Retrospective Nicholas Rotanova in the State Tretyakov Gallery
Today at the State Tretyakov Gallery opens exhibition of paintings and graphic works of Nicholas Rotanova
Today, in the exhibition hall of the Tretyakov Gallery in Tolmachev (Small Tolmachevsky trans., 6) a press showing of «Nikolai Rotanov. Painting. Graphics ».
building a panorama of twentieth-century national art, the Tretyakov Gallery complements the major figures and works well-known phenomenon of neglected artists. Among them are owned and Muscovite Nikolai Rotanov: only his personal exhibition took place in Novgorod in 1986-1987, so the current show in the walls of the Gallery re-introduces the majority of visitors to this master. Organizers sought to present works of N. Rotanova as possible, in the academic retrospectives.
The four-decade creative biography of Nikolai Mikhailovich Rotanova (b. 1940) passed under the sign of a continuous search. Almost unknown a wide audience, his art is penetrated-eksperimentatorskim rebellious spirit, throughout the twentieth century tsarivshim for uncensored art circles in Russia. Gifted graduate art-graphic faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, which he graduated in izlete «Thaw», since 1966 has participated in many exhibitions (under the auspices of the Moscow Artists' Union, republican and all-union) and easily could «move». However, he preferred the welfare ËÁÚÅÎÎÏÍÕ freedom of expression and creative pursuit.
From the late 1970's, has joined the Union of Artists, Rotanov passion for avant-garde art, including the irrelevant, and has been actively developed area known as the «book artist». Today, several of his authorship «volume» Museum keeps a book of Russian State Library. Once the master issued several compilations samizdatovskih «left» poetry, especially Genadi Aigi and Alexei Kruchenykh, his work ceased to take on formal exhibition. Feed the family allowed only work through correspondence, the National University of Arts in art studio and DK Moscow Energy Institute.
to regain at least a limited number of viewers in the middle of the artist was able to the 1980's in the creative short-term impressions of the pilot member MOSHa, where among other works were exhibited in Moscow nonconformists È Bulatova , Chuikov , G. Bruskin , L. Purygina . An important milestone of the way Rotanov considered exhibition «Scientific and technical progress and the arts» (Moscow, 1986), where he was introduced alongside the classics of the avant-garde - V. Tatlin , A. Drevin , A. Ekster , A. , etc. - and contemporaries such as Zlotnikov and D. Plavinsky . From this moment Rotanov regularly participated in group exhibitions, including those abroad. This is where there is a vast reservoir of creativity. The first collector of Rotanova became George Kostaki , but in the post-Soviet years, many works that the author himself as the best, «gone» abroad, and present their fate is unknown.
drawing scenes of everyday life, the master of a complex set formal objectives, in which resorted to a wide range of techniques and stylistic trends. The range of the artist and used them «links» stretches from the ancient Russian icons and heritage of the Silver Age to fovizma, abstract expressionism, minimalism and avant-garde during the second half of the twentieth century. Abstract compositions alternate with figurative, natural motifs are supplemented by conventional devices, geometrizovannym ornamentation; canvases are often introduced in the caption, the structural and geometric motifs, and the division into area-«branding», each with its own unfolding story. Rotanov readily apply «the principle of collage», characteristic of the art of the past century. The schedule he risks to combine on a single sheet prints in various techniques engravings, pencil drawings, watercolors and stickers, and experimenting with texture, in giving its arsenal of textiles and the author's paper with embossing.
The exposition includes about a hundred paintings and drawings created from 1968 to 2002, from the collection of the author and private collections. A special section of manuscript collections of poetry, Basho, AM , M. Tsvetaeva, G. Aigi and others in the execution of Nicholas Rotanova.
The exhibition is open from April 22 to May 24, 2009.
Source : Press Releases TG
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