Art Investment

Oleg Savostyuk of the Russian Academy of Arts

In the Russian Academy of Fine Arts hosts exhibition of Oleg Savostyuka

In the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (Prechistenka, 21) runs a personal exhibition of People's Artist of Russia, Full Member of Russian Academy of Arts, Professor Oleg Oleg Savostyuka .

The Art of Oleg Savostyuka inextricably linked with their time. The generation to which the author entered the artistic life in the late 50's - early 60-ies of the last century, when the updated imagery means of art, artists increasingly turned to a wide range of traditions.

Oleg Savostyuk was born in 1927 in Moscow. In 1953 graduated from Moscow State Art Institute. VI Surikov. His studies Oleg began under the leadership of renowned painters Vasily B. Pochitalova , D. Mochalskogo , S. Gerasimova . Studies occurred in the postwar years, when the arena of innovation in the arts, among other types of artistic expression has become a poster. Hobby poster was also connected with the fact that the teacher was well-known Soviet graphic artist, associate Mayakovsky, one of the founders of «Window GROWTH» M. Cheremnykh , lessons, and communion with the still Oleg remembers with great gratitude and affection.

Designer diverse creative interests, Savostyuk marked himself as a painter, graphic artist and, of course, the poster. In this field of art for more than 30 years he worked in close collaboration with renowned artist BA Ouspensky . Creative commonwealth «Savostyuk - Uspenskiy» was a significant artistic phenomenon. The artists say the new word in art posters, poster created a new genre - monumental art. Of particular fame posters on the various events of space exploration, Victory Day in World War II. These draw posters using purely beautiful receptions marked a bright individual identity, a dynamic artistic and expressive language, were a landmark for Soviet art.

The exhibition presents paintings and graphic works Savostyuka, theatrical posters. Theater, music, ballet, throughout the life of the painter were his passion. In the theatrical poster showed a bright, refined, elegant taste of the artist. Over the years he has created posters for many major productions Bolshoi ( «Nutcracker» Tchaikovsky, «Ivan the Terrible» Prokofiev, «Seagull» R. Shchedrin, «Golden Age» Shostakovich, «Gusar ballad» T. Khrennikov etc.), a lot of time drawing on the performances, and rehearsal halls, working closely with the famous choreographer Yuri Grigorovich GABTa. Impressions from the translated seen not only in the wonderful posters, flyers, but transformed into portrait images, composite images. Portrait genre enjoyed another artist in the years of apprenticeship. Savostyuk created a whole gallery of portraits of our contemporaries - people of culture and the arts, sports, family, home, images of such outstanding and unlike people like Metropolitan Pitirim and Marshal K. Rokossovsky, M. Cheremnykh artist and pianist Nikolai Petrov.

The beauty of nature has always been a sense of delight at the artist. An extensive series of works devoted to Karelia, where he often visited, as well as the nature of the Moscow region. In painting Savostyuka inclined to play mischief, good joke, there is the spirit of the festival and fairs. In its beauty, bather, the Russian Madonna, in the large and luxurious «menu» is something of pagan goddesses and folk Boyarynya, guessed, and deeper roots, a blend of sources and bias - a children's drawing and Russian splint, world artless folk toys and elegant «balaganchika» Silver Age.

Oleg - an excellent teacher, professor, head of studio at the Moscow Academic Art Institute. VI Surikov. While teaching work in 1962, he taught more than one generation of artists, many of them today - well-known masters.

Savostyuka exhibitions were held in many cities of Russia and the CIS - Petrozavodsk, Penza, Kirov, Baku, Omsk, Orenburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and others, his work has been exhibited in many countries around the world.

Artworks Savostyuka are the property of major museum collections in our country - the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, the many museums and art galleries of the Russian Federation, domestic and foreign private collections.

exhibition in the halls of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (Prechistenka, 21) is open until March 15.


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