Art Investment

In New York, sold the work of Goncharova, Anisfeld and Burliuk

Results of the New York auction of impressionists and modernists, Sotheby's

yesterday in New York held auction the works of impressionists and modernists, arranged by Sotheby's. The result - 3,5 million dollars. Top lot was sanguine Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Pierre-Auguste Renoir), exceeded the upper estimeyt more than three-fold: the buyer laid out for her 122 thousand dollars (estimate 30-40 thousand). 104,5 thousand brought the picture "We did not last," the Italian artist Antonio Mucić Zoran (Zoran Antonio Music), received the same pre-assessment. In third place - painting French painter of the XIX century Gonetta Norbert (Norbert Goeneutte) «Living in the Japanese style, pushed for 80,5 thousand in Estima 15-25 thousand. But the picture of Pierre Bonnard (Pierre Bonnard) «Beyond the town. Ploughing, which auction house experts had predicted the care of 60-80 thousand, the buyer is not found.

at the auction was also exhibited a significant number of works by Russian artists. One of the most expensive work was watercolor Natalia Goncharova «dogwood flowers sold for 37,5 thousand in the assessment 15-20 thousand. She comes from the collection of spouses Schreiber, who is considered one of the best collections of Russian art in the United States. Nov. 2 at Sotheby's Russian sales appeared twenty works with this provenance . Belonged to the same collectors "Luchistskaya composition" spouse Goncharova Mikhail Larionov also crossed a preliminary assessment - she went for 25 thousand dollars at Estima 12-18 thousand.

As Russian units from other collections, it is worth noting the success of paintings Boris Anisfeld ( "cherry tree in spring, 47 thousand in the evaluation 18-25 thousand) and Glyukmana (« Bathers in forest, 44 thousand in the Estima 15-25 thousand). It is also well dispersed paintings Burliuk . The most expensive was the "Workshop Burliuk", which bought a 44 thousand (estimate 20-30 thousand).

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