexander Deineka (1958-1964) coincided with a period of thaw. These years were for him, as for many others, the time of opening of European modernism (Cezanne, Matisse, Braque, Morandi) and the Russian Avant-garde ( Malevich ), hobbies ancient Russian art.

V. Iljushenko - people from a galaxy of artists late 1960-70's, when passed their position of socialist realism, and made possible Copyright stylistic variety of manners. This generation owned Lyon and Zlotnikov , Yankilevsky and Turkish , and Nemukhin , Dick and Koltunov, Bratislava, and many others.

artist himself defines his style as "Suprematist realism. In his works occupy an important place non-figurative works, but at the same time V. Iljushenko inextricably linked with nature. In his works, even pointless, there is no sensation of dryness and schematics - there is the freshness of the image, a living breathing directly seen and human emotions.

huge role in his artistic consciousness is the experience of nature - the nuances of her state, its colors, light, shadows and sun spots. It was revealed in the landscapes of his gift colorist. At the landscape works with alternating planes of light and shade is easy to understand, as there was a process of generalization of color spots and constructing them into a consistent system of spatial planning.

solution for this artist's most important problems - the building of color object - spatial relationships - suddenly brings chamber genre of still life with spatiality of urban landscapes. Small composition of several vessels sometimes acquire large monumental architecture.

V. Iljushenko not an artist, individual masterpieces, but the master, whose works are valuable to the integrity and consistency. It is not based solely on impressions, and is subject to the work of thought, setting plastic problems and their solution. Hence - asceticism in the choice of motifs. Their apparent uniformity is compensated by the richness and variety of design color, arrangement of spots, modeling space. Such is the motif of a seated person, quite fully represented at the exhibition. Despite the author's definition, this is not quite portraits. Individual start making the image of the portrait, there is in them is not reliable fixation of the image, but is born from the nuances of motion brushes, character lines, the subtleties of colors.

Knowing about a color giftedness Vladimir Ilyushenko and the special love for color, it is interesting to consider his own hand made black and white images. The exhibition includes a small pencil drawings of interiors, in the main room of the famous house Polenov. In comparison with the large decorative works, they give an idea of the wide range of artistic masters.

Creativity Ilyushenko, including the pointlessness of how the final episode of the evolution of the plastic art of the twentieth century, contains a contemporary experience of the centuries-old traditions of world culture .

works can be found in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Museum Pushkin Fine Arts, museums and private collections in Russia, Austria, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, France.

exhibition is open to visitors from 16 December 2009 on April 18, 2010.

Source : Press release of the State Tretyakov Gallery

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