Open 245-е the Auction
Traditional twenty lots — is eight paintings, five of the original sheets and three — printed graphics and four works in mixed media
the fee from buyers is 18 %.
Catalogue of the Auction № 245
Selected lots of the Auction № 245
CHAGALL, Marc Zaharovich (1887-1985) meet with the farmer ("Rencontre D'un Paysan"). Sheet XXXVII of 1-го volume of the book of Gogol's Dead souls (Les Âmes mortes, Paris: ed-во Tériade, 1948). 1923-1927
Paper, etching, drypoint. 29,8 x 23,5 (sheet light) 27,8 × 21,5 (image)CHEMIAKIN, Mikhail (1943) Street doctor. From the series "Carnival of St.-Петербурга". 1995
Arches Paper, lithography. 34,5 × 34,5 (leaf), 29,4 x 29,4 (image)
a large section of scenery opens the oil "Winter evening" (1957) Nikolai Petrovich Glushchenko — thing of the middle period of his work, written after returning to the Soviet Union, at home, in Kiev Mature, strong master.
Marina "In the Caspian sea" (1967) Yakov Dorofeevich Romas of — field study, done in the technique "a la prima". As the expert writes, "small dense dynamic strokes are smoothed in the upper part of the image of the sky and texture in the bottom image of the rolling waves and human figurines masterfully conveys the state of wind, sea and intense sunlight".
"Undoubted Museum value" — certificate expert so huge (48,8 x 98,7 cm light) charcoal drawing Paul-Петровича Sokolova-Скаля "Landscape with river" (2-я third of the twentieth century), which fully demonstrated the author's remarkable skill as a draftsman.
In the late 1960-х created monotype "March" (1968) Rostislav Nikolayevich Barto — work in the complex author's technique, which the artist, according to the recollections of colleagues, in his later years, brought to amazing perfection.
"the Carp" (2011) contemporary artist-гиперреалиста Sergei Andreyevich Geta — is an underwater landscape. As if from the depths of the artist looking at the water, at the top where the sun is spinning pack Karpov, generously scattering in all directions sun glare.
Moonlight-drenched figure of a galloping horse on an emotional and dynamic canvas "the Moon" (2000) sixties Victor Semyonovich Kazarin.
"By all the horrors of modern art I walk, eyes closed, , — says the artist Natalia I. Nesterov. — If you're looking for suffering, in what-то moment just lathered the rope. Art should elevate the human spirit, not to rip the soul apart". Here's that lifts the human spirit, appears to us a large gouache "Sparrows" (2010), created in a recognizable manner and filled with the sun and sea air.
On the border of landscape and still life there is a big, emotional, multifaceted and mnohosmyslov canvas Oscar Yakovlevich Rabin "the Stairs in Montmartre" (2018); in it, the author again turned blue Cup with daisies — favorite motif last time.
And here is a real still life. Bright impasto on canvas "untitled (still life with flowers and fruit)" (2002) Aaron Froimovich Buch — decorative work in a unique manner.
Genre section opens with the painting "Children at the table" (1930-е) student V. N. Baksheeva, K. A. Korovin, S. V. Malyutin, N. Kasatkina, A. Arkhipov Yakov Alexandrovich Bashilova — sample late work of a remarkable artist-жанриста. Bashilov many years taught at various schools — from courses in pre-school education up to the Workshops, much time was given to artistic education and upbringing of children, has written several books on children's creativity. Our picture, despite the low-key palette, — wonderful way children's holiday when at the table, except small members, even the cat and a Teddy bear. And all the fun!
Canvas "New crop" (2018) of the modern artist Alexander Savko is made in a recognizable author's style and inhabited by his favorite heroines — with snow white.
the Next section — literary-театральный. It amounted to three works.
Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova belongs gouache costume design of Sergey — the main character of Prokofiev's ballet "On the Dnieper", delivered the chief Director of the Paris Grand Opera Sergei levarem in the scenery of Mikhail Larionov and costumes Natalia Goncharova. The premiere took place on 16 December 1932 under the title "Sur le Borysthène" — "Borysfen": the original French name was hard to pronounce, so Dnepr replaced it with the Greek name, Borisfen. the Artist wrote: "...I decided to build an ensemble of costumes in the colours of the autumn colors. <...> ...form, above all, comfortable for dancing, which will not restrict any movement, choreographed, and at the same time giving the opportunity to increase the impression of a color". "the color of each suit, — the expert, — is not only an integral part of the overall decorative decisions, but also reflected the nature of the character. Costumes... carefree Sergei was supposed to be bright, saturated colors".
Theatrical not formally, but in fact lithography Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin "Street doctor" from the series "Carnival of St.-Петербурга" (1995). This bright, decorative ironic thing is accompanied by a Certificate St-петербургского Fund of artist Mikhail Shemyakin.
Draw a graphic "meet the farmer" Marc Chagall — sheet XXXVII of 1-го volume two-volume edition of Gogol's "Dead souls", published by the Paris publisher Tériade edition of 368 copies in 1948, with 96 illustrations made by Marc Chagall in the years 1923-1927.
Only in this directory Nude — is "the Model" (1965) Alexander Arkadevich Labas, originating from the artist's family. Large (53,5 × 37,4) watercolor just does not seem the usual full-scale studies. Even the book that "reads" a model may not prevent the aura of sensuality which the artist gavewomen in their delicate, minimalistic in color and composition difficult watercolors.
as an Example of pure abstraction supports the work of marker and pencils on paper "untitled" (1968) bright representative of the Leningrad underground Evgeniy G. mihneva-Войтенко.
Kind of section, the contents of which it does not distribute what-то other Thong, — let's call the section "author of the genre."
Opens his oil "the Horror" (1972) Yuri Vasilievich Vasiliev (MON) — pure emotion, a reflection of the state. Recognizable — of course. In 1972-м the artist visited for the first time in Japan that he had a close creative relationship. Under the impression of the trip artist has created a large number of paintings, in particular the "Fuji-сан", "White roses Yokohama", "Bay beaches" and others. It is possible that the origins of our work is also to be found in this trip.
As is known, the cataloging of works of the sixties — is complicated. The reasons are many, you can read about in various publications, and dwell on them again no sense now. But the fact that our auction collection includes work not just catalogued and reproduced in color — is already an event. Large (137,5 × 88), software, recognizable, important in the work of Lev Evgenievich Kropivnitsky the canvas is the "Spirit working in the flesh" (1990) can be seen in the album "Leo Kropiwnicki. 1922-1994 : Life and work", compiled by the artist's widow on his archive and published in Moscow in 1995.
Jack — is the author's genre of the artist Vladimir Nikolaevich Nemukhin. In our current catalog is conveniently located in the draw "Jack "Casino"" (2011), a brief history of which we will attempt to follow. So, in 1993, the artist created acrylic "Jack cylinder", 2010-м was born, also in acrylic, it is the author's version under the title "Jack of spades "Casino"". The differences between these two works belong rather to philosophy than to the purely compositional problems (by the way, is a feature of almost all versions of the artist): in particular, in earlier version we can see two aces — peak and Jack, late — cards are turned face down, the evidence gave way to uncertainty. A year later the artist for reproduction in the edition chose the key, but still a fragment of "Jack "Casino"" (2011). It turned out a thing minimalistic, stylish net — and one of the author of her prints we offer today.
, And another example of the author's genre — lottery printing on metal "angel Eyes" (2016) Konstantin Khudyakov with the participation of Alexander Medvedev Sploshnov. "the Appearance of this pattern is associated with the bee. All my friends know that I am fond of macro photography. Once the children of a shepherd brought me for shots of a bumblebee in a matchbox. I put it in the glove compartment and forgotten. Two days later went to Moscow and heard him humming. Bumblebee was alive, and was covered in paper flour. I felt ashamed. I put it in a jar, put greens, and just three minutes it cleared, it became brilliant. I started to take his close-up and found what his amazing mesh eyes. Then opened the jar and released the bees in the open window. While off photos, noticed that it flew in through the open window into the room, flew around me and went back out on the street. Then I looked out the window and realized that angel flies. So there was this picture. I realized that bumblebee gave me the opportunity to make a huge project" (Konstantin Khudyakov).
Those who are going first to buy a painting or drawing, would be helpful to know that no monitor ever authentic will not give works of art. Color, texture, not to mention the aura of a particular work, the impression from the meeting with her, the monitor is not subject. Good thing he can do at least wishy-washy, and not very good, on the contrary, to embellish (the last one we have, but it is fair to say it's worth). In addition, each person sees and feels by-своему. So come see all the work with my own eyes we have, Gorokhovsky, 7 (only need to call and make an appointment).
we Wish you all a good bargain and good shopping!
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